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The guys rocked the Sheboygan crowd to their feet! After the show they each came out to the snow fence to sign autographs and take photos. We had to say goodbye to Heather, John and Virginia because they were heading back to their motel but not before a group photo was taken.

Lori had brought a cake to celebrate the fans who had Summer birthdays including Henry and had given it to Hank4 to put aside after we arrived there. Lori and I told Henry how good we thought his hair looked. After the guys mingled about a bit, I heard Henry say to a security guy, "you can't tell me how many people I can bring back here". Someone wanted to know how many of us were now left in our group. We didn't know what that was all about as none of us had ever heard of there being a limit on how many people an artist(s) could take backstage. :( Inspite of Henry arguing with the guy (thanks Henry!), Chris came out and got Lori, Tracy and the kids...they're more like family and afterall they had to turn over the proceeds from the auction to them.

The rest of us patiently waited. This is the cheap blue wine I had gotten to give to Henry and I LOVE this photo of Henry and Lori!

A little while later Lori, Tracy and the kids emerged and brought a message from Henry that he would see us at the motel later that night. The majority of us headed to the Baymont Inn while Dave and Jenn headed to the Super 8 to freshen up and then we went to get something to eat. By the way Tracy and Matt, I have an accent? Matt has a very heavy MO accent while I didn't detect any in Kristina's speech. After we were through, we headed to the Super 8 where the guys were also staying. After hanging out in the parking lot a while because Jenn told us Dave was watching a movie "Terminator 2" I think it was, Dave came out with his cooler and Lori and Tracy grabbed theirs and the blender and we headed for Dave and Jenn's room. Lori and I had taken a wrong turn down a hallway enroute and ran right into Dave and Anthony golfing in the hallway. We tried to be quiet but apparently we weren't quiet enough because the desk clerk came up and broke us up, saying there were fishermen trying to get some sleep. If they wanted sleep, they should have checked in at the Baymont! LOL

We started the party in Dave and Jenn's room and at one point some of us had walked outside wondering where the rest of the guys were. The desk clerk who by now really needed to get a life, sought us out saying that Whitesnake or some group stayed there the night before and kept everyone awake. I still think she was about drunk or something. She was off the clock and was still hanging around.

Hey Taylor, no more virgin margaritas for you...your eyes are red!

Back in the room, it was getting kind of late and I assumed Henry was asleep by now and we'd just have to see him the next day. It must have been around 1:40A when Chris got a call from Henry asking where the party was. I was not aware of that at the time...the room was not that big so God only knows where I was then. Someone knocked on the door and when I opened it, there stood Henry in short shorts...OH MY...why me God? Lori said, "you should have seen the look on my face when I saw him standing there". Was it a goofy look, a surprise look or an "OH MY GOD!!" look? He came in to party with us and Lori gave him one of her famous margaritas. He said since he wasn't getting any sleep because his room was directly under where we were, he might as well join us. (Again?...sorry!) I gave the kids my room key and told them to take the party there so the older people could talk. Pretty long brown legs? Don't talk about me like I'm not here! LOL For some reason, the air conditioner had kicked off and I went and sat on it in front of the open window next to where Henry was sitting. It got too hot there with him in those shorts so I moved to the cooler! Henry asked if my butt got too cold sitting on the air conditioner. Just the opposite, the air conditioner wasn't working! LOL

We sat talking for quite some time and Henry told us how much he loves BlackHawk's fans (maybe it's because he now knows we should all be in a padded room!)and assured us that his heart is in BlackHawk and that the Outlaws Reunion Tour was just something fun to do. Someone mentioned something about considering being kept? I think it was Dave but I'm not sure. It did get a laugh though! The kids stayed out in the parking lot and we could hear them talking the whole time. That desk clerk must have finally gone home. Lori was examining his knee that he recently hurt probably biking too many miles a week? Are you nuts...none of us are getting any younger and there is such a thing as over doing it! He said he lost 35lbs. and has a goal. He looks great but he doesn't need to lose anymore weight! Remember I had my police shirt on? He now knows where Penns Grove is but he didn't know a couple of years ago. Sure anyone can look at a map! I know if I were anywhere near Nashville I'd call my friends down there. At least if I get the developer of the $65,000,000. river front project to book BlackHawk for the grand opening, he'd have an idea where it is.

After a few drinks, Henry said goodnight and headed for his room. I was inclined to walk him back there so he didn't get kidnapped but I didn't want him to think I was stalking him! LOL We then moved the party down the road to my room.

The dance of the sugarplum ghetto fairies!

Hank4 kept the music playing on the TV and hey, don't talk about me like I'm not here! (again) At one point, Lori and I sat at the desk trying to surf the net and Buck gave me a Coney Island coaster ride. I swear it felt just like I was on that ride!

Hey Taylor, you're supposed to be acting like your asleep!

Another Blair Witch project? I don't remember this position

It was now getting really late and everyone was getting whipped. I was retaining fluid and knew I had to lay down. My feet are really not that big! Everyone left and once again the sun was coming up by the time I got to bed. We'll always remember Sheboygan and Tyler's dance that became Hank4's dance also. It was the night that we escaped!

For the last leg of this journey, FOLLOW US TO GREEN BAY!!!

BlackHawk Live!
