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The sweetest guys you'd ever want to meet!

Here's Jimmy..."this is fun!" :)

<----Chris and Randy---->

<----Johnny and Dave---->

Nice legs Henry!! Oh my...major melt down!!!!

Chris, "what tribe are you from?" was rather original but "come here often sailor" may have sufficed, don't you think? LOL Jimmy, we're glad you got the gig there too! I think you were destined to be a part of BH. Wynonna is a beautiful woman but from my perspective the view is now a lot nicer. ;)

Dave, when you get to be my age, you know just what to do! LOL

Randy, thanks for this!

John, we made it back to NJ safely, thank you! I bet PA misses you.

See you in CT in Sept...what a blast!!! Stay safe on the road!

