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We head downtown to park the car on 3rd where I remembered there being a parking garage. It's getting late and we've got to get to B.B. King's restaurant and club where I had wanted to catch Marty Rivers, Greg Alan and Richie Fields' performances. When we got to the club, someone I was not familiar with was performing so we hopped over to Coyote Ugly to check that out.

Yep, the girls do dance on the bar

On the way out, we ran into(literally) Jackie, Lil's partner and choreographer of the girls who compete for the next spot at a Coyote Ugly bar. We then went back to B.B. King's and they now had tables with merchandise and CD's of the performers. I headed straight to Richie's table for his CD. After I purchased it, the lady called to Richie when I told her I was one of his My Space and DR friends. He came over and said...Cheryl! and gave me a hug. I asked him to sign the CD which he did and we chatted a bit and then took photos. I didn't want to miss his performance so he told me roughly what time he'd be going on.

We had to find a rest room and we stopped to check the schedule posted outside and it appeared at one point that they were not going in order. We grabbed something and returned to catch Angela Hacker's performance and I asked what time Marty was going on.

The girl said that Marty had already been on but she thought he was still around. She found him and we said hello and chatted a bit. I was bummed that I missed his performance as he had sang "I'm Available". :( I had bought Marty's CD some time ago so a photo was in order.

Like Richie, I knew Marty would be as equally nice and he was! After watching a couple of other performances, we went for something to eat. I knew I was going to miss Greg Alan's performance but I didn't eat much at Trisha's party and I was starting to get light-headed. The performances we saw were on the lower level whereas the restaurant was on the first floor. After eating we walked around a bit. It was SO good to be back in Nashville after a long time away and there were so many people this year!! We made a stop in Tootsie's, Legends and The Stage. I believe it was in Legends that we caught Jypsi. Those gals and guy rocked! After retrieving the rental, we headed back to our room. It was a fun day with more fun to come! Friday morning, it was off to the Waffle House for breakfast again. Then back to the room to get ready for Buddy Jewell's party which was to start at 2:00Pm. We got directions to Bell Rd. and to where the party was to be held. ***Before I forget, Richie's performance at B.B. Kings was really good!!! Because of time constraints and the number of performers, each artist was permitted to do two songs and one of the ones Richie did was "Man Enough to Cry". Oh, when Richie started to sign my CD, he asked what my real name was. LOL Who would assume the name Cheryl? If I were to utilize an assumed name it would probably be's much more intriguing. After which we saw a couple of more performances including a guy named Nick Nicholson. I'd never heard of him before but he was rather good, as well as a very young girl named Natalie Rose.

Here Natalie is signing a photo for Charmaine's Grandson

We also got a few free CD's. We arrived at Buddy's party and he was in the banquet room setting up the audio system. Since they were still preparing the room, we had to wait a little while before being let in. It was then that I met Diane and Jim from NY. Diane and I first became acquainted on DR. Very nice people! At most parties, the artist makes an entrance from elsewhere but since Buddy was already there, he stayed and walked around mingling with everyone. Buddy is such a sweet guy and his pretty wife and beautiful kids were there too.

The Jewells

There was a silent auction for St. Judes and Buddy made available his new CD in it's stripped down version minus the art work. I love "This Ain't Mexico". Charmaine asked someone if she could video tape Buddy's performance. So before Buddy started to sing, he said by all means video him singing and please do put it on youtube! (publicity is publicity and he's not with a major label right now) In between songs, Buddy drew raffle tickets for door prizes.

Peter Dula sings with Buddy

Afterwards it was photos and autographs time. When I got to Buddy, I asked about an email I received that was supposedly from him. He said he did write and he writes all of his emails. I just love Buddy, he's like a big old teddy bear who's losing it's stuffing and he looks really good!! I thanked him for the party and gave him a hug.

The auction had closed and it was soon time to gather my winnings and for us to leave. Speeding things up now...before I left home I printed up who was going to be where performing, as much as I could anyway. On Indian Rodeo's My Space, it said he'd be at the Ernest Tubb Record shop this day from 6:P-7:P So we headed on downtown where my friend Sheron (hey sweetie!) met us at the shop. How disappointing it was when we found out it was the day before. We hopped on over to the Cadillac Ranch where I knew Billy Reasons would be performing and sure enough he was on stage singing.

Good job Billy! After which Ansel Brown mingled with people introducing himself and I got a hug...woohoo!! Ansel is really animated on the stage and really sings to the audience!

After his performance he said he'd be signing autographs. I bought a denim jacket 2 years ago with the hopes of getting a lot of signatures on it to someday donate it to a charity auction. This one I will not be wearing. Charlie Daniels was the first to sign it. I had Marty, Ansel and Angela Hacker sign it. The following day we returned to the Cadillac Ranch and Brynn Marie was on stage singing. She then came out front and signed autographs and was joined by Billy and yes, I got their CD's and autographs. Brynn is as pretty in person as she is in photos. Billy even signed mine "to his DR Buddy"...
