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Garth on Good Morning America
(The date was 11/16/01, inspite of the date stamp on the photos)

Anthony, Val and Me

Before the show

For those of you who saw GMA on 11/16/01, you know that the ABC studio that plays host to the Good Morning America production, rocked once again!!! The last time that studio felt the impact of such an incredible event was 10/22/00 with the appearance of Chris Gaines and his band. But on this very auspicious occasion, this studio witnessed the reunion of several old friends. You start with Garth Brooks, then you add Mike Palmer, then Mark Greenwood, then Jimmy Mattingly, then Tyler (it's back to Ty again) England and stir in a heaping helping of the incredible Terry McMillan. What you end up with is, the true definition of good music!

Behind the scenes, what you couldn't see was there were precisely 8 Garthnutts in attendance with hopes of somehow being a part of this momentous occasion. It appeared that this was not to be as the audience numbers in reserve were already at capacity but the Garthangels on earth were working overtime. In doing so, they were not only able to secure a position for the aforementioned Garthnutts but at a side of the stage not normally designated for GMA's audience. When I say side, I mean Garth was but a mere 8' away and Jimmy less than that. It was an incredible day that I won't ever forget! Sure I saw the concert at the Forum Wednesday night on TV's not the same.

So, thank you Garthangels...I highly appreciate what you did and I won't soon forget it!!!

We saw Garth briefly once he arrived for the show and then hugs were more the order than anything. But thanks to the Garthangels who know they are, including Karen Byrd and the 'G'man himself we were ushered through the stage door where only studio people and the celebrity guests are permitted, as Garth's "invited guests"!!! After the show, he stayed only a short time to sign some autographs, wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and then he was off for home.

BTW, one of THE highlights of the day for me was seeing Ty again and getting to give him a hug! His CD, "Highways and Dance Halls" is one the very best in my collection. But it's a damn shame it never got the airplay it deserves. I am still so angry with Capitol about that...grrrrrr!
