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John Parrendo w/Chris Cagle!
Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe, PA 3/30/06
I don't understand why so many photos turned out fuzzy. :(

About a week and a half ago, I learned that John would be going out on tour with Chris and that they would be playing at Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe, PA. I mapped the route and ordered tickets. Ummm, actually I ordered 2 pairs of tickets because the first pair were pretty far back of the concert hall and the second pair were closer to the stage. Don't tell John because I wouldn't want him to think I was nuts or anything. It's only money right?

Toni and I set out on our journey the morning of the show. I'd never been to the Pocono Mountains before and I soon found out why. As we climbed those mountains, my vertigo was screaming! Normally I don't mind driving but this was one time that I was so glad Toni drove. There were times while ascending or descending those mountains that I had to close my eyes. This was the second time that I would face this condition; with the first being when I took a small plane to KY to see BlackHawk. You do what you have to do! Once we arrived at the Best Western in Blakeslee, PA (very nice btw), I was completely spent...having experienced a phobia especially when it's intense can be taxing. I talked to John and he said he would be leaving the tickets and passes that he had told me about six days prior at will-call. He also said they'd gotten lost 3 times and the bus had a hard time making it up the mountain to the venue. After Toni and I did some exploring, we got ready to head to Penn's Peak. Once there, we picked up the tickets I'd ordered and John's tickets and passes had not arrived yet. We then found ourselves in the restaurant and it was hello, John?? We missed his call. Then we headed for the deck (on the deck btw, you're higher than most of the trees and can see for miles and miles which I thought was...oh great...kill me now and get it over with) and then the concert hall after we checked will-call again with negative results. Once inside the hall, a security guy asked if my name was on the list at will-call. YES...John is a man of his word and the people in Jim Thorpe, while nice enough, must be in a twilight zone kind of frame of mind when there's no snow at the ski resorts and no tourists. It turned out that the tickets John got us were even closer to the stage. That was what he tried to tell me when I missed his call. A short while later, John came out into the concert hall looking for us. Seems we kept missing each other throughout the day.

John looked wonderful and so fit! We chatted for a while and he pointed out the guy that would be taking us backstage. He said if there were any problem to tell the guy I was a good friend of his and if worse came to worse to call him on his cell. There was no problem and looking around I never doubted there would be. I asked if they would be staying around for a little while after the show so we could talk some more inspite of the fact they had to be in Baltimore the next day. John said that initially they were going to be leaving pretty much right after the show but when Chris found out that Baltimore was not that far from there, they would be leaving the venue at about midnight and head to the hotel and pull out from there around 9:00am. :D :D :D

Standing by one of the guitars

It's C-H-E-R-Y-L? You got it Chris!

Toni didn't want her photo taken with Chris and well I just had to. LOL I like Chris and he really puts on a high energy show and is very nice but I was there to see John and to see him play. I've sorely missed John and Chris Anderson for that matter being with BlackHawk. Next to Charlie Daniels, who John often plays with, he is THE best fiddle player out there!!

As usual Chris rocked the house and when he introduced the band members, he said I want to show you why they are in my band. Of course when he introduced John Toni and I were yelling! Each member did a solo piece and the crowd erupted especially when John smoked on the fiddle like I had never seen before. Chris did most of his hits including "Anywhere But Here", "Hey Ya'll", "Wal-Mart Parking Lot", "Miss Me Baby" (the crowd went nuts!) and "Fire and Rain". During the show Chris mentioned the throat problem he'd had a couple of years ago and he said that if he sounded horse it was because he quit smoking 5 days ago but he was fine. Twice during the show, he had to tell a lady to stop videoing. He said that it's part of his contract with the label and he wasn't about to lose his contract for something like that. He also said he had been in the hospital a couple of days recently with a bad case of sinusitis but that he would give all he had. When Chris and the guys left he stage, they returned to chants for an encore and they gave it all they had!!!

I had told John that we'd be out in the parking lot after the show because I had something for him. So out we went and Toni got the gift out of the car. Then we waited by the buses along with a number of others. Early in the evening I had mentioned to Toni that I was surprised not seeing anyone I knew. The base player emerged from one of the doors near the buses and some fans went over to talk to him. Ironically one lady was from Gloucester, NJ. While he and a fan were going back into the building, I called out for him to tell John where we were. Just then someone said Cheryl? I turned to see some old friends, Pat and Ed who I initially met at Club 92.5 before it closed. It was really good seeing them! I saw Ed in the concert hall and I thought he looked familiar. He had told Pat that he thought it was me but she didn't think so because I'm thinner than they last saw me and my hair is longer. I told them we were waiting for John the fiddle player who is a friend of mine and they said he was still on the stage when they came out. Shortly after, John emerged and I told him he was incredible in there!! I introduced him to Pat and Ed and they echoed my sentiments. We all chatted for a while and Pat and Ed had to get going. I gave John the gift he his holding in this photo and told him that when he got back home, he and his wife could enjoy it.

Wine from New Jersey

I had wanted to take a photo of John holding the gift but he insisted I get in the photo also. It was getting late and we were drained and cold so we said our goodbyes, hugged, told each other to be safe and that we'd be in touch and we were off...headed back down that mountain. It was not that bad this time because it was dark! LOL

The tickets I purchased

The ticket/pass that John left for us

Some photos I shot from my camera phone on the way home...

Going through the Lehigh Valley Tunnel

It was a fun time and the weather was gorgeous with the temps being in the 70's both days! Did I forget to mention just how much of a sweetie John is and how hot he is!!! :D :D :D Trust me I was not the only one who thinks he's hot. Don't worry John, I got your back and I'm not going to let anyone kidnap you!! Until I see you in August if not sooner, stay safe!

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