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Opening one. It was just RLASWC at Appel Farm 12/2/00...Woooohoooo!!!!
Randy and the guys not only got to showcase the songs they've cut but Randy also performed some gospel tunes. OMG...what talent the rest of the world has yet to see!!!!!!

I enlarged the photo on the right and gave it to Randy at the next show. He asked me to autograph it to him. How cool is that??


Opening for.......Collin Raye 3/24/01

Signing autographs before the show

Randy carrying off the flowers I gave him at the stage-->

Opening for.......Sawyer Brown 3/15/02 Who's Sawyer Brown? :)

<---Billy....and Bob(who filled in for Todd--->

More new fans who can't wait to see RLASWC again!

Mike on the left and Randy's very pretty wife Melissa on the right

Randy looks great in Hawaiian shirts. Hmmm...have to remember to
make a stop at a certain place in Nashville in June. :)

Set Sail*
Shore Thing*
Sit Back Down*
Alone Tonight
Consider It Done
Florida Wasn't So Hot*
She Hit Me*
Before The Rain Begins
Exactly What I Did
Depend on Me

When my friends and I heard that Sawyer Brown was coming back to our area, I hadn't planned on going...had just seen them last year. Don't get me wrong, they put on a really good show but it wasn't until RLASWC was added to the bill that nothing would stop me from going.

Well, that's it for now but stay tuned. As you may know, I go to alot of concerts and I consider myself a good judge of talent. So, you need to do yourself a favor and go to see these guys whenever and wherever you won't be disappointed, I promise you. I'm praying that they get a deal with a major label so the rest of the world can enjoy their music!!! How I long to hear myself say I'm going to Nashville to see RLASWC on the Grand Ole Opry. BTW, RLASWC have cut 4 albums altogether. I have all 4 but the one that's missing here, "Randy Lee Ashcraft" is on loan to a friend and I haven't scanned the cover yet. You can find them all as well as the tour schedule, etc. at RLASWC's website WHAT are you waiting for?

He's coming back!!!
(March 13, 2004)


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