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Montana West "Hungered" For Steve Holy!

Finally a photo that wasn't lost! Thanks Steve!!

Steve made a huge impression on the crowd at Montana West, but then again, he has a tendancy of doing that wherever he performs. It was uncertain as to whether Steve would sign after the show but thanks to him and Lyle he did. When I approached Steve, he said...hey, you were down front(Hmmm...where have I heard that before? LOL) I handed Steve my CD cover to sign and he asked my name. After which, this photo was taken. I then thanked him and kissed him on the cheek and told him the last photo I had with him was lost. He said...WHO lost the photo!? I told him the developers lost it but that they wouldn't lose this one and I hoped to make it to his fan club party this year. Such a sweet, immensely talented was a Good Evening Beautiful night!!!

Steve at Club 92.5- 2001

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