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The Tin Roof

We arrived at the party a little late but there was still time to wait to get inside as the club owners had forgotten to close the doors and people kept coming in to eat. We waited and waited and it was hot and if you've ever been to the Tin Roof before, you know it's a long narrow building with the stage at one end. We joined Jim and Cathy in line and hey...there's Bob who came over to say hello. Bob's the guy who looks incredibly like Garth but in a weird way more intense if that's possible. We had to come up with a plan where we could get a seat as near to the stage as possible once they let us in. Jim and Cathy had the perfect plan and once inside grabbed a table.

At one point I had gotten up to walk outside and ran right into Ty. After having only seen me a few times he recognized me and I got a hug...he is the sweetest I swear!! He's also the most unrecognized traditional talent out there. When the huge debate waged over what's country and what's not, the answer was right there under everyone's nose! I will always love Ty because of his geniune heart...there's no pretense, no BS...this kid from OK (I can say kid because I'm older okay!) is the real deal. He loves the art of the song and he's spoken of how he and Shanna get up in the wee hours of the morning and do what they call "cold calling". They will make the calls telling everyone who will listen that they would like to play at their fair, festival or bar and they put together press packages to follow. Ty could have easily ridden the coat tails of his friend Garth but he chose to do it his own way. When the industry recognizes the mistake they made in not supporting you 100% we can all chime in with "we told you and where the hell were you?"

Love ya to bits Ty! If that potential investor is smart, he'll invest in you!!
Thanks for another fun party!!!

Ty's Booth at the Convention Center

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