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Thanks for a fun day Henry...OMG!!!

I simply adore these guys! :)

(rule 1. If you don't say anything to me while the photo's being taken, I don't have to respond and end up with a dorky look on my face. Gee Henry, thanks for saying "it's not as hot this time"!LOL) Cowtails anyone??

During the show, I held up a sign that said, "Oh My God"!!! I knew Henry would know what it meant and he did! :) (If you read my story from the Club 92.5 concert, you'll know what I'm talking about.) Inspite of the many artists I've met, every once in a while something happens to warrant such a reaction. I'm not exactly stoic around these guys...okay, it's more like...speechless, can't breathe, freaking out, brain-dead yet completely in control...NOT!!! I blew him a kiss as they were leaving the stage and he blew one back to me.:) During the meet~n~greet(thanks Carol!), Henry said...hey Cheryl it's good to see you again!(wait, he just called me by my name. LOL) I handed him the photo of Val and I and Dave and him to sign and Henry tried to remember where in MA it was taken. Dave remembered and Henry then acknowledged that it was W. Springfield, MA and said, hey...we have the same clothes on, we need new clothes! I told them they always look awesome and they both said, I do to!! Awww...even though I didn't think so, it works for me! LOL If you haven't guessed by now...this is my favorite group and I finally got my Grey Ghost album signed at the 2002 Acoustic Benefit concert during Fan Fair! matter what, please...please...please don't let the music die!!!!

Van Stephenson
~Sail on Van~

