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Phil Rocked the Campus of the HCC!!
Hagerstown, MD

What a day!!! Charmaine and I arrived at the Hagerstown Community College at 10:15A and we were the first ones there. We decided to go get some breakfast and to look for the bus at the nearby hotels. Didn't find it...decided to explore the campus and ended up finding the road that led behind the ampitheater and we saw Phil's bus, which I originally thought was Trick Pony's because I hadn't seen it before. As we're heading toward the bus, a cop car is blocking the road near the bus but the cop gets in the car moves it and starts to motion for us to come forward. Now, I knew he must of thought we were roadies or radio people so I turned around instead. We drove back to the entrance of the campus and parked a while hoping Phil's bus would come by. We waited and then returned to the parking lot as it was around 12:15P and they were to let people in at 1:00P.

Mitzie from Phil's website message board came over to where we were seated...3rd row orchestra was even closer than we were in CT! We chatted a while and then I saw some others I've seen at other concerts for other artists so we chatted a while. Sue told us that she was told that the band didn't check out of the hotel until 12:30P and that they beat Phil to the college, so he was late getting there.

A local band performed first for an hour, then Charmaine and I went to the lawn where you could see the corner of the rear of the stage and we saw Phil playing around with Trick Pony. I almost held up my sign about the handcuffs but he only glimpsed our way a couple of times. We took our seats just before Trick Pony came out. They are really good! Then, it was a bathroom run and drinks after they were done. We took our seats again just before Phil came out. Now, we'd heard that he and Trick Pony play pranks on each other all the time. The band came out first, with Tim wearing a ladies spaghetti-strapped camoflage(sp) Trick Pony shirt. Then Phil came out...God that man is FINE!!!! I held up the "I brought handcuffs" sign and he saw it and pointed and laughed so hard. An older lady next to me from Missouri asked to see what it was. She had also jokingly threatened to hit me over the head earlier and take my backstage pass. LOL


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