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Throughout the show Phil laughed and joked with the audience and shook hands with those down front. There was a lady and man sitting next to us with a toddler who was really into the music and was jumping up and down and dancing along. When Phil saw him, he waved at him and started jumping up and down and dancing just like him. He has alot of interaction with the audience and great showmanship!! I'd asked Joey the merchandise guy early in the day if the meet~n~greet was going to be before the show or after, he said after he thought. I saw Scott while chatting with a girl and he came up behind me and put his arm around me and asked how I was doing. Fast forward........the meet and greet was not like in CT, it was outside and rather rushed. I suspected the guys wanted to go work out or play a little before hitting the road for NC. I'd decided to get an autographed photo for Heather and Charmaine asked me to see if he would sign her CD insert.


Scott went through his usual instructions and started by saying they had to get on the bus to NC after the meet~n~greet. I scrapped the idea of asking to take him and Scott out to dinner. Anyway, it was my turn with Phil and I handed Scott the camera and walked up to Phil and put my hand on my chest. I said, okay what's my name? I just wanted to hear him say it. He said, don't even try it Cheryl (LOL) and hugged me. OMG!! I asked him if he would sign Charmaine's CD insert and the photo to Heather. I told him Val sends her love and he said to thank her for that and he thanked me for the shirt (which he said he WORE YESTERDAY!!!!) and for the flowers. I said you're welcome darlin' and I'll see you in October. Next month I am definitely going to ask him to do something a little different. Scott took our photo and the flash didn't go off. So I asked him to take another and he did. Flash still didn't go off because the camera didn't require it. LOL My eyes were so red, my allergies were really kicking. The radio station that sponsored the show had a bunch of people lined up to meet Phil after us. God bless Scott, he told them that his people go first.

There's Mitzie!

Boy do our outfits clash or what? :) My forearms can't take much more sun! LOL
(I'll never forget this special day.)
Thanks Phil for the music and for being so sweet!
BTW, my girlfriend said it was the best show she's been to in years.


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