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Poster of Garth on Display in Conference Room of Capitol Records

Copyright Cheryl White 8/2/99

Garth's Guitar on Display in Country Music Hall of Fame

Copyright Cheryl White 8/4/99

To read the story about how this guitar found a home in the "Country Music Hall of Fame"Click Here

Ty England's Guitar on Display in Country Music Hall of Fame

This is the guitar of Ty's that was smashed during the Texas concert that's on the "This Is Garth Brooks" video.

Copyright Cheryl White 8/4/99

Garth's Recording Studio(Jack's Tracks) ~ Copyright Cheryl White 8/4/99

This is an Ad that Sandy placed in "USA Today", 1/21-1/23/00 edition

This photo of Garth was taken at the
Press Conference at the Country Music Hall of
Fame for the "Scarecrow" album.

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