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Through Garth's music, I found the courage and the strength to do things I never thought I could do. I renovated these rooms, pretty much single-handedly...including new ceilings, windows in some cases, carpentry and electrical appendices, i.e. installing outlets, hanging chandeliers and ceiling fans. Whenever I'd get depressed, I'd pick up a hammer or saw and go to work! I bought this house 20 years ago(when I was 25)and it's gone through several transformations but nothing close to the way it looks now. I still have alot of work to do, but now that I know I can, I have no fear.

Little did I know that this would be the last Christmas my Mother would enjoy in this house. Christmas just hasn't been the same since.

The way it looks now

This is my Maya...she's half Jack Russell Terrier and half Beagle. Here, we are celebrating her 2nd birthday. I really wish my Mother could have known her...she's a real piece of work but she's my sweetheart. Believe it or not, she sat still long enough for 6 photos, which is not an easy feat for one whose part Jack Russell(Val can attest to that!LOL)Not much of a Garthfan though...I guess it's because the music can be too loud and because when I go on Garthadventures, she has to settle for a sitter.LOL

The Dining Room is probably my favorite room, after the bathroom where I hung an antique chandelier that I bought in Denver. This room used to be the Den with ugly blonde paneling and atrocious black and red carpeting and a wood stove. It's where I do most of my entertaining, including a Garthstock Party that I had after Central Park. I made my guests watch the HBO broadcast, even those who are not Garthfans. Needless to say, they were not disappointed. ;)

The birth of the "Trophy Room" aka guest room, whose walls are now filled with collectibles, ranging from Garth stuff to Vivian Leigh, Judy Garland, Josephine Baker, Patsy Cline, Susan Hayward, Lana Turner, Denzel Washington, Clark Gable, Chris Gaines, James Taylor, signed photos of various country artists I've met, my sports cards collection, etc. How you ever gonna know, unless you try? My Father was a jack of all trades and though I watched him do many things, as a kid, I never really knew what I could do until I found the motivation.

This patient has no heartbeat! LOL The first time I went out for Halloween with my dear friend Charmaine (the card) in a very long time.

This is a photo of North Wales that was sent to me by Carol Beamish. We met through the Believer Magazine.

When I'm not going to concerts or Garthing it, I actually's no longer a chore!

The journey continues...I could have missed the pain, but I wouldn't have missed the Dance for anything.
