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Garth & Stillwater Take NY Again...!

Jim, Cathy, Stacy, Teresa and I went back to NY 12/2/99 figuring it would be our last time seeing him. We were armed with cameras, a camcorder(thanks Jim!), cell phones and walkie-talkies. We had no idea where Garth would enter the building for Conan, so we split up. At one point, I decided to ask one of the NBC people if she knew what Garth looked like...she said yes, then I asked if he was in the bldg., to which she replied she hadn't seen him and asked if I was in the choir(yeah right!). I told her no that we were trying to catch him here for Conan.(I wondered what might have happened had I said yes, I was in the choir)

A short time later Stacy and I hear over the walkie-talkie "Thunder Rolls, Thunder Rolls"(the code for he's here). We race through the bldg. to the other side and there he was. He had Henderson pull the navigator up to Teresa, Cathy and Jim and was getting stuff(namely his hat case) out of the back. He indicated that he had to get inside(he looked fine but tired), but he greeted us all with hugs, except Jim of course(hehehe) who was videoing it all. We gave him our gifts(one of mine was a "Magna Doodle" for the girls)and I told him while we were hugging that we tried to see him after Rosie but they wouldn't let us out before they taped segments for another show. He said, awwww...I saw you guys, the shirts were very cool!(some of you may not know we made t-shirts with the Xmas album cover on it and "All I Want [for Christmas]Is Garth"!! Then Stacey says, Cheryl you forgot the half-eaten sandwich in your gift bag(she said it twice before I heard her-LOL). I said, Garth I forgot something in the gift bag and he said okay sweetheart. He opened the bag and I reached in and grabbed the sandwich while telling him it was my half-eaten sandwich and I didn't think he'd want it. He said, oh I probably would have and giggles. A crowd of passersby gathered and soon Garth disappeared into the bldg. THANKS JIM FOR GETTING THE WHOLE THING ON VIDEO!!!!

Now, we've got time to kill before the show's over. We spot Henderson again, who by the way is a very sweet guy and we kill some time with him(like about 3hrs.), which he got a kick out of talking with us! (hey Henderson, where's YOUR wedding ring???LOL) The rent-a-cops stroll around every so often and tell Henderson he has to leave. At one point, he said he'd just dropped us off and asked what time should he pick us up.(WHAT A GUY!!!)So, he wants to try and help "us" see Garth again because Garth had said he wouldn't have time to stop after the show..since he had to get to the SI Awards. As a thank you to Henderson, and during one of his jaunts around the block to avoid the rent-a-cops, we went into the NBC store to get him some practical gifts that we thought he might use.

Some of the regulars showed up and Henderson gets the call from Kelly as to where to pick up Garth, then he slyly tells us where Garth will be exiting the bldg., without the regulars knowing. But everyone's watching our every move and some followed us too, I might add! LOL(Hmmmm....this guy's now a new angel!) Garth emerges, we get more photos, last minute hugs and he gets in the navigator where he signed Teresa and Cathy's photos of them with him. He, Kelly and Henderson wish everyone a Merry Christmas and they take off. :-( HEY, WAIT...WHOSE THE BLONDE LADY IN THE TRUCK????

Then, we spot Stillwater again...(woooohoooo!!) getting in what they thought was the van that had arrived to pick them up, only to find out it wasn't. So they all climbed out and we got photos and autographs with each one of them. Jimmy and Mark were soooo cute, so was Mikey! And I told Mark how nice his wife was to me and Sandy at the gates. We also told them, again, how much we missed them and they, again, said they REALLY missed being out there with Garth!! Then they drove off.(God, they are all sooo sweet!)

It was, needless to say, one pretty cool day...but now the GBW's will set in really bad!!!

Oh, btw, Teresa asked Garth about the DC concert with Quincy Jones...doesn't look good; seems Garth's Dad doesn't feel up to making the trip, at least right now he doesn't and that's understandable.

Mike Palmer with the Chris Gaines keyboard
player sitting in van, before they realized it was the wrong one :)

The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center

More Photos

Garth With Mets @ Spring Training(It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!)
