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Garthstock ~ A Day That Will Live Forever!!

It was probably somewhere around May or June of 1997 that I came across a newspaper article that announced the concert that Garth was to give in Central Park on 8/7/97 and I knew immediately I had to go, even if I had to crawl the 120 miles to New York City. I also knew that if I had to go alone, my Mother would be with me in spirit to watch over me in pursuit of that which would bring meaning to my life again.

A friend and I arrived in Manhattan at 12:30Am and checked into our hotel. The anticipation of seeing Garth for the second time was almost unbearable. Garth was on TV also on the Conan O'Brien show that night and that was an added bonus. Of course we had to watch the show inspite of the 5:00Am wake-up call.

To say it was difficult to sleep, was an understatement at best and our 5:00Am wake-up call arrived within what seemed like minutes of having gone to bed. Upon awaking, I instantly turned on the TV and heard the news that there were already about 300 people at the park. Oh my God, we had to get to the park fast! As we were running out of the hotel, the doorman asked if he could hail a taxi for us and we told him thanks but no. So, we're standing in front of the hotel and it suddenly dawned on us, we need a taxi! Boy what the thought of seeing Garth can do to one's mind.

I told the taxi driver to take us to Central Park at 100th Street near the Northmeadow Field. After he learned we were going to the concert, he insisted that he let us off at 97th Street. Reluctantly we took his advise and once we were in the park, a park Ranger directed us to an area where there were about 20 people sitting around. As the day went on, more and more people arrived as did Y107's van to broadcast from there live. There was a constant buzz of newsstation helicopters flying above while some people slept and others did anything to amuse themselves, including the ladies who were shown line dancing on the HBO broadcast.

At approximately 11:00Am, the park Rangers advised us that there were about 300 people on the other side of the park and they were to be let in first but they had become very rowdy, so we would be let in first. Wooohooo, thank God for that taxi driver!! We were taken to another waiting area, near the field and by now there were around 150 people in our group and we were packed so tightly together, you barely could breathe, nor could you sit down; the sun was approaching high noon. Finally, we were taken all the way in and had to pass through 2 check points. We had been told that small coolers would be allowed in but even they were confiscated for safety's sake, minus any beverages in plastic containers. Everyone took positions on a first come, first serve basis as close to the stage as possible. (Hi Denise!!)

I missed attending the Woodstock festival by a couple of years but this was Garthstock and it was very similar in that people were getting to know each other, sharing their Garth experiences, sharing what they had brought and even going on food runs for each other. Local dignitaries took the stage on several occasions and asked that everyone try to keep as cool as possible, to respect their neighbors and to enjoy the day.

At approximately 6:30Pm, Victoria Shaw took the stage and gave a really good show. Garth was supposed to come on around 8:00Pm but it was closer to 8:15Pm when the sun had begun to set. The stage lights came on and the music started to build; the excitement intensified. "His eyes are cold and restless and his wounds have almost healed..." Oh God, Garth's coming up out of the floor of the stage!! I'm screaming as loud as I can and yet I'm thinking, do I pass out now or just keep screaming! I cannot adequately describe what I was feeling, except to say that there was so much electricity eminating from me and everyone else, that we probably could have supplied enough energy to light a city block. I had taken a sign that read, Penns Grove Police Loves Garth with a police patch and badge on it. The guys at worked suggested we have something they might be able to spot on TV but except for the first few minutes when Garth took the stage, I was too excited to hold it up; so it remained rolled the majority of the time.

You have to understand that the only other time I'd seen Garth in concert was the year before in Cheyenne, WY for the 100th Anniversary during Frontier Days and our seats were so far back, he looked like a toy cowboy as he ran from the top of one tractor-trailer to the other. But on this very day in Central Park, Garth was right there larger than life itself and considering the magnitude of the crowd, we were really close to the stage.

When Garth sang "Unanswered Prayers" and we sang it 'right back to him', it was incredible! What the broadcast couldn't accurately depict was that Garth was near tears being overwhelmed with that mass of people from all walks of life singing the words in unison, and he was afraid no one would show up...imagine that! We were overwhelmed with pride for him and proud to be a part of a truly historical event.

Then there was the moment when the lighting rig caught on fire and I believe alot of us feared for his safety and the moment when he climbed on the piano while jamming out with Billy Joel during "Ain't Goin' Down Till The Sun Comes Up". Garth later said he didn't know what possessed him to do that. We knew what it was! He was feeling what most of us were feeling. Our idol was on that stage giving us an experience of a life time and one of his idols was right there on stage singing with him and making the experience for Garth even more indelible. He was in a New York state of mind. But you had to be there when Garth announced around 10:20Pm that HBO had stopped filming 20 minutes prior to that but they still wanted to play if it was okay with everybody. The crowd went completely nuts as if each one of us had just won the lottery. I knew I had, I had just received the check and the thrill wasn't over yet. Of course when he sang "The Dance", there were very few people male or female who weren't moved to tears.

The concert ended at approximately 11:10Pm and as we made our way out of the park, people remarked about the experience having been something that they'd never been part of before.

My friend and I walked 32 blocks before we could hail a taxi back to the hotel to pick up the car. We were drained but completey elated. Later that night after I'd gotten home, I watched the tape and cried while I thanked Garth and God for something that will live with me forever. Little did I know that in about a year and a 1 month later, I would see this incredible phenom from 4th row, center stage. It was truly just the beginning!!!

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