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~Garth's Record Breaking Yahoo Chat!~

Yahoomc: We'd like to thank the awesome people at VH1 for making this chat possible
Yahoomc: They have created a killer page for Garth and his new album
Yahoomc: OK folks -- Garth has joined us a little early today!
Yahoomc: So, say hello to the biggest country star in the world -- Garth Brooks!

vh1_garth_brooks: Hey everybody!Thanks for joining us tonight. I'm Chris Gaines

tmisha_1999 asks:So who is Chris Gaines?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey tmisha! Chris is a ficticious pop rock artist in an upcoming feature film. I was flattered to get the opportunity to create his sound and his music. If you know me, when you hear Chris's music you will hear alot of Garth just not in the traditional way. I hope you like it.

PreppyGirl1980 asks: What made you decide to take on the role of Christopher Gaines?
I originally was going for somebody very thin and beautiful with lots of hair to play Chris. I even made a call to Steven Tyler. It was Babyface and Paramount Pictures that talked me into trying to develop Chris's music.

meganjasinski asks:Garth, what do your 3 girls think of you playing Chris Gaines?
vh1_garth_brooks: They love Chris's music. They are not so sure how he looks though.

garthsdaman asks:Garth, we all love the Chris Gaines look. Who decided what Chris would look like?
vh1_garth_brooks: There's a make-up artist named Lance Anderson. This was the guy that did the Crow. He decided how Chris would look in the face and the hair was an attempt to hide as much of Garth as we could and it also helped slim the face down alot

dblount311 asks: What type of feedback have you been getting from your peers regarding Chris Gaines - positive or negative?
vh1_garth_brooks: The feedback we've been getting has been in 2 different groups; the feedback before they hear the music seems to be fear that Garth is leaving his Country format but the reaction after they hear the music is a wonderful reaction and they realize its not Garth going crazy, its just Garth being Garth. I'm very happy with the reaction of those who have heard the music.

iraina_2000 asks: Do you put on the character of Chris, like an actor, or is he a part of you you haven't expressed?
vh1_garth_brooks: Great question! I think its alot of both. It is a character not the future for me as far as a full time career but, if Garth would have been put down here to play pop or rock music this is the album that he would have made.

guitrplyr5 asks: chris gaines is an incredible idea for a concept, did you study other peoples music to get a feel for the pop scene?
vh1_garth_brooks: Another great question. In trying to make chris as real as possible then Chris himself and his music must have influences. His influences range from the Beetles, the Eagles, Aerosmith, Prince, Babyface, Stevie Wonder and Tina Turner.

GarthHeart asks: Are you serious about not eating for 5 days before the Chris Gaines photo shoot? No Taco Bell for 5 DAYS?
vh1_garth_brooks: You betcha! That was the hardest part about being Chris. He is supposed to be about 5'9 and 160 pounds; when in reality I am 6' 220 pounds. So in order to get into character, you have to try and hide your weight as much as you can.

shameless_dreamer31 asks: Are you having fun with Chris Gaines, or is it much more work than you had imagined?
vh1_garth_brooks: Both. This music is a blast! But this music does not come as easily to me as the music I have been fortunate enough to play in the past but make no mistake, playing music, no matter what kind, still ain't workin for a living.

reenie777 asks: Garth, How did you change your voice for the Chris Gaines sounded soo not like you. Did you take training?
vh1_garth_brooks: No I just listened to the voices that were on the demos as they came in and if there is one voice that is Chris more than any other one it would have to be Tommy Simms. I simply tried to imitate him the best I could.

tomi_1_2 asks: When will the film be out?
vh1_garth_brooks: The film does not at this time have a firm release date. That's why we are putting out Chris's Greatest Hits a year in advance of the film so we can see his videos, hear his music and get to know him as an artist. So when the film comes out, he is as real as a ficticiuos artist can be.

deb_gbfan asks: Garth, what dreams do you have that you have not yet lived?
vh1_garth_brooks: To be a really good DAD and that's all I can think of, of course other than walking in heaven but I'm going to have to change my ways alot to reach that one.

William_Sherman asks: with all the recent pop crossovers, do you think country is losing its roots?
vh1_garth_brooks: Great question! Lets replace roots with the word identity. Country music's roots are always going to be the Country music artists. Where i feel we are loosing our identity as a format is when you can toon into a totally different format and hear the same artists and songs. It's my opinion that we will only gain our identity by having music on our format that people want to hear and you can not find it anywhere else but on the Country format. Again, this is just my opinion.

Sheryldeer asks: Your albums are the only ones in my record collection by someone who wears a cowboy hat. Have you considered recording a cover album of music that inspired you? (Maybe even a KISS song?)
lol vh1_garth_brooks: I am very proud to inform you, if you do not already know, I got to be part of the KISS tribute album and I got to sing Hard Luck Woman; I did my best Peter Criss impersonation but it sounded more like Rod Stewart on his worst day

rkriegrosu asks: Garth, 15 years ago -- right after we discussed your talk for Marketing 3213 -- you mentioned that writing songs would always be important to you. Do you think that will ever change? (from an old OSU prof)
>vh1_garth_brooks: Most definitely. Writing songs, writing scripts, or just airing out your soul on paper is something i think I will always do. Its a bad quality of mine but I can not keep my opinions inside. I must let them out to other people or put them on paper to discuss within myself.

Liindy asks: I saw a Garth Brooks concert last winter. I wore out long before you did. Where do you get the energy?!
vh1_garth_brooks: hey Liindy From you of course! That's why you wore out first. I am very proud of our live show and the fuel that the live show is run on is simply the attitude that the audience shows up with and of course, all those M&M's.

jtsprinkle asks:What goes through your mind when you look out into the crowd and see everyone singing along word for word??
vh1_garth_brooks: Other than holding my three baby girls, there is not a feeling I have experienced that matches that. It was seeing that in Central Park during the song, Unanwered Prayers when I realized everything was going to be alright, its the greatest gift and audience can give to its artist, Thank You.

music_for_the_soul asks:Garth,should we expect to see an upcoming tour from Chris Gaines or will you stick with the Garth Brooks tour?
vh1_garth_brooks: There will be NO Chris Gaines tour simply to avoid the situation where somebody screams out, hey asshole! play Friends in Low Places BUT there might be, a place in a Garth Brook's concert for a Chris Gaines segment.

ziggy_stardust_aka_david_bowie asks: Did you work with the muppets?
vh1_garth_brooks: Very proud to say yes and if the Muppets are crazy enough to ask me again, I will do it. I'm sure its the first time the muppets have worked with a character with less brains than they have.

cowgurlbootsheart asks: Garth, how would you rate your "baseball experience" this spring and what did it teach you?
vh1_garth_brooks: Thanks for the chance to give you this answer. My baseball experience was nothing short of the highest class. I was treated tremendously, the charity is off and running to a tremendous first yeat and the coolest thing I learned, from baseball and its players, was how much my music has affected their lives. It was a very humbling experience and in a great way I learned I was put down hear to play music.

sshollenberger asks:Garth, you mentioned that you didn't want your daughters following in your footsteps because the business is so hard on women. Isn't it getting better all the time?
vh1_garth_brooks: Sure its getting better all the time but still seeing women work 10 times as hard for half as much as men get in this business, I unfortunately don't think its going to change as quickly as I would want it to for my daughters to be in the business.

Eternity333 asks:Garth tells us how we may find out more about your foundations TOUCH THEM ALL.
vh1_garth_brooks: The foundation is based out of Denver and if you have a major league baseball team in your city they will have information for you OR you can call the management office at 615-329-0166, Thank you for your interest and the kids thank you too.

animals_lady asks:Garth, when is your VH-1 Special?
vh1_garth_brooks: If you are talking about the VH1 "mockumentary" it is off to a great start. The great people at VH1, have created the last 15 years and entire career of Chris Gaines life from interviews with his mother to interviews with former band members and industry characters and again the goal is to make a ficticious character as real as possible.

jratliff777 asks:You've helped the careers of many people, Trisha, Martina and re-opened everyone's eyes to Steve Wariner. Anyone else you see in the future as a rising star?
vh1_garth_brooks: Thank you for how you said that but so me and you will be on a clear level of communication, I don't look at it as helping their career but more as being lucky enough to be part of their career but to address the question, I am producing an artist for the very first time; he is a friend of mine but more importantly I am a fan of his. His name is Ty England, he will be recording under the name Tyler England. The sound is very cool for me and the only way I can explain it is it's the kind of music I would record for one of my albums except it has a beautiful voice on it. I am very proud of it so far and it is due out at Thanksgiving.

FaerieFyre asks:Hi garth, I am sending my love from Florida. Silly question here... Everyone who has met you talks about your fabulous cologne...what do you wear?? Wanna get some to spray on Hubby :)
vh1_garth_brooks: This question has put me in an awkward position. I will not tell you what I wear because the next time we see each other and hug one another, you'll be thinking about some other man!

Dancin7 asks:Garth, in order to gain a greater exposure for Chris Gaines' music among a younger audience, do you plan to use MP3 technology, for example to release any of his songs via the internet? Thanks for the chat! - Flo
vh1_garth_brooks: Thanks back to you. I know this is very hard to explain but if and when you hear the Chris Gaines project, you'll realize very much like a play or an opera it is a full piece within it's self. It comes to you in reverse chronological order from 1999 back to 1986 when Chris was a part of a 3 piece band called Crush.

cgainesfan asks:Hello, My name is Amy Lynn from Massachusetts. Here's my question: With this project, you have had the unique opportunity to create an artist's career beginning with the greatest hits album. If you had had the same opportunity to do that with Garth Brooks' Double Live and work backwards, how would it be different?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Amy Lynn, I'm sitting here next to Scott Reich, he says your pretty cool. Thanks for the question, the answer is very simple only the title of the songs will change.

snoopy_11111 asks: Hi Garth hows vacation going? Thanks for the tunes
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Snoop! My vacation has been going great ever since 1989

georgejur asks: Any chance on working with Bruce Springsteen?.. You both have a knack for songwriting.
vh1_garth_brooks: I have no plans to work with Springsteen but so you'll know, a lot of Chris's character was pulled from Bruce's career in real life, as a concert artist a lotÉ and I repeat A LOTÉ of practices we used to protect our fans from scalpers and to make our show the best it could be, came from Springsteen and his people; they were very sweet to work with.

ROCK51_98 asks:Are you and Trisha Yearwood going to do a complete duet album?
vh1_garth_brooks: If I can speak for both of us, yes its just when 2 artists are on 2 different labels and those 2 artists have completely separate careers, its not something that happens easily. The music we are cutting for the duet album, is something that happens naturally; it is the business end of getting the duet album off the ground that seems to be the hard part.

SweetPea1278 asks:Do you believe in ghosts?
vh1_garth_brooks: You bet I do, and there are many kinds. The one I like the best I call angels.

Lil_Leeesa asks: how many guitars do you go through in a week?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey LEEESA. We smashed guitars on an NBC special back in 1991, I haven't smashed one since. That wasn't an accident, I got TONS, not exaggerating of bad mail for smashing those guitars and in one letter, out of all the bad mail, came a pretty cool voice of reason. It simply said, instead of smashing guitars, what if you simply gave it away so some kid could go on to play music like you got to do. Takemine guitars, gave me 60 guitars to start off with and everytime I felt it was right a guitar was given away to that voice of reason out there, if you are listening, you're right, it does feel better.

pam_in_ky asks:how does it feel to be the only guy in such a female household?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Pam- its just the way I like it and since my girls have promised my they won't date till they are 30, its like living in DisneyLand.

grumperini asks:Hi Garth! Renee from VA here. Most people live their lives not knowing how they touch others, affect others' lives. You do get that feedback. What is that like?
vh1_garth_brooks: Too many times, I focus on the negative things that are written or said about Garth or his music but every now and then when you hear a story of how the music has affected somebody's life in a good way, there is not an award that they have invented that can give you that kind of feeling.

perfectangel_71 asks: Do you write poetry or do you always put your emotions to music?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey ANGEL, writing is writing sometimes, and forgive me for saying this, music can take away the space a lyric needs to be heard. Make any sense?

srcolin asks: Hi Garth, I wouldnt have met my husband if it hadnt been for you. We danced for the first time to one of your songs!! :)
vh1_garth_brooks: I feel honored to be part of a memory like this for you, I have heard of people coming to our gates and proposing to each other. I have heard of people's first date being one of our concerts. These things make me feel very good about the message the music is sending.

mindosome asks:Did you ever think about becoming a comedian?
vh1_garth_brooks: Some critics claim I am.

rcrazy asks:Will you be at the CMA awards tommorrow night?
vh1_garth_brooks: Actually I will be on my way to LA tomorrow night to start the promotion of the Chris Gaines album but I will be taping it! Just to see what everybody is wearing.

wagtpride asks:Garth, Did you know Lance from NSYNC is obsessed with you?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Lance, thanks for the faith and thanks for stickin up for me when Justin says Chris Gaines rocks so much harder than Garth Brooks.

Gordan696969 asks: Did you like playing in front of a million people or do you like it better playing for the smaller crowds in order to get more personal with the audience?
vh1_garth_brooks: Great question. This is going to sound like I'm trying to kiss somebody's ass, but the kind of crowds that come to a Garth Brooks show are the kind of people that will let you get personal with them; if there are 1,000 of them or a million of them in Central Park.

kdiabo asks:who gave you a helping hand when you needed it most, career wise?
vh1_garth_brooks: There are alot of people that helped me out and are still helping me out. Stephanie Brown introduced me to Bob Doyle the second or third day I moved here to Nashville. Bob has been my publisher and manager ever since. As far as an artist goes, Reba was sweet enough to allow me to go on tour with her and Buck Owens cared enough to help me out in the business end with my record label, these are but a few people that I owe and will always owe.

animals_lady asks:Do you ever wonder why so many people love you so much?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey lady! By answering this I am not agreeing that alot of people love me, but I do feel loved and I feel that the music is loved but to explain it, other than God's grace I don't have a clue.

Chipmunk_7 asks:Do you have any bad habits??--Allison Vondrell
vh1_garth_brooks: OK, 7 - YES

Temp2FK asks:How many songs are based on your life's experiences?
vh1_garth_brooks: This will be a great way to show you how much of Garth exists in Chris Gaines. There is something in every song you sing that is from your real life. That doesn't mean you have experienced it, it could also mean you've dreamed it, feared it, or experienced it through other people's lives that you know. I can not think of an exception in my career

Macrodgers asks: Do you miss having a "normal life" at all?
vh1_garth_brooks: That's a very fair question. Sting said it best in an interview when he said you chose early in your career if you are going to be a chauffeured artist or are you going to drive yourself around. For instance: I walked to and from school when i was a kid I wanted my children to have that same experience but because things have changed, in our world and the world itself, I feared they would never have that experience. This year is the first year all three of my girls go to school. Sandy and I walk with them to school and their teachers walk them back. I know its not normal, but its pretty cool.

eeyore_jenn_ks asks:Do you sing to your kids at night?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey eeyore! My girls have stopped listening to me at night, I knew there would come a point when they found other people's music and would move on; they only listen now to Chris Gaines>

kjkirby asks:what did you get on your last birthday?
vh1_garth_brooks: always on my birthday and for Christmas, I get my two favorite things, farm tools that I can kill myself with and Taco Bell Bucks.

dub_20 asks:What is your favorite meal? Lasagna? Pizza?
vh1_garth_brooks: anything but fish

zalab asks:Garth, do you own any horses?
vh1_garth_brooks: yes we have horses, cows, dogs, cats, and three little girls.

els934s asks:What is your favorite cereal?
vh1_garth_brooks: anything but fish

vh1_garth_brooks: I know this is going to sound strange, but my hero's and idols are people I would rather stand and watch from a distance. For them to talk to me, kind of brings them to a human level and I know that sounds odd, but that's just how I am. Now I have been fortunate enough in my career to meet those same people that are my idols and I am very proud to say they are more my idols now than they were when i met them especially James Talyor, George Jones, Billy Joel, George Strait. I fly this weekend to do Saturday Night Live's 25th anniversary show and I am scheduled to do a skit with Tom Hanks, yet another idol I have been fortunate enough to meet and may I add he is a very cool and gracious dude.

super_biznich asks:i just wanted to say that you are the best and a total genious and i love you and your music and all the best with you and your family and IÕm really sorry about the loss of your mom and all my best to you. love alwayz angela
vh1_garth_brooks: I have just been informed that the chat has received hundreds of messages concerning the loss of our Mom and well wishes to our family. All I can say is the mark of a good person is how their deeds outlive their mortality. In the last two months I have heard what seems like thousands of great stories about our Mom, stories that she evidently was too humble to tell herself. I know this next statement is going to sound very strange, but I am more proud to be our mother's son now than I ever have been. Thank you for your love and concern.

Yahoomc: Hey folks -- Garth just said he wants to stay for another half hour!!!
Yahoomc: So keep sending in your questions!

bradleyscott25 asks: Do you ever plan on writing a book about what brought you to your success?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Bradley - what I have found out about writing books and I hope I convey this right. The truth is only what we remember it to be, it doesn't mean it's the truth so I probably will never write a book about my career simply because for what I have been fortunate enough to have been through the last decade, my memory is fried and I would never want to post false statements about people or events that has happend, so right now i am keeping that part of my life on hold and open.

redheadbackinbed asks:What song defines Chris Gaines the best?
vh1_garth_brooks: The song that defines Chris Gaines the best, oddly enough is the same song on the Chris Gaines Project that defines Garth Brooks the best. The song is called, "Right Now" and it marries the current events of the millenium with the give love a chance theme of the sixties.

s7v7n7s asks: Are you nervous about the Chris Gaines album being released next week?
vh1_garth_brooks: SURE I'm always nervous about any release we have, especially the farther you get in your career. The question is, will Chris Gaines be treated like a new artist and be allowed the chance to snowball or will it be treated like a Garth Brooks album and if it doesn't have a traditional Garth Brooks first week, which we've been fortunate enough to have in the past will it be deemed a failure? Game day is Sept. 28th.

NeissaB asks:Garth, how do you feel about the controversy that Chris Gains has created in the country music audience? (sorry if this has been asked...I just got here)
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Neissa - you're late. Still a very fair question and much asked question. I have found that no matter how long you act a certain way, the second that something comes up that is different, doubt enters the mind and wonders if you'll ever be the same again; only time proves sincerity, Chris is a character and a ride. Have fun and enjoy it, I hope you like the music.

subsnow_34 asks:Does the Chris Gaines wig itch? vh1_garth_brooks: For quite some time now I have wished for hair like Chris's but the whole time that it's on, when I'm in character I'm wishing the dude would get a haircut.

garthcookies asks:Garth....what would you do if Chris Gaines is more successful than Garth music???
vh1_garth_brooks: Dear Cookies, don't forget my ego! I don't have it in the plans for this to happen.

leighannec asks:My name is Leigh Anne, and I'm from Dallas, TX. What is the most trying thing about recording and putting together an album? Is there something that frustrates you about the process?
vh1_garth_brooks: Hey Leighanne, fair question. If I find myself frustrated about being in the studio it's not about music, its about something that isn't as pure as the music; 99 times out of 100 its about business, one of the questions thats always comes up when you are recording music is will radio play this? You never, I repeat never anything for the sake of radio. Our greatest moments in music history have been when radio itself has been so surprised that it too becomes a fan. For example: the Beetles, probably the most un radio at the time act there was. If you do things solely for radio, aren;t you creating a circle? And the bad thing about circles is you never get anywhere that you haven't already been.

vh1_garth_brooks: That's very sweet. Exactly the opposite. Once people hear the Chris Gaines Project, their reaction to me makes me want to go farther and again, the difference that I'm loving in this project is the difference in people's attitudes after they hear the music.

a17m_loves_hemp asks:are baggy levis and tenis shoes more comfortable to wear on stage than wranglers and cowboy boots?
vh1_garth_brooks: there is nothing more comfortable than a great ol pair of Wranglers, built for the big butts

stephkiss asks:Garth - Will you be releasing a Christmas album this year? Steph K.
vh1_garth_brooks: Merry Christmas Steph, we are releasing a Christmas album at Thanksgiving the same day as the Tyler England Project; it is for and an event for television and it has most of the traditional songs we have come to know at Christmas. Christmas records are my favorite ones to make.

BJBohnert asks:If this is really Garth, Who is the Mascot of Yukon Oklahoma?
vh1_garth_brooks: OK BJ It's a Miller

Schindig50 asks:Garth your song "The Dance" has touched everybody how did it help you?
vh1_garth_brooks: I don't think "The Dance" affected me any different than most people that heard it. It's one of those beliefs that we all believe and wonder why it hasn't been said before; something of this simpleness yet intense emotion is to be highly respected. The reason I am saying this is that a lot of people think I wrote "The Dance". I appreciate this chance to set the record straight, I could never write something as timeless, this is not a statement of humbleness but of honesty. Tony Arata is the writer of "The Dance" and he is the incredible soul you would think he would have to be to have written such a song.

mtreitler asks:Hey Garth, in 2080, if you could be remembered for only one song, which one would it be and why?-Marc in San Diego.
vh1_garth_brooks: hey Marc, I doubt Garth will be remembered in 2080, but if he is I hope that it is for something good and if it is for a song, I would hope it would be "The Dance".

pacific_pearl_28 asks:Garth my name is Kristyna, I am 11, and I was wondering do you still get scared before you go on stage. Thank you, Kristyna Sunnyvale, CA
vh1_garth_brooks: Thank you. Hi Kristyna, Yes Yes Yes Yes. I still get scared, as you grow older Kristyna you will find there are at least two kinds of scared, one is of being harmed, one is of failure. The first one is wisdom, The second one you must take head on because all failure is, is simply a curtain that hides what you believe exists. It's about your bed time out there, have sweet dreams. To everybody, Thanks for a wonderful 2 hours, I came into this chat room with my fists up ready to defend Chris and myself, I leave this chat room with my arms open wide and with the confidence to fly. Thanks for reminding me yet again, that it's all about the music, I hope you like the Chris Gaines Project, I am extremely proud of it. Have a good night!

Yahoomc: Thanks so much for joining us, Garth!
Yahoomc: Folks, Garth has just set the record...
Yahoomc: for the longest Chat Event ever on Yahoo!
Yahoomc: This was a great event -- and thanks to all
of you for your great questions
Yahoomc: Be sure to check out the VH1 website
Yahoomc: Thanks again and have a great night!

Copyright VH1 chat transcripts(content has not been edited, only punctuation and formatting have.)

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