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On Dec. 15, 1999 Garth sent shock waves throughout the world when he announced on Crook & Chase that he would probably be announcing his retirement at the end of 2000. This is one fan who hopes he doesn't in the traditional way!!! After posting a message at PlanetGarth about needing to do something to let Garth know he we feel, here is but one response.

"I'm with Cheryl on this one. Garth wants to hear from us. I believe this is one reason why he made this announcement now. After watching "It's a Wonderful Life" the other night, I think Garth is our George Bailey(hmm...same initials...not the best analogy, but it somewhat fits). We have to let him know we respect his decision to be with his family, we want him to take whatever time he needs, but we don't want him to leave us forever. He has touched too many hearts and continues to do so. His impact is much larger that he realizes. Maybe he does realize this, but he needs the feedback from us. For all his fame and success, he strikes me as incredibly insecure.

Put those fingers on your keyboards, folks, and get those letters written and sent. Tell him you understand his need to disappear for a while, but you don't want that beautiful music to die and that wonderful voice silenced. I myself cannot imagine never hearing that man sing again. It tears my heart apart. I could live without the touring and all the rest, but the music should live on.

If you all are going to bend over backwards and say it's okay for him to retire then it may appear to him that we aren't too upset that he's going. You are all being so Garth darn nice about it. Do you really want to lose the man and his music that easily? He has said they have barely scratched the surface of country music. Well, Garth, start scratching! I believe there is still such a well of material in that man, it has to surface eventually. It is not the number one priority right now, but it will not stay buried long.

He got deluged with M & M's after his comment on Donny and Marie in October. Let's deluge him in letters letting him know how important he is to us. I really believe he wants and needs to hear this. Rest, recharge, revitalize, but come back to us as soon as you can!

I very rarely post but, Cheryl, you and I were on the same wavelength on this one. You just beat me to the punch!! Kudos!!

(I'm working on my letter right now!)


God Bless you Cathy!! It would be a sad day if Garth ever says goodbye to the music forever. From this announcement, 2 projects of support were conceived.

The first being the "Blue Notes" and the second was "Request Day". Many internet fans wrote "Blue Notes" to Garth, mailed to arrive on 1/7/00 and contacted numerous radio stations throughout the continental US and Canada requesting that they play an abundance of Garth songs on the very same day. Both projects were designed to let Garth know how much we supported his decision to take much needed time to spend with his family and to get his life in order and to let him know that we would be here for him when he returns to us. Many "Blue Notes" were received at GB Management and the radio stations participated by honoring our requests and mentioning the projects that they dubbed as "GARTH FANS APPRECIATION DAY". We wanted to make certain Garth feels OUR love and we pray our efforts were a success!

Speaking of projects...this is yet another one(the brainchild of Karen Duran). This billboard was hung on 6/9/00 in time for Fan Fair. Many fans from all over the globe contributed to it's construction and in each heart is the name, city & state/country of each contributor. The billboard was in Nashville... on "music row" and was to remain there for 1 month. However, as of 10/15/00 the billboard was still up! There were also short radio announcements about it on WSIX that aired between 8:00P - 12:OOA from 6/12/00 - 6/21/00.

And yet...another project was born! It's a Tribute Book that chronicles his life titled 'Friends In Net Places'and was constructed by 30 people from all over the globe with many many fans contributing to same. It is a wonderful tribute and another attempt to show Garth how much we love him. Many hours of creativity went into this labor of love that resulted in 291 pages of a hardbound yearbook style work of art and if you would like to see the cover, click on the "book" image.

On 10/26/00 during a Press Conference held in Nashville, Garth DID announce that he would be that he will release another studio album in 2001. He will not tour again (at least not until Allie, age 4, is in college). I'm one fan who believes that may very well change before too long. At any rate, Garth is happy being a Daddy and I'm ecstatic that he's found happiness in being just that.

Read what Garth had to say! Click Here
