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The Heart And Soul Of Nick Carter

As you all probally know,Nicks Mother Jane,has written a book on our Nicky! It is called "The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter"- Secrets Only a Mother Knows. It has many things about Nicks family from before he was born to what Nicks bed room looks like.This is a wonderful book for any Nick fan to read.It has 32 pages of photos on it. Pictures straght from the Carters family album.Some people may think Nick had it easy...well guess what..he really didnt.His family struggled for a very long time,from audition to auditon,dance lessons,singing lessons that they couldnt even afford...well ya know what? It defenetly paied off and they got everything back and more.In the begining of the book,it has an introduction by Nick,and at the end of the book there is a sorta reading comprehension test. I wish I could personally thank Nicks mother Jane for writing this wonderful book,I can honostly say i have a favorite book now! :) After you read this book,you will see Nick in a totally diffrent way..I mean i realized Nick is a regular teenager like all of us before i read this book,but maybe some people will now realize that too now! This is his biography after all isnt it? You could get this book at any book store,it was 9.50 in the U.S and its 13.99 in Canada. Well thats my review on this book,if you dont have it yet,i hope you get it!

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