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My Dream Come True

I woke up today still unsure if last night was all a dream.I got up and went and looked in the mirror,I just sat there..after a while I decided to call my friend Jenny.

"Hi,Is Jenny home?" I asked
"Yes,She is" her mother replyed
"Your never going to believe what happend last night" I Said
"Really? This must be good" She said
"Well,It Is" I Replyed
"Last night I went to the mall,and you know how I always like to go in the book store to see if I can find any good BSB magazines"
"Yes...and you found a good picture?"
"No,let me continue I go over to the magazine stand and I see this tall beautiful blonde guy standing becide me reading a comic"
"Then I was thinking,oh my God,this guy looks like Nick"
"You think any tall good-looking guy looks like Nick!"
"Yeah I know! But this is diffrent Jenny,Just listen!"
"So he saw me reading an article about The Backstreet Boys,and he said to me,So you like BSB?"
"I knew his voice sounded familar,but i was still reading and didnt look at him,So i was just talking to him,I was like I wish the new album would come out already"
"Go on" said Jenny almost hysterically laughing
"Then he said,Its really good,we just finished recording,So I looked up and I see Nick Carter"
"Oh My God,your lying right?"
"Nope,I almost freaked out,So then he was like wanna go out sometime,and i said sure,so we exchanged numbers,he called me last night and were supposed to go out tonight!"
"Im So exicited!"
"Well,Jenny,I gotta go i'll talk to ya later!"
"Good luck with Nick,i know its your dream come true"
"Thanks! Bye Jenny!"

Chapter 2
