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Chapter 2


So I fell asleap after I spoke with Jenny,and I Just had woken up.So I checked my answering machine and there was a Message from Nick.I was so exicted,i called him back quickly.

"Hi! How about I Pick you up in about an hour,7?"
"Alright,i'll be ready bye!"

So I went and got dressed quickly,took a shower,all that fun stuff,but boy,an hour sure did go quickly because Nick is at the door.

"Hey!" said Nick as he hugged me
"Hi" I Smiled
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Its a surprise!"

So we got in to Nicks car and we drove towards the,beach it was getting dark out so i was wondering what we were doing here.

"Shut your eyes" Said Nick as he stood behind he holding my shoulders directoring the way we were going.
"Ok open them!"
"Oh Nick! This is great!" I said as i gave him a big hug

I saw a table for 2 with candels on them right on the beach,then there was a beach blanket on the floor.When i asked Nick what that was for he told me that we can look at the stars together,i thought that was so sweet.
After we were done eating we layed on the blanket together,he gave me a kiss ,which i really didnt expect,but i wasnt gonna say anything because i enjoyed it as much as he did! Then Nick suggusted that we go take a dip in the ocean,I said sure because we were wearing our bathing suits already so we went in.We had fun we splashed around and then he just took me and gave me another huge kiss.We went back to his place and we went in the hot tub,we just sat there talking..telling eachother about ourselves..Then we went in to Nicks much as the both of us wanted to do something neither of us knew how to approch it,so he just said we only know eachother a day and dont wanna get into anything like that.So we just layed on his bed and ended up falling asleap watching TV..When we woke up the next morning I went home..Nick had to go back on the road.We remain sorta dating,but I'll never forget that Night..When Nick comes back we always get together..and do something fun and hang out.

I Called Jenny and told her the whole story,she couldnt believe it,her favorite BSB was Brian ..Nick said next time the BSB come home He would introduce them..that made her very for me and nick we remain the best of friends and have a great relation ship..


did u guys like that? *DISCLAIMER* Please Remember all My Storys Come from ideas in my head...THEY ARE COMPLETLY FICTION,DONT EMAIL ME WITH NEGATIVE COMMENTS PLEASE!