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Whats the most expensive thing you've ever bought
NICK:"Probally a gold chain that cost about $ 300.00"he told smash hits back in 1996."I Bought it for myself".However,things have changed since that interview.In 1997 he got his drivers licence and bought his dream car " A deep forest green 1500 chevy step-side truck" he told a teen beet reporter."im thinking about lowering it,dropping it,getting it all phat"

How Often Do you shave?
NICK:"Thats a weird question" Nick laughed when the smash hits reporter asked him this question."I Just shave a Small amount,about once a week.I Dont really need to shave anymore than that,really"

Whats your most embarassing moment?
NICK:"One time on stage i found myself singing in to a bananna!They stuck in my microphone "Another time we did a nunber ,i danced too wild and was going to do a certin move we praticed.My pants were a bit too big and were held up by my boxers.So when we landed from the jump,my pants fell down! Swoosh! The whole audience got to see my boxers,they screamed of course!

Whats your idea of a good night at home?
NICK: "I'd be at my parents' home.I'd get in loads of food and play computer games all night with my brother and sisters.

Do Your parents treat you special because your a BSB?
NICK: "No way!" he told teen Beat."When i go home,i still do chores.If i gotta take out the garbage,i gotta take it out"

What were you like as a child?
NICK:"When i was a young child,i wasnt a very social person.I tryed to stay focused" he told scholastic magazines."I wasnt one of the popular people in school.I was very unpopular.Other kids were more mature than me in a way...Maybe it was the other way around,since i was around grown ups all the time.Though i liked school,i had to leave it because i was acting and singing.My classmates didnt understand why i left,and they were all jealous in a way"

What has surpirsed you most about being in the recording industry?
NICK:"The biggest surprise for me was walking in to a store and seeing our single on a shelf.I Couldnt believe it-it was sitting next to all these artists!"

Whats the best show biz advice you've ever gotten?
NICK:"Bryan Adams told us we should keep going in the same way we are and not change just because other people tell us to.He said the most important thing in your life is doing what you believe in yourself.Bryan was young when he started he should know!"

If you had three whishes what would they be?
NICK:"I Wish we could have great success with this group,just like the other guys said.I wish i had a long life.And last but not least i'd like to say that we've been all around the world and we've seen things from bad to good and i wish for world peace."

Whats your first memory?
NICK:"Most of my good memories are since I Moved to florida"But i do remember falling out of a tree when i was living in upstate ny.I Was really young and hiding from my sister BJ,who was playing on the swing.I lost balance,fell and hit my head on the bottom of the tree.I Cryed really bad!"

Whats the haredest thing about being on the road?
NICK:"I miss my brother and sisters!"

Whos the biggest scaredy-cat of the group?
NICK:"Im always affraid to fly on planes.I Hate flying.I think im getting better the more often i fly though.None of the others get scared but they dont try to help,they just ignore me.

16: You guys are so popular right now--are you overwhelmed by it all?
Nick: It really hasent taken effect with me.I haven't felt it yet.

Q: How are fans in America diffrent than fans in the rest of the world?
Nick: I think the one thing thats really cool is american fans pay attention.They study you. And in a way ,Its very cool because you know there paying attention to what you sound like.

Q: You really grown up in the group. Do the other guys treat you diffrently now then they did when you were younger?
Nick: When i was alot younger in the band they use to tease me alot.But now i've gotten alot bigger they dont do that anymore!

Q: what sort of girls catch your eye these days?
Nick:It really doesnt matter what she looks like as long as she has a good personality and shes really nice.I dont care if she has blonde,dark or even green hair! But shes got to be independent and like her self and not care about what anyone else thinks.

Q:Can you describe your perfect date?
Nick:I would take her out to the beach at night. There would be a full moon with a bunch of stars out. The sand would be white,beautiful and soft The ocean would be very calm with the moon light shining off the water.

Q: Have you ever tried having a serious girlfriend since joining BSB?
Nick: It dosent work.If we were just in the states..maybe it would work,but man we are every where! And we're always gone for months at a time. Just being friends with someone is hard.But we defenetly do like girls!

Q:Whats the strangest thing you've eaten in a foregin country?
Nick: oh man,in Thailand.They've got the spicest food,oh my God, that i've ever had in my life!!

Q: Does anyone in your family travel with you on tour?
Nick: My sister does. She is 15 and her name is Bobbie.

Q: What are the best and worst things about being on the road?
Nick: I guess just all the people you get to see and the places you get to go.Alot of people out there dont get to do all the traveling we do.Were very fortunate,so thats the best thing.The worst thing is being away from home.

Q: Would you like to do acting one day?
Nick: yeah defenetly

Q:What would your dream role be?
Nick: Probally my ideal role would be in an action movie.I would love to do an action movie,something like mortal combat.Or a war movie where your running through the jungle.Or a Predator movie.Its got to be action like the end at independence day.I would also like to direct a movie.I'd like to produce and direct.

Q:Who would star in the movie you directed?
Nick: Me!(laughs) The thing is, we've talked about this a few times,that maybe in the future it would be cool if we made a movie about our selves. that would be cool.

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