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About *Me* The WebMaStEr were wondering about me werent you? Well i'll tell all you people about myself. Ok Well, Im Christina! Nice To Meet Ya! I am 15 Years Old and I Resign(LOL) i mean reside in New York City. I've Been To A Backstreet Boys Concert On Aug 27 1998! I Cant Wait untill they come back,I love nicky! Sign my guest book,i'd love that! I Like to draw and listen to music. My Favorite CD is BACKSTREETS BACK. Dont You Love Heaven In your Eyes? (i need u tonight) Other Bands i enjoy are Bush,Veruca Salt,Nirvana,Hole,98 degrees..ect ect I do not like Nsync at all,dont even bring them up! *lol* My ICQ Number is 31631471,feel free to send me a message! Anyways See ya later!

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