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Nick Facts

Full Name: Nickolas Gene Carter

Birthday: January 28,1980

Age: 19

Place Of Birth: Jamestown,Ny

Current Residence: Tampa(Ruskin),FL

Siblings: Aaron,Angel(Twins),BJ,Leslie and a half sister named Ginger.

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Pizza

Nick Loves to play video games

Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chip

Favorite Movie: Ailens,Braveheart

Favorite Sent: Gravity

He Loves To Draw Tattoos On Him Self With Markers!

He Accidently knocked Howie off stage once!

Nick Wants to go shark diving one day...even though hes affraid of sharks.

Nick is affraid to fly.

He hates shopping for anything with his mother.

He Sleeps the most out of all the BSB.

Favorite Shows: Beavis and Butthead,MAd about you,the simpsons,the fresh prince of bell air and X-Files.

Nick wasnt too popular as a kid,and was teased alot.All the popular kids were very mean to him so now he looks for beauty on the inside and not outside.

On Lonely nights he'll listen to his walkman or draw.

Has a biggest temper and a short attention span

Nick has the worst handwriting out of all the guys.

Favorite Candy: Twix

Favorite Drink: Coke

Favorite Book: Living Free

Favorite Musician: Steve Perry

Favorite Song: I Will always love you-The Cure

Favorite Actor: Jeff Goldbloom

Favorite Type Of Clothes: Nike

Favorite Sports:Basketball,Football,Baseball

Favorite Bands: Nirvana,Journey

Favorite Actress: Sigourney Weaver

Favorite Car: Camaro

Favorite School Subjects: Science ,History,English,PE

Least Favorite School subject: Math and science(me too)!

Musical Instrument Played: Drums

Hobbies: Playing Nintendo or Playstation,Basketball,Drawing

Biggest Like: Video games ans basketball.