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Sith Name: Maul
Real Name: Khamier Sarin
Played by: Ray Park
Voice by: Peter Serafinowicz
Species: Zabrak
Status: Dark Lord of the Sith/Apprentice to Darth Sidious
Age: 30-35 years old
Height: 5'6
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Iridonia
Poilitical Affiliation: Sith/Trade Federation
Weapon of Choice: Sith Double Lightsaber
Vehicle of Choice: Sith Speeder,Sith Fighter
Quotes: "At last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi. At last we will have revenge."
"If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly, master."
"Fear is my ally."

How did Khamier get caught up in the darkside? After a long search for a suitable apprentice, Sideous discovered the future Dark Lord on his Zabrak Homeworld of Iridonia. He convinced Sarin to lay a trap for some of his friends. The outcome ended up killing 7 jedi knights, and the after effect transformed him into the second of two Dark Lords of the Sith.
The Sith themselves formed about 2,000 years before the events of The Phantom Menace by a rouge jedi. Though the number of Sith Warriors swelled, they fought each other as much as the jedi. After so long there was only one Sith left; by the name of Darth Bane. He changed the rules. There would for now on only be a master and an apprentice. Once the master died, the apprentice would take his place and choose a new force-user to become his own apprentice. And this went on until TPM. Because of this rarity the modern Jedi assumed the Sith had been totally extinct for all those years until the doings of Darth Maul proved them wrong.