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More Janet Jackson Albums

In 1982, Janet got her chance at recording stardom when her father had her record a few demos and then signed her ro a deal with A&M Records. Her debut album,Janet Jackson, was a weak affair with eight songs that did little to camouflage the fact that she wasn't much of a vocalist. The album managed to sell a quarter of a million copies.

In 1984 her second album,Dream Streat, came out (which was during her marriage). Dream Streat was a passable album that sold a respectable 200,000 copies.

In 1986 her third album Control was released. Control's unyielding quintessential melange of R&B, pop and funk is what made it a tremendously successful. At one point the album was selling 250,000 copies a day.

The release of her fourth album, Rhythm Nation 1814, was scheduled for September 1989. Rhythm Nation neared the triple platinium mark, meaning nearly 3 million copies sold. In February 1990 she started to rehearse for her FIRST World Tour which was scheduled to begin on March 1.

janet. (which translates into "Janet, period"_obviously meant as another declaration of independence from her older siblings) was released on May 18, 1993. This album was the first for Virgin Records. During it's first week janet. sold an estimated 350,000 copies. Janet's album went on to debut at number one on the Billboard chart and has spawned a number of million-selling singles.

Janet's Design Of A Decade 1986-1996 album has songs from her Control, Rhythm Nation and janet. albums, plus she added two new songs "Runaway and Twenty Foreplay".

She released her Velvet Rope album in 1997. Janet made not only her best album in years, but one of the most memorable singles of 1997 with "Got 'Til Its Gone".

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Design Of A Decade 1986-96


Rhythm Nation