Chapter 12

(Brian's Point Of View)

"Man I am pooped!" Exclaimed Howie as we climbed back on to the bus after the show. "I'm going straight to bed, night guys!"

"Night Howie!" We chorused. AJ danced in circles, still pumped from the show.

"Well, I'm not tired! Who wants to challenge me in Nintendo?"

"Jay, not now." Kevin said flatly. Kevin was in a bad mood because Nick couldn't dance that well tonight and I was cranky because I was worried about him. Would you believe Kevin had the thermometer in my mouth during costume changes? The like 4 minutes we get to change and I had a thermometer sticking out of my mouth. AJ ignored Kevin and went to the den area to set up his video games. I noticed Nick was either in his bunk already or the kitchen. I highly doubted the second choice. I decided to go make him something to eat since he obviously wasn't going to do it for himself.

"Kevin, I'll be in the kitchen." I told him just in case he wanted to like take my pulse or something. I left him standing there talking to the bus driver and walked towards our small eating area. I opened up the cabinets in search of anything edible that wasn't stale or expired since like 6 months ago. Gross, we needed to stock up on some food. Kevin walked up behind me.

"Whatcha doing Bri?"

I jumped about a foot in the air. "Jeez Kev, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Maybe that wasn't such a great choice of words. The look on his face changed instantly.

"Let me take your temperature again, you don't look so well." I gave in as long as was going to help me with Nick.

"Fine Kevin, but can you find something we can make Nick to eat? He looked awful backstage after the show." I said, opening my mouth as he stuck the thermometer under my tongue.

"Sure Bri, go sit at the table, I'll make him some clam chowder soup." Ugh, poor Nick, at least it was in a can and Kevin wasn't cooking it. The thermometer sounded and I took it out myself.

"It's normal Kev." He looked at it anyway which didn't surprise me.

"Great Bri, why don't you go sit with Nicky and I'll bring this back to his bunk for him."


"C'mon Nick, just a few bites!"  I begged him. "You have to eat."

"This is disgusting and I'm not hungry!" He yelled back. I looked at the soup which was kind of retched looking, but then I looked at him and saw how pale and sweaty he was. I turned to Kevin.

"Kev, he doesn't want it." Kevin picked up the bowl and looked at Nick.

"Nick lets go, you need to try some at least." He held the spoon to Nick's lips. "Open up!" Nick turned away. Kevin sighed. He grabbed Nick's chin and forced his mouth open, spooning some soup in. Nick made a hideous face and tears came to his eyes. He swallowed it though. Kev softened. "Don't make me do this Nick, you need to eat this." Nick looked away.

"I don't want it Kevin, my stomach hurts." Did Nick just admit he wasn't feeling well? Finally! "AJ saw me puking earlier, I told him not to tell you."

"Nick, why didn't you tell us?" I asked him. Kevin looked as if he wanted the same answer.

"I dunno. I'm going to bed now, I'll be fine tomorrow." He said looking at us as if to leave. Kevin leaned over and felt his forehead.

"No fever, just rest up, okay? And come wake me if you feel worse."

"Or me." I added. Kevin frowned.

"Wake me Nick, Brian needs his rest." Oh man. Kevin walked away. "Night guys!" He said. I looked at Nick.

"You can wake me, I'm fine, you got that Nicky." He nodded. "Good, now lye back okay, you need anything?" He shook his head no. He really didn't look well. "All right, I'll see you in the morning." I closed his shade on his bunk. Well, at least half of my Nick problem was solved, now if only I could get into that head of his, I'd know where my Frack was hiding. Frack. He hadn't called me Frick in a while. I missed it, I really did.
