Chapter 14

(Brian's Point Of View)

"Oh man, Brian, make it stop, please make it stop." Groaned Nick as he started to gag again. My heart went out to him as I held his head over the toilet for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

"Shh, Nicky, it's okay, it's okay." I soothed as best I could. The truth was it was far from okay. Nick had been throwing up almost non stop since the middle of the night and it was close to noon now. Needless to say the Sprite didn't work, nor did the Ginger Ale, or anything else we had given him to stop his vomiting. The rest of the guys were watching a movie while we took turns sitting with Nick and helping him to the bathroom. I admit that I had been really the only one who refused to leave his side since the middle of the night, if it was contagious, I didn't care, I just wanted him better.

"It hurts Bri, It hurts bad." He moaned.

"I know buddy, I know." What did I know? I wasn't the one praying to the porcelain God every 10 minutes. I helped Nick back to the bunks as he collapsed into Kevin's, which we had made his while he was sick. He closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep. I stood up walking to the back where everyone else was, I knew Nick would be awake again in about 15 minutes and he would probably need me. Kevin looked up as I walked in.

"How is he?"

"Not good, he's still vomiting, the Ginger Ale just came up." I said.

"Eww dude, we don't need details!" That was of course AJ. "The kid's been spewing non stop, this is some stomach bug!" I turned to Kevin.

"We should take him to the emergency room, I think he's dehydrating."

"Brian, we can't, I haven't told management that he's sick yet."

"Screw management! Nick needs a doctor, there is obviously something seriously wrong with him! You said it yourself that you wanted him checked out if he didn't get better!" Kevin sighed.

"Give him a little while longer, when we stop for dinner, I'll go into a drug store and ask the pharmacist what we can give him." I accepted.

"All right, but if he's not better by morning, he's seeing someone." I said as I heard Nick yell again. I ran back to the bunks with Howie and Kevin on my heels. Nick was throwing up in his bed, he had been too weak to make it to the bathroom in time. Howie grabbed a garbage pail and held it under him as Kevin ran off to the bathroom for the thermometer. I rubbed Nick's back as he heaved over and over again. His face was wet with tears as he finally fell back. Howie set aside the pail and turned to Nick.

"We have to change the sheets Nicky, can you stand up and move to another bunk?" He said as he pulled off the soiled blankets.

"I-I think so." Nick stuttered, allowing me to help him up.

"I got you man". I told him, laying him down in my bunk. I laid my hand on his forehead shocked at the heat I felt radiating off of it. "Kevin, I need the thermometer, he's burning up!"

Kevin came rushing over and handed me the thermometer, feeling Nick's head for himself. "Damn Nick." He whispered. I put the thermometer in his mouth, hoping he wouldn't gag on that too. AJ came in to see what all the commotion was about.

"Man, Nick, what happened?" He asked pinching his nose."

"He threw up in his bed." Answered Kev as he pulled out Nick's thermometer. "103. Jeez, we have to lower this. AJ go get me some cold washcloths for him please." AJ, glad to escape the smell, took off to the bathroom. "Nick, just lye back and relax, are you done being sick for now?" Questioned Kev.

"Yeah, I think so, you don't all have to help me, I'm fine, really."

"Nick! you are far from fine!" I yelled. "Look at you, you're burning with fever and you can't even hold down water!"

"Calm down Brian." Howie said rejoining us. "You are going to make yourself sick! Did you sleep at all last night? Maybe you should take a nap."

"No, I stayed up with Nick, I'm fine, he needs me." I replied.

"Brian, Howie has the right idea, you can lay down right here next to Nick in AJ's bunk, okay? You are no good to him if you're exhausted." I started to protest, but I felt a wave of weariness wash over me.

"All right, but wake me if he gets worse, or if he wants me." I laid down as Kevin and AJ began cleaning up Nick and trying to lower his fever.


I awoke about two hours later to AJ talking to Nick.

"...And the next thing I know I'm in her bedroom..."

I jumped up. "AJ! What the hell are you telling him?"

He blushed. "I ran out of things to talk about and he wanted me to keep talking. It's not like he knows the difference, the kid's delirious, he keeps muttering nonsense." I frowned.

"Well, I'll take over for now, how's he been since I went to sleep?"

"He puked 3 more times, he just fell asleep again." He said sadly. "The guys and I are going to stop at Mc Donald's for dinner, what do you want?"

"The usual." I replied. "Make sure you get him some medicine, okay?"

"Sure Bri." he said walking away. I felt Nick's head, it was hot as ever. He stirred in his sleep.

"Mmmm Brian, I'm sorry, please don't sorry." He rambled. I frowned, pushing his hair off his face. What was he sorry about? I had no idea what he was talking about. What I did know though was that we had to get Nick better and fast!
