Chapter 27

(Nick's point-of-view)

"Wh-what happened?" Kevin gasped as he opened his eyes his body laying limply against his cousin.

Brian helped him sit up. "You just collapsed, Kev. You okay?"

Kevin clutched his head. "Yeah, yeah....I'm fine. Could you just help me up please?"

Howie walked over pulling Kevin to his feet steadying him. "Why don't you lay down on the spare bed in the corner?"

"I already said I was okay!"

"Kevin-" I sniffled. "You just passed out and-"

He visibly struggled to focus his vision leaning against Howie his body shaking. "Shh, Nicky, just relax. Everything will be fine. Look, I'll lay down, all right?"

I nodded watching Howie help Kevin onto the bed. His skin was pale, sweat poured from his body as his limbs shook without end.

Brian stood at my side. "Are you sick, Kev? Have you been sick awhile?"

Kevin rolled his eyes. "I am not sick! I just got a bit dizzy. I'm just tired."

Howie shook his head. "Whatever you say, Casper."

"Casper!" Kevin hissed. "Where do you get off calling me 'Casper'?"

"If the skin tone fits...."

I actually laughed ending my nervous tears. It was obvious Kevin was sick, but he was absolutely hilarious with his toddler impression.

"Hey, guys I found Nick's doctor!" AJ breathed running in with Dr.Turtle behind him.

Dr.Turtle made her way over to Kevin. "What happened, Mr.Richardson?"

"I just got a little dizzy."

Brian growled. "He was setting down Nick's tray and his legs gave out on him. He passed out."

Her eyes widened as she felt his pulse. "You passed out?"

Kevin shrugged. "It was no big deal."

She felt his forehead frowning. "I'd like to be the judge of that if you don't mind."


"Mr.Richardson, please cooperate. Nick did."

Kevin snarled as the rest of us laughed at his expense.

The doctor turned away from Kevin. "I need you guys to give us a few moments alone. I want to give Kevin a quick examination."

AJ removed his sunglasses checking out my doctor's figure. "Dude, I need a examination, too!"

"Oh, really?" she asked sarcastically.



"Um....I need you"

She crossed her arms. "To what, Mr.McLean?"

"Examine my groin!"

Howie clamped his hand over AJ's mouth dragging him into the hallway. "Forgive him. He was dropped on his head numerous times as a child!"

Brian gently took a seat on my bed. "Is Kev okay, Doc?"

She struggled with Kevin to place a thremometer under his tongue. "Well, he's being stubborn as ever-I'm guessing that's a good sign."

Brian chuckled. "Typical characteristic of Kevin."

"I'm f-fine!" Kevin mumbled as she pushed the thremometer through his lips.

"Mr.Richardson, it's quiet time. Now, my five-year patients grasp that concept-I'm sure a big, strong, handsome Backstreet Boy like yourself can as well. Or should I take you to the pediatric unit and let them show you how it's done?"

"Humph!" he grunted turning away from her his cheeks turning a dark crimson.

She handed him a lilipop ruffling his hair. "That's a good boy."

No wonder I never got a lollipop! They were saving them to baby Kevin! Not fair! If he gets a Snoopy band-aid I'm suing!

Dr.Turtle faced Brian. "Why don't you go wait with your friends?"

"I'm related. Can't I stay?"

"I think Kevin might behave better if you left. It is quite obvious I'm dealing with a stubborn mule."

"M-mule?" Kevin grumbled the thremometer slipping out of his mouth.

The redhead slid the thremometer back into place. "Quiet, Mr.Richardson."

Doctor, model and comic...That's one hell of a woman! I wonder why she wasn't this funny with me?

Brian stuttered. "I should go?"

She nodded. "Go on, there's no need to work yourself up."

Brian patted my back. "I'll be right back, Nick."

The doctor retrieved the thremometer as I fidgeted. "Does he have a fever?"

She bit her lip as she stuck the thremometer back into her pocket. "Yes, he does. Kevin, could you slip off your shirt for me?"

Girls asking Kevin to remove his shirt.....Somethings never change.

Kevin sighed. "Look, I told you I was fine. I just over-did-it and didn't rest properly. I'll go back to the hotel and rest, I promise. I don't want Nick all worked up or to waste your time."

She pressed her hands against his neck.

"Damn!" he winced pulling back from her grasp.

"Oh, yeah, her hands are always freezing," I informed him.

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks, for the late warning."

Dr.Turtle ran her hands over his glands. "Have you had a sore throat?"

"Kinda' scratchy. Happens all the time while you're on tour."

"I'm sure it does, but your glands are inflamed. Are you having any other symptoms?"

"I've just been tired. I didn't want to sleep too often in case something happened with Nick."

"I see." She scribbled on her clipboard. "Would you please remove your shirt?"

"Fine," he groaned pulling his arms through the sleeves.

I twirled the bedsheet between my fingers out of nervousness. "Is he okay?"

She placed the cold stetchoscope against his bare chest. "Breathe in. I just want to make sure he's all right, Nick. Breathe out." She moved the object to the opposite side. "Considering he fainted and the huge amount of stress a tour can cause-I just want to make sure." She placed the stetchoscope back to her neck. "How were you feeling before you passed out?"

"I dunno....Just tired. Really dizzy."

She felt the glands under his arms. "Any stomach problems?"

"I'm not sick."


"A bit queasy."

Dr.Turtle patted his knee. "Lye back."

Kevin laid down. "I'm telling I'm fine."

"And I'm telling you as a doctor I have an obilgation to you to make sure your words are true." She moved her hands along his stomach applying pressure. "Any pain?"

"Not really, just uncomfortable." He stared up at her. "Everything is all right, isn't it?"

She threw her hair over her shoulder. "I'm a little concerned. I'd like to start an IV just to reimbursh your body and we'll see how your doing in a few hours. I believe the best thing you could do for yourself would be allowing yourself to sleep until then."

He nodded sitting up grabbing his shirt.

"Wait a moment," Dr.Turtle instructed. "I'll have a nurse bring you a

hospital gown."

"What? Listen, this really isn't necessary-"

"Drop it, Kev!" I shouted. "Are you blind? Isn't it obvious you're sharing some of the same symptoms I had? I made you sick!"

He sighed. "You didn't make me sick."

Dr.Turtle readjusted the oxygen they still forced me to use. "Nick, I can't be sure of anything right now. Considering we still aren't you one-hundred precent sure what's wrong with you."

I coughed roughly now falling from my adrenlin high and feeling quite ill once again. "I'm doing better."

"Yes, you've managed to keep down certain materials. But your temperature is still highly elevated and you're still in a great deal of pain, aren't you?"

"Yes," I breathed hating to admit it infront of Kevin after what happened.

She patted my hand. "I have some more tests scheduled for you late this afternoon."

"What kind of tests?" Kevin asked.

"A cat scan, new blood work and chest x-rays considering his coughing?"

I gulped. "Do I have to drink barium?"


"Doesn't sound that bad as long as my veins don't play hide and go seek."

"Hopefully it will be tolerable, Mr.Carter."

"Will you be there for any of the tests?"

"No, I won't be with you tonight. I'm pulling a double shift as we speak, but Katie will be here. I'm sure she'll baby you."

"Baby me?" I attempted to smile dispite the sudden fatigue. "May I have a lilipop and a Snoopy band-aid?"

She pressed her palm to my brow. "A Snoopy band-aid and a lilipop?"

Kevin sighed. "That's the most Nick-like thing he has said since he's been in here."

She stole Kevin's lilipop placing it on my belly. "I'll have to work on the Snoopy band-aid."


She glanced over my IV. "Kevin, I'll send in a nurse with your gown and start an IV. Just try to relax and quite fighting help."

"I'll keep him in check, Doc."

Dr.Turtle looked at my scrawny frame. "Sure you will, honey."

I glanced at Kevin. "You okay?"

He crossed his arms over his exposed chest. "I'm cold, tired and naked."

So is AJ half the time....But that's not from illness. Or is sex addiction an illness?

"You need anything?"

He lifted an eyebrow. "Nick, you look like death warmed over. Just rest, okay?"

"Okay." I coughed. "Want me to sing you the 'Winnie the Pooh' song?"

"Not right now. You're still very sick, sicker than you might realize."

The feeling's mutual, Kev, I assure you.

How humor even came into the situation was a miracle. But now that we were alone and I truly saw how sick Kevin was-I was scared. I had made him sick. And if they didn't know what's wrong with me....They don't know what's wrong with him. And if he does have what I have...The worst is yet to come. This wasn't suppose to happen. I got sick for Brian's health....Why would Kevin get sick?
