Chapter 4

(Brian's Point of View)

"Brian we have to do this and we have to ride that, oh and I want to play that game and that one too..." Nick was going on and on literally dragging me through the area where the carnival was set up. He had this mile long grin on his face, and with that silly disguise, he looked like someone from another planet. Well, maybe that was good, I DID NOT want us getting recognized. Kevin would kill us if we were on the headlines of some newspaper, I could see it now "Two members of Backstreet Boys wandering a carnival thinking its Halloween."

"Bri, look!" Nick yelled, startling me out of my daydreams. I looked up.. and up and up to see a giant spinning Ferris wheel that was going at a pretty good speed, not nice and slow like most Ferris wheels go. I looked at the name, 'The Spinning Top', well that explained it. "We HAVE to ride that, c'mon!" Nick said, pulling me to towards the ride.

"Nick, no, I'll get sick, I hate fast rides and I hate heights." I pleaded with him as he continued to drag me by my arm. He didn't even hear me, just looked eagerly at the ride as it came into our view. "Nick stop!" I yelled at him.

He froze and looked at me, "What?"

"I'm not going on that, I mean it, lets find something else to do ok?" I said as I grabbed his arm. He sighed.

"Ok Bri, I guess." He replied looking at me.

"Good." I said smiling, as I let go of his arm.

"You don't have to ride it but I am!" He yelled as he took off into the huge crowd of people.

"Nick get back here!" I screamed at him. Great, where did he go? I was dead if I lost him. Couldn't he ever listen, just for once in his life get it through his blonde head when I told him things? I sighed loudly as I began to walk quickly towards the ride. "Nick? Nick where are you?"

"I'm right here Brian!" he yelled from where he was getting into the seat for the death trap that he wanted to ride so badly.

"Nick, c'mon get out of there." I said.

"No." he said stubbornly

"What do you mean 'no'? Come here now!" I said getting closer to him. I grabbed his arm, "Lets go, we'll ride something else."

"Sir if you are getting on the ride you have to sit down." The attendant said from behind me with a thick accent.

"Oh, um, no, I'm just getting my friend here, we were just getting OFF.." I yelled as Nick yanked me into the seat.

"No, its ok we are going to ride this, aren't we Bri?" Nick said with this sly grin on his face. I was too stunned to answer as the door closed and the attendant walked away to start the ride. Oh no, I thought as it began to start.  

"Nick I am going to kill YOU!!" I screamed as the ride began to pick up speed and spin faster and faster. I gripped the bar and shut my eyes. Oh my God, oh my God, I am going to die. I thought. Nick was having a grand old time next to me, yelling happily and putting his arms in the air as we took a nice fall from the top to the bottom. I think my stomach stayed at the top.

"Frick, man, that was great, that was soooo awesome.." Nick was bubbling with excitement as the ride finally finished. I let go of my death grip on the bar and stood up shakily to get off. If I wasn't sick this morning, I most certainly was now. "That part where you felt like you were upside down was the best and then.."

SHUT UP NICK, I thought. How would you like to see what your best pal had for breakfast this morning?

"Lets go ride something else!" he said walking quicker.

"Nick, stop, hang on for a second." I said weakly as I grabbed his arm. "I'm gonna puke if I don't sit down."

"Really? I didn't think it would bother you that much." If we didn't need him to sing I would have strangled him right then and there. I sat down on a bench pulling him with me, and put my head in my hands, moaning. "Oh man Bri, I'm sorry, please don't hate me, I won't make you ride any more rides if you don't want to, please, I'm sorry." Nick said as he rubbed my back.

I took a deep breath, the ground had almost stopped spinning. "Nick, I don't hate you, I just can't go on rides that go really high, I don't like them, they make me sick. Just give me a minute and we'll go look at other things, ok?"

"Ok Bri, take your time." He replied relieved that I wasn't mad at him.

After a few minutes I stood up slowly, "Lets go Frack." I said smiling.

"Oh wow Brian! look over there!" he took off running. Here we go again...
