Chapter 5

(Nick's point-of-view)

"Nick, that was awful! No one's body should have to suffer that much in one day!"

He was at it again. "Bri, it wasn't that bad! You didn't barf, did you?"


"So, it wasn't that bad."

Brian shook his head. "Well, I think we should head back now."

"No!" I whined. "There's still hours before we need to go back."


Man.....Brian really did sound like BJ with pms....What do you do at a carnival other than ride the rides?! "Brian, what do you expect us to do?"

"Play the games."

"The rigged games with cheap prizes?" Oh, yeah, that's fun....waste money getting nothing. Besides, we had already played them all and blew our money. "Oh, please, Brian, one more ride!"

"No, Nicky!"


"I said 'no.'"

"Fine." I schuffed my feet. "Wanna' get some food?"

He clutched his stomach. "Don't even mention it!"

"Okay. Okay. So, what do we do?"

"Hope no one mistakes us for clowns in these outfits."

I swear now I see the relation between Kevin and Brian. I never knew they were so much alike...."Playing games is stupid, we can't ride anything...What can we do?"

"Magic!" Brian exclaimed.

I cringed. "Absolutely not! I refuse to be your assistant! I will not wear a dress!" Who did this guy think he was, anyway?

He slapped me on the back of the head. "No, you dope!" He pointed in front of us. "A magic show!"

I sighed. "A magic show? Those are stupid and cheesy. Only idiots pull rabbits out of hats."

"We watch or we're going back to the hotel."

Geez...for the man that gave sermons he certainly knew how to fight dirty. I grimaced. "Okay, we'll go to the damn magic show."

Brian settled himself into the cold plastic chair. "This is nice."

I glanced at the cheesy decorations of bunnies and tophats decorating the stage. "Yeah, Brian, this is nice." Gag me.

The announcer came over the PA system. "Ladies and gentleman presenting Alamazo the Great!"

Well, at least it was a young guy. Now, he wouldn't have to worry about arthritis and his hand could be quicker than the eye.

His voice boomed over the stage. "Ladies and gentleman my lovely assistants."

I sat up as they walked on stage. Correction: I, Nick Carter, love magic shows.

"That's odd," Brian commented. "Normally, a magician only has one assistant."

I stared at their revealing outfits. "So, he's a pimp. Can you blame him with chicks that look like that?!"

"Nick, don't call women 'chicks', it's disrespectful."

Man, LeighAnne can really crack that whip against Brian. "Oh, come on, Frick, it's not like Leigh is here to gripe at you! They're good looking girls!"

He shrugged glancing at the two women. "I guess."

"That redhead is gorgeous! Don't you think?"

He groaned. "If I really have to comment I must say I prefer the brunette."

The brunette? I shook my head. "Nah, it's all about the redhead!"

"The brunette is adorable! Look, at how cute she is and little!" he beamed as she bowed to the audience.

"Yeah, she is cute." But the redhead was stacked! She was giving Pamela Anderson heavy competion-literally. I stared at her drooling, at least I was smart enough not to say those things infront of Brian....He would've made me fall to my knees giving her an apology even if she hadn't heard me.

He released a tight breath. "And LeighAnne would hate for me to say this...but she has killer brown eyes." So, the redhead had brown eyes, too.

That wasn't what I was interested in. "How about killer legs? You know you were looking!"

He stuttered. "No-o-o-o, I was-wasn't!"

"Oh, come on!" If he wasn't looking he was a fool.

"Maybe." His jaw dropped as the brunette flexed her leg with each move of her body. "Lord forgive me she's a babe!"

"That's the spirit, Brian!" Finally, it was about time he started acting like a real guy.

I licked my lips as the redhead laid down preparing to be cut in half. "I have no idea why the dude would want to mess with that body! Milk did that body good!"

Brian rolled his eyes. "Nick, he isn't really going to saw her in half!"

"Yes, he is."

"No, he isn't! It's a trick."

I crossed my arms. "Then, why is he using a real sword?!"

He threw his arms in the air. "I give up!"

I smiled feeling I had won.

Brian frowned as the next trick came. "Does he have to make her disappear?"

I returned the favor. "Brian, he isn't really going to make your precious brunette disappear ! It's a trick."

"Shut up." How do you like that? He can dish it, but can't take it!

The show went on another twenty minutes with the girls parading around in their revealing outfits being muluated by the tacky magician. Thankfully, he had them to save his ass. What a dork. Correction: I, Nick Carter, hate magicians. However, I, Nick Carter would love to be one because of girls like that.

Brian stretched his legs standing. "Well, Nick, now that your testorone level is back to normal after fantasizing about that redhead, I think we should go back."

"Go back? Nah. I wanna' go somewhere else."


"I dunno. Let me ask."

He clutched my wrist. "Be careful!"

"I will, I will."

I tapped the small middle-aged woman that been sitting beside us. "Excuse me, Miss?" I asked using a British accent. "Do you know of any other attractions in this area?"

She paused studying me. "Do I know you? You look very familiar."

"No, um...I don't think so, Ma'am."

"Someone my younger sister fancies. Aren't you Nick Carter?"

I laughed. "Oh, no, Ma'am. I'm not the talented, handsome Backstreet Boy Nick Carter." Hey, no reason not to improve my self-esteem. "I'm Justin." I cringed at using the name of the 'NSYNC member. "Justin McLittrell."

"McLittrell? That's an interesting name. Well, back to your question. There's a zoo down the street at 240 just straight down and take a left."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

Brian smacked my head. "McLittrell?!"

I shrugged. "She didn't know!" I dragged him along behind me. "Let's go! You heard her!"

He sighed. "Do we really have to go to the zoo? It smells!"

"We're going!" I stomped along the sidewalk singing. "Lions, and tigers and bears oh, my!"
