Chapter 4


I hate Kevin. I really do. He acts as if I've never felt pain. How could a kid grow up in this industry and not know pain?! He thinks he knows everything, he knows nothing.

I always end up in tears and making myself sick. Kev thinks I'm just a baby, but truthfully it's how I express the pain I hold in.

I'm always getting upset, then sick. And Brian is always the one to come to my rescue. The others just turn away leaving me stranded. They could care less-especially Kevin.

My band mates only see me on tour, they don't know what life is like at home. They don't know that my mother no longer accepts me as her son. She only sees me as a paycheck. And now  the thriving wretch has Aaron in the act. I swear, my mom treats us as if we were circus dogs. Train one-when he gets tired......send in the younger clone.

She hates my girlfriend, my behavior, everything......basically she hates me. Who knew my mother had so much in common with Kevin. I certainly didn't-until now.

Why can't my mom be more like AJ's mom? I wish I could trade. Ms.McLean loves me more than my mom at times. She always put her love of AJ before his career. Why can't the rest of band be like Brian? Why can't they try to understand? I'm not a brat or a child. I'm a growing adult in pain only Brian sees that. Why can't.....Why can't it all just stop?

