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Thousands of people congregate at all hours of the day, to discuss everything from TV to sex. The age groups range from teens to the most senior of our citizens. Many cultures and countries are represented at any given moment. I am of course talking about the "CHAT" service that Web-Tv offers you.

CHAT is found under the "Community" section of your Home Page. TALK CITY is the most popular of the Chat saervers, however there are many others. To use a different Chat server, select "GO TO" from the menu on the left. Then type in the name of the Chat service and the port Number. If you do not know any other Chat servers, here are a couple to try.

1) US. UNDERNET.ORG- Port 6667

2) AU. UNDERNET.ORG- Port 6667

Chatting may seem like a completely different language to you when you first start out. People have abbreviated words or phrases to a few short letters to make typing it quicker. So a good knowledge of these abbreviations is necessary.


1) a/s/l/- the person who typed this to you is asking your AGE/SEX/LOCATION.

2) LOL- Laugh Out Loud- a way of expressing enjoyment of a joke or comment.

3) ROFLMAO= Rolling on the floor,laughing my ass off- To express Extreme appreciation of a joke or comment

4) BRB= Be Right Back,

5) PPL= People

6) WB=Welcome back

7) KEWL= Cool

In Chat many times you will also see letters and Numbers used as shortcuts, such as

1) 4= For

2) U= you

3) ic= I SEE

4) ru= Are You?

To make a private Room, you need to Highlight "NEW" on the left menu while in CHAT. That will make a screen appear where you will type in the name of the room you want to make. If you check the box making it a private room, then it will not show up on any list of rooms, and the only way someone can enter it is if you tell them the name of the room.

When chatting there are certain commands that you can type to do certain things;

1) To Check if someone is somewhere in Talk city at the moment you type in this: /msg who you want to talk to MESSAGE. So lets say I want to talk to Jeff7. To see if he is anywhere in chat at the time, I would type in

/msg jeff7 HI

***Note there is only 1 space between MSG and Jeff and 1 space between 7 and HI****The spaces MUST be exact or the code will not work. If Jeff7 is in Chat, he will get the message, If he is NOT on at the moment, you will see a message on screen saying: "Jeff7 is not known"

2) Another Useful Code is when entering a room type in:

that will make a list appear on screen of all who are in the room. This helps if you want to see if moe than one friend may be in the room.

3) Many times one certain user may become Bothersome or obnoxious. If you want to not be bothered by this person, then type the following, again we will use Jeff7 as the offending person.
/ignore jeff7

This will block any further comments from him to you. his remarks will not show on your screen.

4) To move quickly to another room simply type in:
/join 40+

This will take you directly to the 40+ room. Of course you can type in any room, Just place 1 space between join and the rooms name.

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