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Perhaps the most amazing ability of your web-tv unit is to create customized E-mail, or create your own web-pages, like I have done here. The secret to this is the use of a computer language called HTML. This like any language, can be very time consuming to learn, and somewhat frustrating at first, but with a little work, the results are amazing.

The very BEST place to learn how to write these codes is to visit Dr. Draac's School of HTML

Think of the codes as a way of telling your unit what to do, and when to do it.

All commands must be enclosed in the brackets found above the Period (>) & the Comma (<) keys on the keyboards. Because I can not enclose the commands in the brackets or they would be activated, I will list all commands without the brackets.

Here is a list of some common commands used in HTML codes:

These codes are used in formatting your work. That means how it will look, such as breaks in text, text size, and color:

HTML- all codes must have this opening tag ,it can only be used once at the very beginning

/HTML- This closing tag must also be used only ONCE at the end of a string of code

/- think of this backslash as a switch that shuts off a certain function. it is found below the ? on the keyboards. It tells your unit to STOP doing something. SO /html tells the unit to stop reading the codes,

body- tells your unit to make certain changes within the body of a documment or e-mail

P- tells the unit to start a new paragraph. Like wise /p would tell it to stop a paragraph.

br- tells the unit to move the text to the next line onscreen.

font size- tells your computer to change the size of the text that follows the code. Text can be changed from values of +1-+7 and from -1 to -7

font color- This tells your computer what color to make the text. you can use words, such as red, blue, white ect. or you can also use the RGB (RedGreenBlue) number system for more choices. This is where colors are expressed in a 6 digit hexadecimal code. Example: #05aa55- would represent a color. Trial and error is the only method I can offer right now, as there are over 216 colors that can be made in this manner

i- will make text be written in ITALICS

b-Will make text be written in BOLD style

img src-Is used with a web-address or "URL" to show a graphic. Example, if the URL of a picture you want to use is "" then to make that picture appear, the code would be:
img src=""

body background-Is used to place a image as a background to your e-mail or page. Again a "URL" is used like in this example:
body background=" ars.jpg"

body bgsound-Is used to add music. Again a URL is used with this command.

embed src-is another way to add music, this will place a speaker on the page for the reader to click on to listen to the music. The speaker can be removed, and the song will start automatically with the "Autostart="true" command added to the code. If the URL of the song you want to use is:
" right.mid"
then the code for a auto start version would be;
embed src=" id" autostart="true"


FENESTRA- My other web-site