This Web page Contains
Today is July 17, 1999.
Hey everyone, Long Time no see.
I am sorry for the lack of updates, I just re-set up my CPU, because I moved. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this page better, write to
If anyone wants to write our newsletter, i will have people send you articles, Thanks.
*Note* We will still except banners from other club members, we will try to change banners, monthly, or bimonthly. So many of you can still earn the title of "00 Agent!"
If anyone has any Triforce rumors please send them to the editor, along with any other questions or comments. He is This can contain page or newsletter stuff.
This months Current Walktrough is Goldeneye 007 Golden Gun Cheat Code: Egypt!.
This page was made April 7th 1999 and will be updated weekly.
And if your gonna stop by you might as well sign our guest book!
Last modified 03/13/2025 20:24:49
Hey Visit This Phat N64 Page
This is an awesome Skating Page
Letters to the Editor
Current Walkthrough
Pokemon Stadium Pictures
Zelda 64: Triforce Rumors
Awards We've Won