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Welcome again please enjoy your stay
at our little home on the web.
The pages within have been created
in our love in eachother and our
love in Jesus.

Our love
has grown

Love as I have unconditionally loved you.
I demonstrated the very essence of true
friendship when I
willingly laid down my life for you...
What blessings I have
waiting for you!
~Think About It~
I'm living within you!!
I've reconciled you to my father!
now,you can enjoy a wonderful
exciting friendship with the
Most High God
through Me~Forever!!!~
Love,Your Messiah and Friend

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Webrings and Organization Page
Roses Of Sharon
Angel Mom's On Earth

This I truely feel strongly about in my
heart and in my soul
Let's stop killing our unborn children!!

Life What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: April 27,1999