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Persian's HTML Help

Hi. I'm Persian and I'm creating this page to help everyone with HTML, which stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language. You can do a lot with it, as you will see, and I'll add things as I learn them.

Before I continue, I'd like to thank LadyFeline for all the help she gave me.(((Feline))) Thanks! If it hadn't been for you, this page wouldn't be around.

If you have any questions, and if I can answer them lol, e-mail me here. I'm more than happy to help in any way I can.

There are some things you should know before we start. Wherever you see ( and ), make sure you replace them with the greater than and lesser than signs in your codes.

Always start your document with (html) and end it with (/html), of course replacing ( and ) with the greater than and lesser than signs. I just wanted to make sure that's understood. lol

Also, any URLs you use, URL stands for Uniform Resource Locater otherwise known as the address of a file, have to be copied exactly as you see them, capitol letters and all.


The marquee tag defines a moving piece of text, like the marquees seen on theaters. There are a bunch of different marquee types.

For a regular marquee, use this code:
(marquee)your text here(/marquee).

You should get something like this

Left to Right marquee:
(marquee direction=right)your text here(/marquee)

Or there's this one

Side to Side marquee:
(marquee behavior=alternate)your text here(/marquee)

This one's interesting!

Faster Speed marquee:
(marquee scrollamount=20)your text here(/marquee)

Check this out

Blinking marquee:
(marquee scrollamount=400 scrolldelay=500)your text here(/marquee)

How about this one?

This one looks like a regular marquee to me, but at a faster speed:
(marquee align="align")your text here(/marquee)

Let's see how this looks.


The size and color of text on an HTML document can be controlled by using the font tag. There are 7 font sizes you can use, 7 being the largest down to 1 being the smallest. The font colors are endless.

For example, say I want to see a phrase in large red text, like this.

The code for that would be: (font size=7 color="red")your text here(/font)

If you want to see a color chart with the color code numbers, click on List Of Colors.

These are some of the special fonts I've come across.

Blackface: (blackface)your text here(/blackface)

Relief: (relief)your text here(/relief)

Shadow: (shadow)your text here(/shadow)

Emboss: (emboss)your text here(/emboss)

Background Color & Text Color

If you want your page to have a background color or text color, type this code at the top of your HTML document right after (html):

(body bgcolor="your color" text="your color" link="your color" vlink="your color")(/body)

bgcolor is: the color of your background, kinda like the colored stationary or paper color.

text is: just that, the words you type lol.

link is: a clickable text link, for example my e-mail address link at the top of this page.

vlink is: a visited link. It let's you know which links you've visited on that page.

Here are a few HTML tags, I'll add more as I figure out how to use them.

Underline Tag
(u)your text here(/u)

The underline tag puts a line underneath text.


Paragraph Tag
(p)your text here.

The paragraph tag starts a new paragraph. No closing tag is needed.


Strikethrough Tag
(strike)your text here(/strike)

The strikethrough tag shows text that should have a horizontal line through it.


Strong Tag
(strong)your text here(/strong)

The strong tag shows text that should be strongly emphasized. Most browsers will show it in boldface.


Small Tag
(small)your text here(/small)

The small tag shows text that should be in a smaller font than usual.


Teletype Tag
(tt)your text here(/tt)

The teletype tag shows text that should be shown in a fixed width font.


Superscript Tag
(sup)your text here(/sup)

The superscript tag shows text that should be shown in a smaller font than usual, and higher on the line than usual.


Subscript Tag
(sub)your text here(/sup)

The subscript tag shows text that should be shown in a smaller font than usual, and lower on the line than usual.


Abbreviation Tag
(abbrev)your text here(/abbrev)

The abbreviation tag shows an abbreviation. It is usually shown just like normal text.


Bold Tag
(b)your text here(b)

The bold tag shows text that should be in a thicker font.


Emphasis Tag
(em)your text here(/em)

The emphasis tag shows text that should be emphasized.


Big Tag
(big)your text here(/big)

The big tag show text that is bigger than regular text.


Center Tag

(center)your text here(/center)

The center tag puts text in the center of your document.


Line-Break Tag

The line-break tag makes a line break in your page like below. No closing tag is needed.


Horizontal Rule Tag

The horizontal rule tag will put a line across your page like it shows underneath the link tag below. No closing tag is needed.


Link Tag
(a href="http://URL")your text here(/a)

A hyperlink, or link for short, is a navigation tool you can build into your page which enables your visitors to click on a word, phrase or image and be taken to the URL you put into the link.

Linking Pages Together

There are 2 different ways you can use to link pages together; a text link and an image link. I'm going to give you both of them.

Text Link

(a href="http://URL of page you want to go TO")words you want to click on to go there(/a)

In both of these examples, I'm going to send you to my main page, Persian's Place. Oh, and while you're there, don't forget to sign my guestbook. It's at the bottom of Persian's Place.


Image Link

(a href="http://URL of page you want to go TO")(img src="http://URL of image")(/a)

In this example, you will click on an image I found on the web. I thought it was perrrrrfect for this link.

I've been working on a second HTML page, which I will be adding just as soon as there's enough information on it. Just click on one of the above links to go back to my main page. That's where I'll be adding all of my pages at.