John came in right between the Hallicrafters net and the VSBN. John has
a knack for finding very unusual old radios, including a Lakeshore
Phasemaster and a Globe Linear. Keep up the good work John.,
Manson, another Swan fan, checked in with his faithful, and I suspect
favorite, Swan 700CX. He was using a dipole up only 15 feet but the
copy was still good. 73 Manson.
Bill, played his very fine sounding Galaxy for us today. Bill has a
pipeline into NE. and always has a very good signal.
Frank, from Ft. Lauderdale, was running his C-Line, complete with L4B.
What a nice sounding station Frank and the new beam really makes a big
Don, from way down in Harlingen TX., checked in with his TR4-C . Good
copy Don and always thanks for the repair tips.
Gary, was using his 20-A and home brew 813 amp. Gary is another fellow
with a load of good repair advice. Thanks Gary.
Allen, my neighbor down the road, checked in with his great sounding
Swan 500. He also has a mint 75A4, C-Line as well as the Swan. He has
a very unusual tuner setup that really makes his inverted vee talk.
Thanks Allen.:
Bob, from Miles City MT., played his very nice Galaxy 300 today. Bob
has several Galaxies which all sound good and give him no trouble at
all. It's a mystery.
Greg, from Atlanta, has a variety of vintage radios as well as a vintage
Lay H antenna. It's pretty hard to beat that magic loop you have but
the lazy H is doing a good job of it. So long Greg.
Mike played his Heath 300-401 combination that sounded good just like a
Heathkit should. His ant was a vertical and he put in a nice signal.
Thanks Mike.
Al, from N.C., used his HT 32A and R4A today. Al does a lot of repair
and restoration work and must be a very busy fellow. Good luck Al.
Chet, from down Texas way, once again used his TS 820 in lieu of his
SB-102 which is still on the fritz. Chet also always has one of the
bests signals on the net. Thanks Chet.:
Gary, resident Drake enthusiast, was once again using one of his Drake
rigs today. He says it is very important that all the screws be tight
and contacting or you might have a whole variety of problems with your
Drakes. Thanks for the tip Gary.
John, from near El Paso, has been checking in regularly now that his
work schedule has changed. Good to hear you and your old gear as well.
Doc checked in with his TS 520 today. Doc had the distinction of being
the last on the list today. Glad you made it.
That about sums up the net for today. One thing kept coming up and that was mechanical problems caused by corrosion and crud. Some of the comments included dipping the tube pins in a cleaning solution and cycling the tubes in and out of the sockets a few times. Also keep the switches and screws clean and in good general condition. Many of the fellows on the net do this first thing on a "new" radio as it saves much tail chasing and problems later. Thanks to everyone and see you next week. 73 de Andy WB0SNF.