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Vintage Sideband Net Log

This Sunday the following people joined us:

- A fine signal from Virginia and helped blow a hole in the band to establish a quiet area for the net.

- A long time regular on this net as well as the Heathkit net where he is an alternate net control. Mac quite often uses a fine sounding HT-32B and an SX101 which consistently puts a fine signal into Nebraska. He also uses several Heathkits which he has rebuild and is an avid AM enthusiast. Always good to hear from Mac and his occasional pearls of wisdom.

- Jim is located in Pollack Pines, California. He has a large collection of fine old radios including, Gonset, Drake, a clone of a L4B and a bunch of vintage vhf gear. Jim is also a long time regular of the net and his checking is always appreciated.

- Good signal from New Jersey. Pete is one of the newer fellows to join us. I am not too familiar with his station; but, will pass alone more details as we get getter acquainted. Thanks for the check in Pete.

- Stu is one of the mainstays of the Swan group and is also responsible for getting this website going. He checks into this net also, from time to time, but is strangely absent during the NASCAR season. I guess we all probably have more than one hobby or interest. Stu is a goldmine of technical information and has helped out many hams with their technical dilemas as well as overhauled many ailing old radios. Thanks for all the help Stu and keep up the good work.

- Brian is also one of the newer fellows to check in so I don't have a lot of background to add here. Keep coming back Brian, we hope you'll become one of the regular "old cronies" here.

- I think Don has been on the net from about day one. He has a big collection of vintage equipment and is an ace technician. I have swapped him gear that I had given up on and invariably the following week he would be talking to me on it. Wish we could all be so capable. In his collection are a pair of Eldico twins, very much like the S-line. So much alike that there was a lawsuit over it. It's always interesting when Don comes on because you never know what he will be using.

- Greg is also a long time regular from the Atlanta Area. Greg uses a loop antenna that always seems to do a good job even with the current tree branch stuck in the corner. I wonder if that branch is pruned and tuned. Among Greg's great stuff is a CE 200v, HT37 and a second HT37 which is on the way back from oblivion. Always good to hear you Greg and hope on one of your trips back to Omaha you can find your way out to Clarks, Nebraska.

- Allen does a fine job also, from his part of the southeast. He frequently uses a Central Electronics 200 V. He also uses Drake A and B lines, SP 600, a rare SX 73 and has a pile of other fine old radios. Keep that signal coming from Decatur, Georgia.

- Frank has been restoring a CE 20A, that like the rest of us, was like pulling teeth. Phasing rigs can sometimes be a can of worms; but, several fellows on the net have been restoring 20A's and 10B's so we try to pool out collective knowledge. Frank's is apparentally done because it sounds great. He has it paired up with a 600L as an afterburner. Frank also has a nice bunch of boatanchors that he puts on the net. Thanks Frank.

- Al, a regular here, is also an alternate on the Hallicrafters net. He recently has been using a Hammarlund station, HQ 180AX, HX 50A and HXL-1 linear amplifier. Defying the rest of our attempts at making an HX 50 behave, Al's sounds just great and puts in a really fine signal here. This fine vintage station is for sale now if anyone needs a hard to fine set of Hammarlund triplets. Al does a lot of restoration and brings this good old stuff back into service. Thanks Al.

- Bill also joins the net often. He sometimes uses a really good sounding Galaxy 5 and when he wants to spoil himself he uses the s-line. Bill has shared his repair solutions with the group occasionally and has added input to getting the "old gals" going again. Keep coming backBill.

- Mike is a frequent check-in from Rio Rancho. He often checks in with a home brew 50 watt transmitter. Not many of those around. He also uses an Eldico SSB 100 that he has restored to perfection. Additionally, he is a contributor to Electric Radio. Nice to hear your signal from the southwest Mike and see you next time.

- Don is net control of the New Heathkit net which comes on right after the Vintage Sideband Net. Don's 4 element monobander puts in a potent signal to almost everywhere. Needless to say almost always uses a Heathkit. But, sometimes he'll lower himself to using his S Line. Don, like the rest of us is also an AM'er using, what else, a DX 100 and an R390. Look for you Sunday Don.

- Lynn is southern net control for the VSSN. His signal is always bodacious. He frequently uses a rare B&W 6100 driving a 30L1. He is currently working on a 30S1 as well as a Lakeshore Phasemaster. Can't wait to hear it. Lynn just completed a CE 10 B, complete with homemade linear using four 6HF5's. He has generated a lot of interest in the Central Electronics products and a lot of it has come on the air in the last year. An informal group is meeting on Wed nights, more or less, centered around the CE stuff. Lynn and I call the net on Sundays; so, look for his big signal from just south of Austin, Texas.

WB0SNF/Yours truly, Andy:
- Home is Clarks, Nebraska and I try to be here every Sunday. The last two weeks has seen a flurry of equipment meltdowns, so Lynn has kept the ball going. This kind of stuff seems to go in streaks. The stuff has been working well for quite a long time but the gremlins finally bit with a vengeance. Hope things go better next week. I frequently use an HT 37 and SX 101 and Heathkit HA 10 Amplifier. The antenna is a two element monobander at 60 Ft. This is the first attempt at any website activity so am going through a learning process amd would appreciate any input as to what you would like to see here. So, happy scrounging, best 73's and I hope that old relic you fellows are working on cooperates. Look for you again on Sunday afternoon. Special thanks to K5LYN for helping keep the net going and all the other plus's you add. Also to K4BOV, Stu, for getting this site going and for all the technical expertise.

Keep them glowing, de WB0SNF

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