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Vintage Sideband Net Log

Hello again to all the boat anchor buffs. I haven't been able to connect to the Internet for a couple of weeks so I am a little behind so I'll be a little briefer than usual with this report.

Lynn, net control south, joined in today with his usual booming signal. New 811's in his 30 L1 solved the problems with the amp and that B&W 6100 sounds great.

Mack, from El Paso and also alternate net control for the Heathkit net, also sounded good as always. Mack usually uses his Heathkit twins or his HT 32/SX 101 combo. Thanks Mac.

Bill, played his Heathkit SB 400-SB 300 rig for us today. Really sounds nice.

Tom, from Atlanta recently acquired a Valiant II. Good luck Tom.

Roger, from Indianapolis, was using his SR 150 today to a dipole. He is also working over a Drake 2B. Thanks Roger.

Doc was using his brand new Yaesu 301 and it sounded very good. His old 520 was temporarily crapped out so he used that as an excuse to buy the new Yaesu. He is also working on an HW 101. Thanks Doc.

I didn't get the name this time, sorry. However, the signal from Wales, Michigan was very nice. The 100v driving the Thunderbolt put out a nice signal and the 75A4 receiver made up for a great station. His 100v is also converted to 160 with his own home brewed conversion. Great work.

Al, who also is an alternate net control for the Hallicrafters net stopped by with another good signal. Al had a complete Hammarlund HQ 180, HX 50 and matching linear for sale lately. Still got it Al?

Chet was using his 820 today. The old faithful SB 102 is still on the fritz. Chet is a good tech so no doubt he will soon get it running. Chet is also pretty handy with cars.

Frank checked in for the first time with his new beam. What a HUGE difference. I'm sure frank is hopelessly spoiled. Now I can hear all his fine old radios a lot better. Thanks Frank.

Bill has had a flurry of breakdowns also lately. Understandably the Galaxy V MK II has taken the trip but not the KWM2 also. Good luck Bill.

Ben checked in with Lynn and I couldn't hear a peep. Sorry Ben.

That about takes care of it for this Sunday. The Wednesday night version of the net, a loose round table, was very good this week. Frank, W4FMS, Lynn K5LYN, Gary K4FMX and myself had a good bull session. The Wed. night group centers on technical talk and Gary gave out a lot of good pointers on phasing systems and more info on coupling xmtr's to amplifiers.

So long and have a good week. Best 73 Andy - WB2SNF

Net Activity Reports
Vintage Sideband Net

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