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SWAN Net Group: Days Gone By....

A young dashing Air Force Sgt Lew Orcutt, N0CXY, can be seen here at the helm operating Air Force MARS station AK1KB from Cape Lisburne, Alaska in 1965. Lew was 23 years old then and well on his way to a career in the USAF.

Roughing it on the "Sands" of Iwo Jima is Petty Officer Hank Aries in 1945. Hank/N7GGC, a crew member with an Air/Sea rescue squadron, kept his eyes peeled for downed American B29's and P51's operating between there and Japan.

Petty Officer First Class Stu Morrison in 1964. Stu/K4BOV was serving with the Naval Security Group at Sabana Seca, PR and is shown here manning his pre-SWAN equipment, a National NC-190 receiver and Johnson Viking Valiant transmitter. The speedkey indicates some 15 meter CW is in progress.
