Now come the quotes! (please feel free to e-mail me more)
(note: most quotes come from movie 1)
(My favorite) Happosai: Ah, look at the poor dearies all alone and unprotected, allow me to take you to a safer location my silkie darlings.
Happosai: A brassier, brassier, hoo hoo!
Ranma to Akane: What a job? I didn't know the circus had an opening.
Hey Kuno baby, the door. BE SILENT WOMAN!
Shampoo: Niaho Ranma! Today beautiful afternoon for Ranma take Shampoo on date.
Kirin: I am Kerin, of the seven lucky gods school of martial arts!
Ranma: What are you doing here you old lech?
Happosai: Oh, Ranma my boy how have ya been?
Ranma to Kerin: There's no way you are taking Akane.
Kirin: And why is that?
Ranma: Because You'll all DIE! -pause- FROM AKANE'S TERRIBLE COOKING!
Ryoga:Tomorrow sees undone what happens not today, indecision brings delay, days lost, lamenting lost days.
Ryoga: I said no amd i mean no!
Ranma: Be a pal and beat me up!
Ryoga:Saotome! I will never forgive you! you stole my bread! You lousy theif!
Ranma: I've got no choice. I didnt want to use this technique but...
Ranma: Saotome Anything Goes Martial Arts final attack!
Ryoga: What?
Ranma: Ready, set, RUN AWAY!
Ryoga: Ranma Saotome, today is the day i shall break you!
Ryoga: Where is furinkan High School?
Ryoga: Im a human being, not a pig!
Ranma: Ryoga i waited at the agreed place for three
Akane: Three days?
Ryoga: Oh sure, you waited three days. But when i got there on the fourth day, you already turned your tail and ran!
Akane: Fourth day?
Ryoga: Ranma i hate you!
Ranma: Yeah, so?
Ranma: oh, so what did i do now?
Ranma: Yeah, well oink oink to you too
Ryoga: Akane, let me be your figure skating partner.
Ranma: But Charlotte, how do you know about the
skating match?
Ryoga: Shut up! Who're you calling Charlotte?
Kodachi: What a man!
Ranma: uh oh, its whats her face, the plack petunia or whatever
Kodachi: Ranma darling, thank you for waiting
Ranam: Im not waiting, im paralized
Akane: Ranma what on earth did you do to the mailbox?
Ranma: I dunno, forget a postage stamp or something?
Akane: Campared to boys who turn into girls, ghosts dont seem so weird
Ranma: Hey. Dont not get personal
Akane: Lucky you! Having such a cute fiance!
Ukyo: Akane? You mean....
Ranam: Yup. Cute fiance, meet uncute fiance
Kuno: That hurt you know
Kuno: Ah. I smote him well
Kasumi: bye bye birdie
Nibiki: please stop that
Kasumi: Bye bye birdie
Nibiki: Ok, sis. You win. i give up already
Kasumi: Bye bye birdie
Genma: Silly boy, dont you remember Article 5, Item 3 of the code? Of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts?
Ranma: We've, uh, got a code?
Genma: curse those evil octopi
Happosai: What are you two doing?
Genma: Were express mailing you to the north pole.
Soun: Where you can ruin someone else's house for a while
Happosai: I'll be good
Cologne: I thought the ghosts in the place were supposed to break up couples. why arent they attacking?
Genma: Maybe they have never been scared off by the living before
Mousse: Great granny i must go!
Genma: Uh, who are you talking to?
Mousse: Come now. Its unseemely for guests to behave this way.
Ryoga: Stay outta this duck boy
Mousse: Ugh, mackle jerky
Soun: The path of a true martial artist is frought with perils
Akane: Hiding yourself in the dirt with a hand trowel is not what i would call an invivibility technique!
Ukyo: Were you born stupid, or did you grow that way?
Ukyo: You jackass, you didnt have to show him my chest you know
Akane: You dolt
Akane: Ranma's free to date the entire student body for all i care
Akane: you are unbelievalbe!
Have you no female sense of modesty?
Akane: Honestly, i get tired of this sometimes
Akane: Hmph! Please dont give my dad anyideas MR. Saotome
Genma: You sound like a girl Ranma!
Genma: Have you lost your wits boy?
Genma: Ranma my boy, let me introduce you.....say hello to Ukyo, your betrothed
Genma: If your set on proving yourself, why not try me
Kasumi: Oh...oh...oh dear. I think i am about to do something evil again...
Kuno: whither akane Tendo, and the pig tailed girl
Nibiki: what is this, some kind of day camp?
Nibiki: Good grief, your pathetic
Nibiki: not the queen of the Amazons
Nibiki: Ranma, your so wrong
Ranma: Im Ranma.....here, hold my bag a sec
Ranma: Time for the deep fryar, you poor excuse for a picnic
Ranma: Butt out bacon breath!
Shampoo: This is stupid
Shampoo: AIYA!
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