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The Populace of Haranshire

List being updated.


Sheriff: Dame Lady Cordelia

Regent: Page Shannon Bradford

Chancellor: Lord Squire Telchar

Champion:Colt Extollere

Chancellor: The person in charge of most of the record-keeping of the Amtgard chapter. There's more to it, but let's just say it's a lot of paperwork. They're the person who makes sure you get your experience noted, so you can actually gain levels in all the cool classes. They are also in charge of the Shire Treasury.

Sheriff: The person in charge. Not much else needs to be said.

Champion: This is the person who runs field. They determine dates for quests, when to run battlegames, a ditching (sword fighting) schedule, etc. They also run Weaponmaster and Warmaster tournaments. Also, most of the time, the Head Reeve on field. (Basically a combat guru). They also assist the Sheriff in whatever ways possible. Lastly, the Champion is responsible for safety on field when it comes to weapons. They should be checking weapons before every day on field to make sure there's NO POSSIBILITY of injury to another player. Safety comes first...ALWAYS.

Regent: Ahh the almighty Regent. The one in charge of Arts and Sciences, and all things crafty. The one responsible for scheduling Feasts, as well as providing entertainment at said Feasts. They schedule A&S events, and generally act as a judge of people's art for various awards, such as Dragons and Garber Credits. They're the person you show your finely crafted garb to, amongst whatever else you may have made. After all, there's more to Amtgard than just combat.


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This site was last updated 11/02/05