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Nutritional Healing in Detail, Part Two.

Robert J. Lane, LMT
Holistic Nutrition Counselor
Licensed Massage Therapist
Psychic Healer & Medical Intuitive
Certified Vortex Healing Practitioner (R)
IET Integrated Energy Therapy, Angel Ariel
ESP Vitamin Bodywork Center
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 -- fax 212-534-8976

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OPTIMAL DOSES of an herb, say, might be 3 pills daily as measured by ordinary muscle tests. The Lane System suggests 1 pill of the right brand can do as well, if given in synergy with other nutrients at the optimal time. Rule 4: Do the most with the least. For most replacement or facilitating vitamins, to restore missing chi, doses are usually one pill a day. If I could do it all with just 1 pill, I would. But human biochemistry isn't that simple. Programs are flexibly adapted to individual lifestyle and habits.

INFECTIONS. Viruses, bacteria, bugs etc. always adapt in time to whatever is "pitched" at them. Solution: don't give them a chance to adapt. Rule 5: always keep the bugs guessing; never pitch the same ball twice. Different "anti-bug" vitamins are given 3-4 times daily. Presumably, some clever bugs might figure out they're getting clobbered by the same team every day, even if the players keep changing. Thus, I sometimes use 2 alternating teams of vitamins, a different list for each day. This keeps them even more confused.

IN TOUGH CASES, of infection or whatever, I simply use as many different supplements as it takes to target all the causal factors. If "enough" turns out to be more than can be taken in one day, then I (rarely) divide the list into 2 days. Effective problem solving in any field is always like that. The man who finally succeeded in building the Panama Canal had to simultaneously drain swamps, kill mosquitoes, build roads, educate the workers, etc.

NEGLECT ANY ONE ELEMENT and the whole enterprise will collapse: he succeeded because he knew that. Less comprehensive strategies before his failed. Rule 6: adopt a big enough strategy for the size of the problem. That few others get as detailed as I will do, if necessary, is mostly due to medical economics. Your problem had better fit a 15-30 minute consultation slot, respond to a short list of supplements at standard doses, or it likely won't get solved. My policy is to fit the consultation to the client, and to the full dimensions of each person's unique problems. Anything less is a waste of time.

EXTENDED SENSE PERCEPTION like mine is poorly understood by conventional science. I view it as simply a more rarefied form of normal physical sensing, comparable to animal sensing of subtle energies. Example: ocean salmon who return to spawn in the exact freshwater pool of their birth; or dogs who feel earthquake tremors hours before eruption or hear sounds we can't. We all see these kinds of animal supersensory feats routinely on TV documentaries. We don't know how some people can consciously direct the chi sensing animals do by instinct. Animals evolved these supersensory skills for sheer survival; I reconnected to the latent human potential for the same reason.

ANIMAL SENSITIVITY to chi much greater than our own is fact. Rule 7: we have a proven natural model of what can be done. As humans can cultivate natural skills, it is logical that highly motivated persons might extend the normal human range to levels approaching or even exceeding the animal range. Inevitably, they will be regarded with suspicion as either self-deluded or mercenary. The greater the departure from normal sensing, the more hostile the reception.

BEFORE THE MICROSCOPE WAS INVENTED, anyone who proposed that people got sick because billions of invisible animals were crawling around inside their bodies would be thought a lunatic. Invisible animals killing an organism a billion times their collective size? Right. Net, please. But this is exactly what the germ theory of disease says. Unfortunately, there is no "chi microscope" to show you what I see.

TRADITIONAL HEALERS usually develop some form of "sixth sense;" study of the pulse, urine, tongue, etc. reveals all. My personal health struggles 28 years ago forced me to look inward when hi-tech medicine couldn't help me. Perhaps chi sensing can help you too.

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BODY LAYERS OF ENERGY. If you're not quite sure what I mean by "100 chi layers," here are some examples. Layer 95 is just beneath all skin surfaces; layer 50 half-way to the center, etc. On my analysis chart, "thyroid 1" means a chi gap or distortion 1 inch off the skin, directly opposite the thyroid. Weak aura chi is like water gushing feebly from a hose, wobbling fitfully. It took me years to tune in mentally to chi layers, yet clients' bodies tune into "layer 57" perfectly the first time. I have simply reconnected to a latent sensitivity to chi most of us have lost; muscle testing reconnects it for you instantly. As a modern day nutritional healer I follow the empiric tradition of doing things because they work.

SEQUENCE OF HEALING. For any illness, I believe there's an orderly sequence of steps the body must go thru to heal. Focusing only on symptoms and ignoring fundamentals is doomed to failure. Sooner or later, you have to follow that sequence, the body's own pathway, to get to the goal. It's just like a maze: sometimes you have to go the long way around to get to the center and solve th**e puzzle. Symptomatic treatment says to the body: "I know what's best: use this drug to stop that symptom." Rule 8: Never tell the body what to do. It already knows what to do. Figure out what it's doing, and go help it. In medicine the Golden Rule seems to be "Figure out what it's doing, and find some drug to stop it at all costs."

DRUG-VITAMIN HYBRIDS. I am able to "read energies" of literally anything intangible or physical, including complex man-made substances, and show how each has a very specific impact on individual bioenergy. Example: aspirin weakens thyroid and hypothalamus chi and lowers potassium. Chi balancers include B-6, manganese, selenium, cherries, olives.

MUSCLE TEST PROCEDURE. If you're familiar with muscle testing, try it and see. Thyroid acupoint is the hollow of the throat, hypothalamus between the eyebrows, potassium the right cheek. It would be possible to devise precisely targeted nutritional formulas to counter the chi weakening effects of any drug, even the most toxic. Chi balancing for any substance is virtually guaranteed; actual physiologic neutralization is uncharted territory. Client results to date suggest it's an achievable goal. At the rate of 5 chi analyses a day, it would take several years to design formulas for every drug in the PDR--but it could be done.

SCIENCE AND HEALERS WORKING TOGETHER. Mass screening of natural and synthetic substances, for follow-up research to verify new therapies, is another option. Scientists are combing the globe to find new drugs for cancer, AIDS, heart disease etc. Chi analysis could sift thru 1000 substances per hour, and narrow the search down to the most likely candidates. This can be physically demonstrated under controlled conditions. Human health could improve immeasurably from a new generation of drug-vitamin hybrids with few or no side effects. Non-drug therapies could take a major leap forward. Humanitarian considerations aside, the financial stakes of reformulating the entire Materia Medica accumulated over centuries, and taking it all to a new level, are obviously astronomical.

THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE is replete with examples of pioneers who make unique, important contributions to an area precisely because they have not been overtrained in the majority mindset of their time, and thus are freed to consider solutions that would never occur to the profession's gatekeepers. Pasteur, for example, was a chemist, not a medical doctor; a fact his critics savagely rebuked him for during his lifetime. Curiously, doctors who know perfectly well that medicine has been repeatedly enriched by "outsider" specialists from allied fields, go right on attacking modern-day Pasteurs in the present with undiminished fury. Orwell called this "doublethink": knowing something with one part of your mind, vigorously denying it with another. These are very Orwellian times we live in. Especially in medicine.

MODERN MEDICAL SCIENTISTS gather data about body functions thru mainly external means, studying it as if it were a thing apart from ourselves: a dense deaf mute, incapable of communicating its needs to our conscious mind. Kinesiology suggests that the body itself might already "know" what it needs to regain health; and be capable of communicating that directly, without needing technological means to extract it. We need not always approach the body, bristling with hardware, as if we were landing a reconnaissance team on Mars. At least for most of us, our bodies aren't quite so far away. If we're patient we can learn to communicate with it, thru intuitive and other means.

TIME WILL TELL whether this work is a contribution to medicine, or at best a footnote to alternative health. No one can be sure of its merit until others do research on it. This requires a results-oriented, undogmatic scientific culture. Which means it will most likely not be done in the US. If the odds favoring breakthroughs are as good as I know them to be, delay in getting research started could be very costly in terms of human suffering needlessly prolonged, perhaps even lives lost. I have no illusions; it took 500 years for vitamin C to be accepted as a treatment for scurvy. We are much less advanced in the 90's than we think.

DRUG-VITAMIN HYBRIDS.The concept of drug-vitamin hybrids is, I think, a sound one; even if you don't believe that "chi sensing" could help achieve that goal. Perhaps someday a "real scientist" will pick up the idea and carry it out. While I personally am not that interested in drugs per se, my notion is that marriage between holistic and orthodox medicine might begin with unifying the best properties of the favorite tool of each side. If doctors are only interested in drugs, fine. Let's explore with them a better way to use them.

SAVANT CALCULATIONS. Perhaps there is a parallel to the chi sensing ability I have developed with the "savant" phenomenon once profiled on "60 Minutes". In the Dustin Hoffman film "Rain Man," a retarded man computes astronomically large numbers in his head: May 17, 3056 falls on a Monday, etc. This was based on many documented cases of real persons who can do this. In my work, I make calculations of chi with a strikingly similar kind of "instant perception."

EXAMPLE: on the Organ Chart I may casually inform a client "adrenal chi is 64%, heart 78%, there's a gap in the thymus aura 1 inch off your body, low thyroid function is the key factor in your health, optimal vitamin C dose is exactly 4 grams, etc." When these are checked with muscle tests, correlation is usually not just high but 100%; just like the savant phenomenon.

THERE'S A MATHEMATICAL FACILITY at play here, though it is clearly not the savant ability. Scientists theorize that savant supermath develops in the retarded as a "compensation" for otherwise lesser mental skills. Students of schizophrenia remark the presence of remarkable mental gifts in its victims, alongside the obvious impairment. I sometimes wonder if my own past health problems, deep and long-enduring, in a similar way spurred the growth of a faculty that might otherwise have lain dormant.

HYPERPERCPTION. It's as if fate shunted me into a world of radically altered physiology, and there I inadvertently acquired one of these mysterious gifts of hyperperception. Years later, after my health returned, the hyperperception remained intact. Clearly there are dimensions to what the mind can do, at least in exceptional circumstances, that are way beyond our present capacity to fathom. Savant supermath, like animal supersensing, points the way to the outer limits of the possible.

CREDIBILITY. Many of you must think "If this system gets such good results why have I never heard of it before? And how come you're the only one doing it?" Good questions. As an invalid most of my adult life, my only goal was healing myself: it was a save-my-own-life move, not a career move. Even after I got smart it still took years to undo the damage. I've had to make ongoing self-healing my first priority; taking the work to the world has had to wait.

CREDENTIALS. If you're used to judging the worth of a health professional by the prestige of his degrees, that way of thinking won't help very much here. Competence is a function of two variables: training and talent. If training was all, you could send a mule to medical school and produce a competent physician. Being a healer is a calling, a gift, an art. And while everyone knows good training can help make a better artist, in the end you either have "it" or you don't.

IMAGINE THE EXCITEMENT of the early kinesiologists who began using muscle testing to tap into the body's self-monitoring databank. It was as if they had stumbled upon some sort of biocomputer which, almost literally by pressing the right acupoint buttons, "information" would pop out. I think what they discovered is infinitely more complex as an encoded information system than most muscle testers realized--then, or even now.

THE LANGUAGE OF THE BODY is at least as complex, precise and multi-layered as an advanced computer program. It has to be. Simply to manage the assembly, deployment, functions and interactions of thousands of biochemicals, 24 hours a day, nothing less than an extremely sophisticated information system would do. Yet most kinesiologists up to now have done muscle tests in terms of baby talk: as if the body were only capable of a simple yes/no code. But perhaps there is much more there to be tapped. What I have tried to do in my work is to put together an analysis program of the chi data at least as complex as the body's information system itself. It is a 26 page work-in-progress that will never fully equal the full complexity of the body's "master program." But using it has helped me to get much better results than I used to get.

ACCURATE MUSCLE TESTING depends on proper alignment of the Subject's biomagnetic field. Normally the base of the spine is north polar, top of the head south: between them a kind of chi bar magnet. To test polarity, Subject places left palm (north) on top of head (south), extends right arm. When Tester presses the wrist, response should be strong. With back of hand on head (south on south), it should be weak. Switched people are opposite: back of hand on head is strong response, palm down is weak. The spinal bar magnet is "upside down." Muscle responses of switched people tend to be contrary: strong to negative things like sugar etc., weak to healthy foods. Normal alignment is restored in 2 minutes by pressing torso acupoints. Temporarily this enables accurate testing to proceed. Program herbs adjust polarity more permanently. Switching should be checked on all layers, not just the surface.

MANY OTHER FACTORS can lead to inaccurate tests. Bioenergy fields of either Tester or Subject can be distorted in many ways: interaction of the two multiplies chances for error. Where and when you do testing can produce place- or time-specific results, not otherwise applicable. Direct chi sensing bypasses most of these pitfalls. I focus mentally on each client's essential core self, constant over time, minus the above distorting variables.

MENTAL INFLUENCE. Kinesiology is often criticized because the mind can influence the results. But this supposed "weakness" is actually its greatest strength. If Subject's blood sugar at test time is low, you might get strong r/esponses when sugar is held: it fills a strong short term need. But then ask the body "Is sugar the best long-term solution?", and you usually get a weak response. The body responds in terms of present need; that's it's Survival Program: the "default position" the body returns to when events or mental orders are not dictating another program, presumably more adaptive. But you can change the program with a correctly worded command. Thus, body response to mental influence can produce more accurate results, not less.

ONE BODY, MANY PROGRAMS. Early muscle testers assumed the default program they stumbled upon when they tapped into the body's biocomputer was the only one there. But one program could not possibly manage the extremely complex physiology of the body. It must have hundreds of programs for various life situations. When in danger the body shifts to a Fight or Flight Program, and major physiological changes ensue; in sex arousal, a Hormonal Cascade Program goes to work, etc. Home and doctor's office blood pressure tests often differ markedly: different context, different program, different read-out. Whatever program or physiological state the body happens to be in when you muscle test cannot possibly stand for the complex whole. Muscle testing should measure the full variety of Body Programs to be as accurate as possible. The great advantage of chi scanning is that I can do in minutes what could not begin to be equalled by hours or even days of muscle testing.

POWER OF IMAGINATION. It is impractical to put the body into many situations to track varying responses: but it can be instructed to imagine them. Remember the Placebo Effect: the body responds to the idea of the drug as if it were the real thing. The Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word; and the Word became Flesh." Always strengthen the visualized ideal self in chi balancing, not the misprogrammed person standing in front of you. That person may crave sugar, be angry, anorectic etc.

STRENGTHENING THE DYSFUNCTIONAL. Why supply more resources for dysfunctional programs? During testing imagine your ideal self in perfect health: vitamins are then selected to build bridges to create him/her. Just like in sports: you visualize the end point, jumping over the hurdle, etc. Otherwise, tests simply reveal short-term points of stability, playing out an unexamined program. Change to the ideal self can destabilize in the process. You have to look beyond to future goals: heroin might test strong in the moment, but that doesn't mean it's beneficial. Looking beyond the moment, beneath the surface, to find out what's really going on explains much of what the Lane Bioenergy System is all about.

DOWSING. I use a method called "dowsing" to measure chi. The common image pictures a dowser walking along with a forked stick, trying to locate water underground; the forked stick or a pendulum serves as a chi vibrational amplifier. For dowsers in tune with the water, the pendulum dips down of its own accord when they walk over the right spot. Actually, dowsing can be used for many other purposes. For health readings the pendulum is more convenient. A key or similar light object tied to a string 4-6 inches long makes a usable pendulum. Hold it by the string between thumb and forefinger.

PENDULISTS subjectively feel an involuntary sense of movement as the pendulum is held, in response to positive or negative qualities of virtually anything: people, places, buildings, foods, etc. It responds just as readily to mental images as it does to anything physically present. Clockwise rotation means "yes, positive"; counterwise "no, negative." Do not be fooled by dowsing's apparent simplicity into thinking it can't possibly match hi-tech blood tests, etc. It is unscientific to jeer at oddity. If the weird thing is what works, then you do the weird thing. Judge results, not appearance.

AFTER 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, I no longer use a pendulum. I can feel the chi directly; no amplifier. This frees me to dowse as fast as I can think. Not seeing an instrument, many people assume I'm "psychic." In the sense that dowsing may be a psychic subtype, perhaps they are. I am personally more concerned with practical uses than how dowsing is categorized or explained. Real science is about results, not theory.

GOOD DOWSERS "read energy" with equal accuracy at any distance. It is not necessary for the person to be physically present; name and address are often enough. Sometimes people ask for a friend, and a few general tips can be given. Here it's wise to keep in perspective the appropriate uses of distant reading. Whenever possible it's prudent to verify with muscle testing or other objective means before acting. Then it becomes your own analysis, which the dowser has simply guided you to.

THE METAPHYSICAL COMPUTER. Becoming a good dowser is like learning how to manipulate a sort of metaphysical computer with no instruction manual. You experiment by asking questions in different ways, and observe the "yes/no" patterns of response. Real-life experiences from following pendulum "advice" lets you know if you're on the right track.

PATIENTLY OBSERVE RESPONSE PATTERNS long enough, gather a large enough database of success and failure, and eventually general rules emerge. Later on, the rules themselves can be seen to form a larger, orderly structure, the metaphysical equivalent of a computer program. While I don't use formal scientific tools, my work is scientific in the essential sense of being methodical and results-oriented. There is no substitute for experience. It is always the clay that teaches the potter; the medium itself is the master.

Robert J. Lane, LMT
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 -- fax 212-534-8976
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