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Robert Lane, LMT. 401 East 89th Street
Upper East Side office, NYS licensed 1988
Certified Vortex Healer, Medical Intuitive
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Robert J. Lane, LMT

ESP Vitamin Bodywork Center
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128

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THIS PAGE page explains my healing work, primarily so that all clients will fully understand what I as a healer do before they schedule a consultation, either in person, on the phone, or online. Trusting someone to guide you in achieving better health is an important decision. It's to your advantage to know as much as possible beforehand.

BEING A HEALER is not like being a chiropractor or doctor, in terms of general public understanding of the art. People know in general what chiropractors, doctors and other health/medical professionals do, even if they don't know the individual practitioner. They have a vague notion that chiropractors "crack bones," and doctors prescribe medications, perform operations, etc. The same is true for most of the other already established or familiar health/medical arts: physiotherapy, dentistry, psychiatry, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, etc. You know, more or less, what to expect, what the drill is. But what is it that a healer does? There are two aspects to my healing work: energetic healing, and nutritional healing.

ENERGETIC HEALING. Also known as laying on of hands, usually explained as one person using his hands to directly transmit "energy" into the body of the recipient. This ancient healing art often has deep religious and/or "psychic" or paranormal aspects, or at least so claimed. Two modern examples are Reiki and Therapeutic Touch, although there are many others. My own version of this energy work is non-religious but spiritual. My approach is direct and common sense: strengthen what is weak, relieve what is congested, stimulate what is stagnant, etc. Consequently, I don't follow any particular ritual or set pattern in doing this. Everyone I deal with is different.

"PSYCHIC" NUTRITIONAL HEALING CONSULTATIONS. Technically, I regard myself as an "energy sensitive," more than a "psychic." I use the word "psychic" to describe my work because people already know what a psychic is, and the term is reasonably close to what I actually do. Extended sensory perception like mine is poorly understood by conventional science. I view it as simply a more rarefied form of normal physical sensing, comparable to animal sensing of subtle energies.

ANIMAL EXAMPLES. There are many, many examples of animal "supersensory" abilities, but let me mention just one: the ability of dogs to hear sounds that humans literally cannot. Thus, the dog whistle, which emits frequencies that are inaudible to the human ear, but dogs readily can. What does this mean? It means that there is a world of sensory information "out there" that most people cannot sense, but that (1) many animals can, in diverse ways, and, (2) some people can. We usually call such subtle energy specialists "psychics," and have a sometimes justified suspicion of their claims. Bottom line, you can't "see" what they claim to see--why should you believe them?

ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. Few if any alternative healers have conventional scientific proof that their healing is legitimate, real and valid, that it really works. What they do have is something called "anecdotal evidence." This consists of a collection of testimony from real-world people who have had direct personal experience that the healing did work.

PERSONAL HISTORY. You should understand that I am came to this healing work because I had health problems myself, and explored various kinds of holistic healing because I literally had no other option. I had chronic fatigue syndrome 20 years before it was officially recognized as a real illness in 1988. What was I supposed to do in the interim? My "belief" in alternative healing is based on the rather obvious fact that I wasn't well before, and afterwards I was. Case closed.

STRUCTURE TO FOLLOW: Before proceeding further, let me note that this section is structured as follows: (1) The first pages provide an overview, and are very cursory. (2) After that, there's more detail about specific key issues.

SERVICES: Non-medical, intuitive health counseling; NYS licensed Swedish massage; hands-on healing. In-home, by phone, or online. The Lane System of Bioenergy Analysis is a very detailed, comprehensive system of subtle energy health analysis. It is applicable to most non-medical health problems to aid self healing.

SUBTLE ENERGY SPECIALTY: the subtle energy dimension of health. Called "chi" in Chinese medicine, subtle energy flows thru body pathways termed "meridians." The Chinese normalize unbalanced chi with herbs, or by manipulating acupoints along meridians with needles (acupuncture) or finger pressure (shiatsu). The Lane System uses vitamins, herbs, diet, etc. to achieve the same goal; what's unique about it is the thoroughness and precision of the chi analysis.

EVEN IF OTHER THERAPIES FAILED, many clients report improvements ranging from moderate to dramatic after non-medical chi balancing. Vitamins selected are in general holistic use. The intent is to assist clients to more precisely identify the individually right vitamins: the right brands in exact dosage, in synergistic combination with other vitamins given at the optimal mealtime. Clients are urged to rotate vitamin use for optimal safety.

HEALING PROCEDURE. Whenever needed I channel healing energies thru my hands, usually for about 5-20 minutes. For some clients this adds to the vitamin or massage healing. Chi scans intuitively guide me to the key areas to work on. While there is a spiritual dimension to my work, mostly my approach is unlike religious faith healing. Everything is low key, precise, analytical. Clients sit or recline, concentrate on being receptive or whatever; I do my thing briefly and that's it. While healing, I only think of "where, and how long." For years I have systematically enhanced my healing chi force with a complex vitamin regimen. I can now project healing at a distance, heal deeper body layers, etc. Muscle tests demonstrate the before and after results.

COSTS: All services $60/hour; in-home rate depends on distance from my 89th & 2nd home address. Sliding scale; massage series reduced rate; installment payments negotiable. On Full 40-day Programs vitamins are timed to match your changing body rhythms. First sessions can take 60-150 minutes, follow-ups 30-60. Vitamins for 40-60 days from health food stores average $100-$200. Total $200-$350, less if some of your own vitamins are used. Basic Programs cut back on the ideal full version to meet your budget: 5 to 10 different vitamins, 4-6 pills a meal. This takes 30-90 minutes, and costs about $100-$150.

LEARN MORE. This page explains how my work differs before your first appt; 15 minute demos are free. The Lane System is practical and client-proven in many cases where better known methods haven't worked. Personal experience led me to learn this system the hard way. You can benefit from my 30-year health journey at modest cost. Scientific skeptics should be reassured that there is no unreasoning "faith" or cultism in any aspect of my work.

TRADITIONAL HEALERS in many cultures have achieved good results from chi balancing for centuries. Exceptional responses are often reported to this updated, expanded version. As Lane Programs are more comprehensive and detailed than many health plans, some clients claim solving problems of years duration. This no-tech method is in many ways more advanced than hi-tech systems. All aspects of my work are efficiently designed to eliminate the frustrations many of you have had with some holistic practice: inflated charges, long waits, exaggerated claims, etc.

CHI ANALYSIS MEASURES A SEPARATE DIMENSION OF HEALTH. It is not a replacement for disease-oriented medical tests. Many vitamins can be shown to strengthen each person's chi system in ways often not generally known. Kinesiology Muscle Tests are used to more objectively evaluate chi health. MT is used by many holistic professionals, and has almost unlimited applications. In a modern Western way it taps into the same chi network acupuncturists use. Though I happen to know a lot about nutrition after 20 years' informal study, I do not call myself a nutritionist. Just as lab technicians analyze blood, urine etc. I only focus on chi as a specialist. Massage training gave me the skills to move chi by hand; vitamin chi balancing grew out of personal self healing. Then the desire to share with others what transformed my own health compelled me to expand the work into a professional healing practice.

IN THE BEST CASES, many clients claim exceptional results. Examples: One man's psoriasis of 14 years heals. An actor with lifelong low energy and indigestion experiences dramatic change in weeks. A singer's vocal strength, declining for years, returns with vitamins, magnets, homeopathy. Depressed clients claim recovery. Others with "mystery ailments" discover clues that may lead to partial if not full healing, or point the way to healing with other practitioners. Food "allergies" are reported controlled with targeted minerals. Many clients report rapid results with reversing low energy. All clients receive a frank evaluation of the realistic healing odds. For the large majority, results are usually rapid and decisive in the first 40 days. For the few with marginal results, my experience is that "second efforts" are unlikely to fare much better; the first program usually sets the pattern.

I'M VERY FLEXIBLE in how I work. Basic or Full Programs let you choose the level of involvement best for you. Perhaps you only want a quick evaluation of the vitamins you're using now, fine-tuning dosages and timing. Or you may simply need advice choosing which holistic therapies might benefit you, and which likely won't. If your budget is tight, give me a dollar limit, and I'll scale down the time and the vitamins to fit that figure.

Programs are adapted to your personal lifestyle. I'm very organized, and have an efficient system to make it easy for people who may have trouble following thru on a vitamin regimen. Some clients want Swedish massage only, or 15 minute healings. I only recommend services I sense have a good chance of helping individually; your best interests are my sole consideration. I've done everything I can think of to make my practice a model of what holistic therapy should be.

PRECISE SELECTION, OPTIMAL TIMING AND SYNERGY OF SUPPLEMENTS creates a much bigger impact per pill: thus the low dosage 40-day format. On individualized food plans, 250 foods are rated for personal "chi allergy." Program vitamins desensitize reactions to "allergic" foods. Programs with 30-80% new items are done every 40 days; 80-120 later on. Before the first appt.: please list all your vitamins with brand name. Or show them to me; some may be used in the program. Appointments expand or contract to fit your needs and budget.

KINESIOLOGY. Tester and Subject face each other. Let's say we test thyroid chi. Subject's right index touches the thyroid acupoint in the hollow of the throat; the left arm extends from the shoulder. This sets up a chi circuit from the acupoint, thru the body to the arm. Tester presses down on the wrist while Subject resists. If thyroid chi is low, Subject's resistance is less. Strength returns when the finger is withdrawn. Other acupoints correspond to organs, glands, vitamin and mineral levels. Like a car's gas gauge, the body has a "chi gauge" which muscle tests tap into and read, making chi felt. Low chi responses are reversed if the right vitamin(s) are held while retesting.

CHI BALANCING. The body senses chi of anything brought close to its field, signaling recognition of what it needs to rebuild health with strong muscle response. Response is involuntary; no experience or "faith" required. Thyroid low chi balancers include B-complex, iron, apples, olives. Testing outside the body helps to select the right vitamins before taking them. Response is exact: one pill too many and the arm again weakens. Try it yourself and see.

IN 3-DIMENSIONAL CHI ANALYSIS "1" is the deepest layer, "100" is the skin surface. Body layers wrap around front and back like an onion; aura layers are noted as inches off the skin. Healthy organs project chi evenly thru the body/aura; unhealthy ones have a few low chi layers sandwiched between the normal majority. Like a CAT-Scan does in x-rays, 3-D analysis pinpoints low chi areas in the total body. These are targeted with vitamins whose energy matches what the body lacks. Items chosen compensate for allergies, stress, poor digestion etc. The entire metabolic process is scanned for gaps, blocks and nutrient shortages. No claims are made that balancing chi cures disease.

CHI SENSING is used to greatly increase the range, speed and accuracy of chi analysis, beyond the limits of even very advanced muscle tests. In China, sensitivity to chi is a normal, learned skill. Any shiatsu healer "feels chi" with her hands. For 16 years I have developed the ability to scan chi at the mental level. This more advanced skill is extended sense perception, not psychic; correlation to muscle tests is usually 100%. Each method has its own advantages, cross checking the other.

While machines can measure chi, none can equal human range and nuance. A detailed analytical program is used to process the chi data, which otherwise could be misinterpreted. Chi sensing is used to match each client with the right vitamins. Of 10 brands of zinc for example, only 1 might have the optimal effect: in synergy with 100 mg. B-1, peaking at 6:30 PM and healing very specific chi layers. Precision at this level is far in advance of current technology. You can benefit now from a revolutionary health system that may not be generally known for years.

KINESIOLOGY UNTIL NOW only tested acupoints on the skin surface; probably less than 10% of the biofield. In the Lane System, the body is divided into 100 chi layers from surface to deep inside. All 7 chakras and the biofield around the body are also scanned. Organ chi weaknesses missed when only 10% of the biofield is tested are easily revealed by 3-Dimensional analysis.

THE ADDED DATA to more focused healing strategies for ills of every kind. New insights are almost guaranteed, no matter what else you've tried. Once a complete 3-D inventory of chi "gaps" is made, vitamins are chosen matching each person's missing chi. This continues until individual healing limits are reached. Of several brands of a vitamin, only one will be best individually; chi testing is the only known method sensitive enough to discern these subtle brand differences. The fine tuning and thoroughness of the Lane Bioenergy System often leads to reported healing faster and stronger than the norm.

MOST OF YOU have already tried the most prestigious experts money can almost buy. And where did it get you? If you're honest with yourself, willing to take a cold, hard look at your own experience, I think you will have to admit that results were often far less than advertised. And not just once: it happened over and over again. If high-tech can't do the job, why not give low-tech a try? Frankly, the muscle test demo is far more informative and revealing than anything I can write. And that you can schedule for free. If you're very short on time and just want to know the minimal basics before your appt., reading to the end of page 4 would suffice. For others, the extra details may be very helpful in making an important healthcare decision.

SHOW ME ALL YOUR VITAMINS; or at least a list, including brand and about how many pills are left per bottle. I scan your pill stock first, integrating any items I can into your program; 10%-90% of it may be usable, depending on what you have. Each item chosen must strengthen your energy field as measured by muscle tests or chi sensing. I exclude vitamins that are "allergic," too old, don't have strong enough healing force or conflict with more important items. Some of you already have good quality vitamins, which could work a lot better if given at the right time of day, combined with other vitamins synergizing their effect. Don't throw away rejected vitamins; many will be usable later. Also, please list what you most want to change about your health. I can aim the vitamin program in different directions, depending on your priorities.

TO KEEP COSTS DOWN, I do everything possible to maximize efficiency and thus reduce overhead. I'm fully aware that some people might not take my work seriously because of my unpretentious approach. No matter: my goal is to reach the person who judges by substance and results, rather than appearance. The money you don't spend for my services on high overhead, goes straight into taking enough time to do a thorough program. Reading the manual thoroughly saves time (and money) in session answering routine questions!

TO TEST MY ACCURACY, you may show me 2 items you've had good responses with, and 2 of the opposite. Or we can test everything, if you prefer. If my method is accurate it should confirm what you already know; and explain more things you didn't about each item. We can skip this if you don't have vitamins, or don't need to see proof of my accuracy. Muscle test accuracy increases if you omit taking vitamins on the test day; however, chi sensing is not thrown off by vitamins circulating in your body temporarily. Since I only use muscle tests to confirm chi sensing, it's not essential. Correlation between the two is usually 100%. When they don't match, it's usually because body polarity is switched or the muscle test is measuring a smaller portion of the biofield. Optimal vitamin doses may differ because chi sensing calculates interactions of vitamins, and muscle tests only measure vitamins singly, in isolation.

WHAT TO EXPECT. First, we talk for 5-20 minutes. How long depends on your personal need and budget. I'll discuss whatever is important to you; and take enough time so you can get it all out. If you've been ill for many years, there may be much to discuss. The balancing act here is: how much do you need to talk it out, versus how much time can you afford? It helps to give me a dollar limit of total cost (vitamins plus my time) you don't want to exceed. Keep in mind that rambling details of your life history will not help me to help you. You will not be rushed thru my personal agenda, without regard to your questions and information. If it's important, tell me. At the same time, I try to keep discussion focused on the key issues, so our time together is efficient and productive.

CHI SENSING tells me most of what I need to know. What I need from you is: your major medical diagnoses and symptoms, and your lists of health goals and vitamin stock (or the stock itself). Please show me all current medications; I need to calculate their effects on your chi, so I can design the program accordingly. Keep an eye on the clock: many clients find the session so fascinating or have so many questions that 2-3 hours can go very quickly; not everyone can afford $180 for a 3-hour analysis. Also, please tell me if vitamins 2, 3 or 4 times daily best fits your individual lifestyle.

AS WE TALK, I often mix in a few quick organ muscle tests in response to the various issues you bring up. As you start to tell me, for example, how tired you are all the time, I may suggest we test your adrenals, thyroid, etc., to make a connection between this and my sense of your chi. Or, you might tell me that a vitamin makes you hoarse, and at that point I might show you how it weakens the throat chakra, but that zinc and B-1 might help fix that.

FIRST TIME CLIENTS often expect tests to "define what's wrong." In my system, chi sensing of your personal "energy gaps" only takes minutes; about as long as it takes to look at someone and make a list of what they're wearing. It's simply directly apparent; there's no point in making it more complicated. Analysis and discussion of what these perceptions mean can take longer, depending on your level of interest. (There's a 26-page program behind the seeming simplicity of my method, which you don't see because I'm processing it all mentally).

Understandably, few people are prepared to just accept, for example, "adrenal chi is 60%, thyroid 55%, etc." because I have a "feeling" about it. However, most are persuaded that there must be a real basis to my chi perceptions, as nearly 100% of my predictions of what muscle tests will show are confirmed. To keep costs down, I spend minimal time on muscle test demos; just enough so you're satisfied I'm on target and know what I'm doing. Experienced clients accept chi sensing pragmatically, without tests, because they've had good results from following my recommendations.

"CHI" is a foreign idea in western medicine. However, some of its methods work with chi using different terms. The orthodox MD who taps on your chest in physical exams, listening for subtle differences in the sound waves produced, is unknowingly measuring a form of chi. Pulse reading is another method, common to both West and East. Eastern doctors learn to distinguish many pulse subtleties beyond simply the count. When chi sensing is put into this broader context, it becomes much easier to understand and accept. Hans Nieper, MD, holistic doctor of international repute, advises patients to have a "dowser" check out the subtle energy toxicity of the home environment. (Dowsing is chi sensing using a pendulum as a vibrational "amplifier.")

IN THE WESTERN MEDICAL TRADITION, diagnosis is the basic starting point for any effective therapy. This is logical if you're using a medicine to bypass the body's normal functioning, and "do for it" what it seems unable to do itself: lower blood pressure, kill a virus, etc. Many people have been so conditioned that diagnosis is all-important, they find it hard to let go of it and trust that the body can heal itself. In my work the basic idea is that the body already knows what's wrong with it (even if you don't), merely lacking the tools to fix itself. Thus, 90% of the time is spent choosing the precisely right vitamin tools, and organizing them into a balanced program. Spending more time on other issues would make most sessions too long. That's why I do muscle tests only once, with brief follow-ups at later appointments.

"WHAT'S WRONG," in my terms, is best defined as lack of specific nutrients in exact doses, rather than a disease name. If your car was out of gas, you'd just give it the needed fuel to do what it's designed to do by itself anyway. Same idea here: give the body the right nutritional fuel, and it's healing engine will start up, and systematically go thru every dysfunctional system, making all the repairs that God and/or evolution have programmed it to do.

CHI ANALYSIS is intended for health educational purposes only; it does not replace medical diagnosis. Clients must be capable of making an informed choice to engage in a non-medical program of guided self-healing. Balancing chi as measured by muscle testing is virtually guaranteed. While most clients report a broad range of other, subjective health gains, this is not claimed to be a scientifically proven result of chi balancing. Suggested vitamins do not replace appropriate and necessary medical care.

THE TOTAL CHI SYSTEM has aspects which are non-physical, abstract: emotional blocks to healing, optimal timing and interactions of vitamins, etc. These are as easy for me to tune into as the energy of an actual physical substance like a vitamin. Everything in the universe has a unique chi pattern. "Anger," for example, perhaps causing an ulcer, has a unique chi "signature," which can be altered with the chi of something material like a vitamin or herb. I move between the tangible and the intangible, relating one to the other, with equal ease. Matter and energy, after all, are interchangeable: E=MC2.

YOUR VITAMINS. During or after the 5-20 minute discussion part I go thru your stock and start listing the usable items, with optimal doses and mealtimes. If I sense the optimal time for an item is 9 AM and the session is at 4 PM, the only way to test this is thru visualization. You hold the vitamin bottle and focus on the words "it is now 9 AM...noon...6 PM," etc. I test your arm muscle response; one time is always much stronger. Conventional muscle tests might suggest you need 3 tablets of an item daily; giving it at the optimal time can reduce this to 1 tablet. Again, none of this is really necessary since I already know the optimal time, even if it's a product new to me. The only reason to do it is so clients have confidence in the process, by feeling in their bodies' muscle test responses that my chi sensing is truly accurate.

PROGRAM DESIGN is the next step after discussion/muscle tests. Choosing the right vitamins, doses and timing is where the crucial decisions are made. One first step is choosing a multivitamin, to cover all the basics. I feel within my body that specific multis resonate more strongly than others for a given individual. By definition, a multi has a little bit of everything in it. If you choose the right one, the body can make its own choices from the vitamin buffet available.

ON THIS FOUNDATIONS I then add extra quantities of anything the multi has too little of, or none at all. Digestive aids are used to make sure that the body can absorb and utilize all nutrients ingested. A typical full program has vitamin C at 2-6 grams; a few minerals or multimineral; pantothenic acid for energy; 1-3 herbs; 3-4 items for bedtime; homeopathics rarely. Selection continues until I sense the body has reached it's healing limit of how many vitamins it can handle. This varies individually between 6 to 20 different supplements.

TO ENSURE precise matches of clients with vitamins, I look at many different brands of the same/similar items. There's no such thing as the "best" vitamins for everyone. Companies I like include Source Naturals, Synergy Plus, Twin Lab, Schiff, Planetary Formulas, Thompson, Alive Energy, Nature's Herbs, Nature's Way, Herb Pharm, and others commonly available at health food stores. I select the best products from every company without bias.

AFTER PROGRAM DESIGN is complete, the last step is (sometimes) analysis of food "chi allergy." Most MD's only accept certain lab-defined data as proving "true allergy." Holism defines it more broadly. In chi analysis if it weakens an individual chi field, as shown by muscle testing, it's "allergic." I call this "chi allergy" to avoid disputes. Chi allergy desensitizing is routine. There are chi balancers for any "allergy." EG, Potassium: milk, soy, egg, tomato. Zinc: yeast, potato, mushroom, chocolate. Magnesium: wheat, corn.

INDIVIDUALIZED DIETS may be important if (1) you're very allergic, or (2) by nature you're thorough, and want to cover every angle of health. Some clients choose to just take vitamins and not bother with diet change, or don't feel it's a problem. OK by me. Relatively, I feel the vitamins do most of the healing; individualized diet is secondary. It's available if you want it. I rate 250 foods on a 4-9 scale; 4-6 foods should be eaten less or avoided while "allergic" metabolism converts to normal thru the program; 7-9 is the safe range. My food philosophy is pragmatic: eat what works for your personal metabolism. My job as a sort of technical analyst of chi is to rate the foods purely objectively. This takes about 15-20 minutes.

FOCUS OF THE FOODS LIST is mostly on chi allergy or tolerance: to what degree individuals can fully digest each food, unimpaired at any phase. Lettuce, less nutrient-dense than tofu, gets the same rate if your body can digest it as well. Tofu might rate higher temporarily until the nutrient well fills. This is quite different from inherent values of foods, easily found elsewhere. Foods rated for chi allergy will not fall evenly over the 4-10 scale. Most will be 6 or 7, a few 5 or 8, 4 and 9 are rare. The 1-3 portion of the scale covers toxic items: fluoride, mercury, etc. No food is this toxic. A 10 would only be given to foods as concentrated as supplements, in nutrients that an individual was severely deficient in.

THE IDEAL OF THE FOODS LIST IS ALL 7'S. Above 7 means your body is so starved in nutrients, that a food source is therapeutic. Ideally you should have a nutrient reservoir, not be so deficient you need a 10 food. If a food drops from 9 to 7, that's good: you don't need it as much. Sugar might go from 4 to 5 as you improve: your body is now less vulnerable. Once the foods analysis is done, that usually ends the session. Then it's time for last minute questions. If you forget a key question, you can call me later. Sometime I do 5-15 minutes of aura healing or acupressure if I feel it would help. Massage and/or healing can be done after if you're interested in the total package.

PHONE CONSULTATIONS. For each 40 day program, short 2-10 minute consultations by phone to clarify or modify the program are already paid for. However, if this adds up to about 30 minutes or more during the 40 days, clients may be asked to pay for additional phone time at the standard rate. Some people just need to call frequently, often apologizing for "bothering me." I don't mind calls that truly address important issues, but feel that at a certain point it's only fair that some compensation is due if the calls are almost daily, or start asking for advice to help friends and relatives, etc.

AFTER THE FIRST 40 DAYS, a new program with 40%-80% new items is drawn up for another 40. In an accurately targeted program, the vitamins should do the job within that time. The only way to progress is to bring in new vitamins. Vitamins that start out at 9 drop to 7 because the nutrient well fills up; you don't need it as much. Eventually 80-120 day maintenance programs are an option. Appointments for new programs should be set a few days before the old one runs out. Some clients who move away or are too busy have new programs mailed to them. I don't use special formulas that are hard to find.

DIMINISHING RETURNS. Some clients who felt great on the program buy new bottles of every item, figuring they'll stick with a winning formula. This is usually OK for multis, C, pantothenic, perhaps a few items of individual need (say, vitamin E if you have a heart problem, etc.) Most herbs are only for short term use. Many minerals needed in quantity for 40-80 days are often adequately supplied by a good multi thereafter. What worked to get you better isn't necessarily needed to keep you that way. If you wouldn't eat the same meal every day for a year, why do the same thing with vitamins? Some of you who are acutely sensitive to supplements know from just one pill what works. For you, let your symptoms be your guide. That much said, the best possible job can only be done by periodic re-evaluation. I do understand why people get busy at work, or can't afford to reschedule for awhile.

IN LANE PROGRAMS ROUGHLY 30%-80% of supplements used are similar to what many other holistic professionals recommend. (This may be misleading, as matching of clients with brands and meal timing, etc. is what counts.) I don't plan it that way--though it is reassuring that what I come up with independently has some general currency. But the remainder may seem "oddball" selections; not illogical, but not the popular favorites of the moment. Herb selection is a good example of how this works. Most people memorize one or two main herb uses, even though all of them have many other less common ones: ginseng, energy; hawthorne, heart; golden seal, infections; one herb, one function, end of story. But with chi sensing, I often match a weakness or gap in the biofield with one of these less common properties of an herb or supplement.

MASSAGE. Though the Manual mostly talks about vitamins, I don't mean to imply that massage is a less important therapy. I can tune into an acupoint to deal with a health problem as readily as I can a pill. Many clients see me only for massage. If you're not sure about "chi sensing", you might want to start with a more conventional, down-to-earth therapy like massage. Benefits are usually immediately apparent at the first session; vitamins can take longer to be clearly felt. At this point, you've just finished reading all the practical details in this Manual. From here on: the philosophy and concepts guiding my work. It's not necessary to read it before your appointment, or at all. Some of you may find it useful to understand the ideas behind the method, but this is strictly a personal choice.

THE BASIC ELEMENTS of the Lane System are simple. That it often succeeds where hi-tech medicine failed is not a fluke; it simply reflects commonplace problem-solving. Rule 1: use the tool that does the job. If a low-tech tool works better than complex medical hardware, then any real scientist prefers the former. In America, we unthinkingly refer to "science-and-technology" as if they were the same thing. Not so. The best scientific solution may not be the most costly and technology-intensive. It's the one that works: regardless of the tools used, "prestige," or political control of acceptable solutions.

REAL SCIENCE has always been subversive of the dominant mindset. This manual explains the common-sense logic behind the complex designs of Lane Bioenergy Programs, and how they may more closely fit the subtleties of physiology than other regimens. It took me 12 years to find the bioenergy path, after my own health fell apart in 1968. Another 8 years exploring, starting to develop my own healing technique; 8 years later a growing sense of mastery, the deep satisfaction of helping others. This is the distillation of 28 years of toil and sweat. May it help you on your own path.

ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE of results is, of course, routinely dismissed by the orthodoxy. It's remarkable how many people fall for this ploy, which they would laugh at in anything else other than medicine. Doctors repeat this catch phrase so often most people, without really thinking it thru, actually believe it's a sort of scientific crime to look at anecdotal proof at all. It isn't.

RULE 2: anecdotes are part of a spectrum of proof. Scientific studies are merely collections of anecdotes (cases): systematically gathered, reduced to numbers, and rendered unintelligible. When enough clients tell me they've improved, I do not, strange as it may seem, assume they're all hallucinating; or lying to me about health gains that never happened. I believe them. You may ask to speak to clients of mine who have experienced enduring benefits from my vitamin healing work. I may or may not be able to match you with a client whose health problems were once similar to your present ones.

NO RESPONSE. Some clients follow the program diligently and do not feel symptomatic relief, even though muscle testing shows the chi field is much stronger. In general, good response tends to occur early and strong. Clients either improve dramatically or marginally with little in between. There is never a point at which chi sensing has exhausted everything to try. My work evolves rapidly: problems I couldn't solve 6 months ago I now can, etc. While few clients who've stuck it out for months experience little or no benefit, it does happen. The true test of an ethical healer, I think, is not handling success--that's easy. But how do you deal fairly and sensitively with the inevitable failures? For starters, you don't charge exorbitant prices. If it doesn't work with me, at least you're not out major bucks. Second, the low dose, rotating format ensures optimal safety: first do no harm. If you're honest and fair with people, most understand that nobody is 100% successful.

CAUSAL SEQUENCE. Rule 3: target basic causes, not symptoms. The Lane System of 3-D chi analysis focuses on low chi organs or glands in order of importance, and in terms of causal sequence. Healing the #1 factor has the greatest overall impact, and often indirectly affects #2 thru #6. This can be demonstrated by taping chi balancers over the #1 acupoint, and then testing the other 5 organs that before were weak. Most are now stronger: the energy flows thru the meridian network. However, this is not reversible. Healing #5 tends to only affect #5 and #6, having little impact on #1 to #4.

Causal sequences are not the same for all persons with the same problems, nor do they remain stable even in individual terms. Identifying causal sequences is crucial. In war, any general who pursued targets regardless of strategic importance would be sacked as an incompetent. In business, sports, almost any field, strategy is essential. But in medicine, doctors chase after symptoms with drugs mostly at random, without analyzing what controls what, what should be done first, second, third, etc. This is grossly inefficient.

Robert J. Lane, LMT
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 -- fax 212-534-8976
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