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Everlasting Love And Friendship



We finally meet, our eyes lock, and a smile ensues,

A warm hug, lasting forever, feeling like heaven,

Letting go reluctantly, we walk, hand in hand through a crowd,

But neither of us hear a thing, only the sounds of our hearts.... beating fast,

Our eyes once again locked, we stare into each other deeply,

Both of us feeling the emotions running inside, out of control,

It drives us insane to be this close, but not doing what we feel,

Without speaking, our eyes say more than words could possibly relate,

We could only dream of this happening before, but now through a miracle,

There is no more you, no more I, No more here or there,. but now.....

It is us, and we are together, and nothing separates the two heartbeats,

nor the two previous lonely souls,

There is no longer a distant lover, but a very real and present,

Living, breathing person.

Passionate and alive, both of us sharing something that cannot,

and should not be denied.

Time does not matter for is no longer, "what do they know?",

"How do they feel?"......this is something that is instantly known,

A soul mate that was separated somehow in life, but now has returned,

And given another chance..........and hopefully, praying,

A love that will never be forsaken, taken for granted,

lost, or taken away

an original  j<3

Reality Dreaming

I dream of reaching out my hand, and instead of an empty grasp,

I am holding the other half of my whole being

The completion of my life, the result of a lifelong search.

I can feel the warmth to cure the frozen loneliness I have felt,

The fire to rekindle the barren ashes, and the happiness

that was mostly a frown. I feel the lifeblood that will raise me to

colorful dreams, and endless rainbows.

In taking this hand, I have at last found a true soul-mate,

which through some miracle of life, was given to me.

The bond between the two cannot ever be broken, and with help from above,

will last longer than an eternity.

an original by j<3



You are Everything

You are the blood that runs through my veins,

The air that I breathe to survive,

You are the smile that makes me happy,

The thought that makes me glad I'm alive,

You speak the words that allow me to rhyme,

Your caring gives me hope for living,

The love that emotes from you is so real,

No chance for any misgivings,

The hugs from your arms envelop me,

The heartbeat I hear is ours,

The rainbow of love that I feel when you're near,

Reminds me of the sweet smell of flowers,

The look from your eyes can entrance me,

Like deep-set mirrors of love,

Sparkling pools of sunshine are they,

Always reminding me of.....

All the ways you're a part of me,

Everything I feel for you,

Inside the boundaries are limitless,

For anything we say or do

an original by j<3


Love In The Key Of You

I hear your song in my heart,

As you play the strings of your love,

Softly, sweetly, a gentle sound,

Like an Angels harp from above,

Like the keys of a piano you touch me,

Every note an emotion inside,

Reaching the octave of my feelings,

A melody that permanently resides,

Music never heard by human ears,

Sweet tones of warmth and beauty,

Listening carefully to your perfect tune,

The harmony of your care clings to me,

Never retune the sweet sounds of your love,

Dare not try to improve the symphony,

Keep playing your orchestral sounds of passion,

Sing them repeatedly to me....

an original J<3


Bright sunlight attacks the new-fallen snow, too cold for the rays to

penetrate it, crunching underfoot, like walking on nut shells....

My lungs labor from the cold crisp air, bones chilled to the marrow,

Then I think of you, my best friend, my lover,

And I have the warmth inside to melt everything away....

an original byj<3



Forever Friendships

A friend can cure a lot of problems,

Just being there is the best,

There is nothing more valuable in the world,

I'm sure to this, we can all attest,

The loneliest night, the emptiest feeling,

Is eased by the presence of a friend,

Even if they are just there to listen,

They are someone on whom you can depend,

The saddest moments, the most trying times,

When you think you'll never get by,

When you think of that friend who will always be there,

That will hold you if you need to cry,

When you're happy and joyous and you want to share,

What's making you feel so grand,

Even if you cant find the words to explain it,

Your friends look will say "I understand",

Don't take for granted, never put off,

Telling someone how you feel inside,

Let them know now, while you have the time,

How you value them always by your side

an original byj<3

The link below will take you to my index page, which I will keep updating as new pages are posted. Thank you for stopping by.....:) Jim

JHeart Index Page



the midi you hear is "harden my heart" by Quarterflash


Do whatever you have to do to stop DWI and DUI

Eliminate the phrase "repeat offender" it should NOT exist



These J. Heart(J<3) originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed   in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author.Thank you so much for for visiting my website.
