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      Archdiocese of Changanacherry













When we think of how
St. Joseph’s church at Chennamkari which is shining forth against the rural background has achieved world renown, we should look back at its history. Its claim to fame rests on the fact that it is the first Catholic Church dedicated to St. Joseph ever erected in the whole of the continent of Asia. St. Thomas the Apostle landed in lush green Kerala which is lying between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats on the extreme end of India in 52 A.D. St. Thomas founded a Christian community which extended through out Kerala by baptizing many people. It is popularly believed that as the community grew up, 7 churches namely, Maliankara, Palayoor, Paravoor (Kottakayal), Kokamangalam, Niranam, Chayal (Nilackal),Kollam and a half completed church at Thiruvankodu which were called ‘ezharapallika’l, were founded. Of these, Niranam situated close to the sea was very prominent. Christians from Niranam and Kuravilangadu and its neighbourhood immigrated to the present Kuttanadu which was abounded with kandal forests in those days-later this area was converted into fertile paddy fields-.Most of the immigrant Christians settled in Kalloorkadu area. They had to depend on the distant Niranam church for worship. As it had been extremely difficult to travel to Niranam, the faithful of Kalloorkadu erected a church in the locality in 427 A.D. Some 550 years passed by. In the meantime more and more Christians had immigrated to different parts of Kuttanadu. The Christians who had been living in scattered settlements in and around Chennamkari found it extremely hard to depend on Kalloorkadu church for worship. Therefore, the elders of 11 powerful families of Chennamkari, Nedumudi and Kainakari areas met and decided to erect a church in Chennamkari. After getting the required sanction from political and church authorities, a church was erected in Chennamkari with the united effort of the faithful on 1 August 977 A.D. Though it is not known for certain what materials were used for the construction of the church, it is generally believed that it was built with palm leaf and bamboo. Later in 1201, the main portion of the church was renovated with stone and lime mortar. The wings in the south and north were built in 1300.Later the southern wing was pulled apart to construct the cemetery. Prior to the construction of the cemetery, the dead were buried in different parts of the church yard. The mondalam’(roof) was constructed in 1601. Chennamkari had been included in the list of churches under the jurisdiction of Varapuzha Diocese published in 1786 which is entered in the History of Indian Church written by Rev.Fr. Xavier Koodapuzha. No other document about the history of Chennamkari church between 1800 and the famous Coonan cross Oath of 1653 is available.

Blessed Rev. Fr. Chavara Kuriakose Elias who is the pride of Kerala was born in Chennamkari parish in 1805 and was baptized at Chennamkari church. The granite baptismal font which witnessed the sacred rite still adorns the church.Rev.Fr. Chavara Kuriakose Elias was ordained in 1829.Through the efforts of Rev.Fr. kuriakose Elias, the first ……………….(Darsana samuham) dedicated to St. Joseph in India and Asia was founded in Chennamkari in 1836 vide the decree of Pope Gregory XVI which was sent through H.E. Mar Sauriar, the Bishop of Varapuzha Diocese. Those who assumed the Presidentship of the Darsana samuham each year became the prasudenthi. The Sunday following 14 September (the thirunnal of the Veneration of the Cross), the Darsanathirunnal of St. Joseph is celebrated. The Darsanathirunnal has been conducted by prasudenthis without lapse except during the construction period of the present church building. As more unity and co-operation was required for the construction of the church building, the Darsanathirunnal had been conducted commonly by the parishners during the construction of the church.

A Dark Chapter:
The period from 1891-92 to 1895-96 may be described as the dark chapter in the history of
St. Joseph’s Church, Chennamkari. The parish had been under the tenure of Rev.Fr. Kuruvila Padavupurackal. He had been an excellent orator and a man of profound learning. Kuruvila kathanar started preaching against the true faith and the throne of Rome. But the parishners who had deep faith and the will-power to face crisis and the tradition of obeying the Supreme authority, approached the bishop and reported against the vicar. Having studied the seriousness of the matter, H.E. Bishop Charles Lavinju issued the order banning Kuruvila kathanar. But none of the priests dared to read out the order during the Holy Mass. In the meantime, Rev. Kuriakose Thevaril Deacon who had already received 5 ‘pattoms’ (5th Order) informed the Bishop that he would read out the Episcopal order banning Kuruvila kathanar. Accordingly, the bishop sent the deacon to Pulinkunnu Koventha to undergo the retreat in preparation for the ordination. The deacon was bestowed with 6th pattom (6th Order) first, following which he was ordained on the following day. After the ordination, Fr. Kuriakose was sent to Chennamkari with instructions to read out the order during the Mass on the following Sunday. But Fr. Kuriakose was prevented from reading the order during the Mass by the supporters of Kuruvila kathanar. Fr. Kuriakose was assaulted with sticks and was held captive. Following the skirmish, the church was sealed and a case was filed in the court. While the case was tried in the court, a witness went over to the enemy camp and gave false evidence. Though the judge who was a pious Brahmin warned him that it he gave false evidence he would lose his eye sight, he stuck to his false evidence. It is said that when the witness went out of the court after giving false evidence and tried to quench his thirst by drinking from a tender coconut, a shred of the coconut pierced his eyes and he lost his eyesight. After 4 years, the verdict came in favour of Fr. Kuriakose in 1895-96, following which the rebels erected a church on the west bank of the river. Though more rebels joined Bethani church erected by the seceders, they returned to the Catholic Church later. All the protestant groups in Chennankari had originated from the seceders. The prominent persons who had lead the Catholics in those days include Rev.Fr. James Kalasseril and Rev. Fr. Thomas kurialasseril.

The New Church:
Though the ancient church was majestic, it began to show the signs of aging. Therefore it was decided to pull apart the church and to build a new church during the tenure of Rev.Fr. Joseph Thumbayil. Rev. Fr. Thomas Kizhakkedath who succeeded Fr. Thumbayil established a fund for the renovation of the church. Under the leadership of his successor, Rev. Fr. Thomas Peelianickal and the convener, the old church was pulled apart. The construction of the new church began in 1994. The newly constructed church was consecrated on
21 December 1997 by H.E. Mar Joseph Powathil. Rev.Fr. Thomas Alumparampil who succeeded Fr. Peelianickal paid off the debts incurred due to the construction of the church and started a fund for the erection of a kodimaram(flag pole).A chapel was erected in the cemetery during his tenure.

The manimalika at Chennamkari church is as reputed and ancient as Chennamkari church. Though the building had developed a slant, it enjoys a pride place in the heart of the parishners. The two storeyed vicarage was renovated under the leadership of Rev.Fr. Xavier Vettuthiruthel and the trustees in 1975.A new kodimaram (flag pole) much more beautiful but ancient looking similar to the former beautiful and famous kodimaram was erected under the leadership of the then vicar Rev.Fr. Joseph Poovathusseril and the convener in 2005.

Deva Matha High School:
The Primary School established in 1909 in Chennankari was upgraded into a Middle School. It was named
Alphonsa Memorial Middle School. It was upgraded to a High School named St. Mary’s High School in 1966.The High School was renamed as Devamatha High School in 1970 due to certain technical reasons.Rev.Fr. Joseph Moolamkunnathu and Rev. Fr. Antony Elayachamkalathil rendered praiseworthy service for upgrading the school. On the occasion of celebrating the centenary, I remember all the Rev. Fathers who had served the school as managers, trustees, Headmasters, teachers and non teaching staff with gratitude. It is a matter of satisfaction that the former students of this school are ascending the steps of fame in different parts of the world.

Parishes Bifurcated from Chennamkari Parish:-

Kainakari St. Mary’s parish church(1877), Nasreth St. Jerome’s (1966),Pallathuruthi St. Thomas’(1969), Thottuvathala Sacred heart’s (1 January 1980, Narbhonapuram St. Sebastian’s(1 March 1980), Ponga Mar Seeva (1999)and Koolipurackal Lourde Matha (2006).Chennamkari which wishes to ascend heights of glory has thus 7 children. The mother church of Chennamkari has 887 families and 2057 members.

Adoration convent:
Adoration convent was founded in the parish on
14 September 1949 which was the day of Veneration of the Cross due to the initiation of Rev.Fr. Joseph Moolamkunnathu. The convent was erected on its present site on 9 May 1955. From 1949 about more than 1000 Rev. Sisters have served in this convent. I remember all the Mother Superiors and sisters who have rendered selfless service to the parish.

Sunday School:
Sunday School which is the platform for the practice of the faith in the parish is functioning very well. I remember the Sunday School teachers who have been providing voluntary service and the vicars and assistant vicars who have provided leadership to them, the deacons and the Headmasters on behalf of the parish with gratitude.

St. Vincent de Paul Society which was established in 1951 and Yuva Deepthi which was established in 1972 have been actively functioning in the parish. The place of Legion of Mary, Munnam Sabha and CHASS which had functioned in the parish in the past is taken up by S.F.O, Pithruvedi, Mathru Jyothis, Mission League and K.V.S. with their activities.

It is a matter of pride that a Balasangham of Altar Boys consisting of 65 boys is functioning very systematically in the church under the able guidance of the vicar and the sacristan.

Parish Today:
Established towards the end of the 1st century, Chennamkari parish has crossed another century and has stepped into a 3rd century acquiring tradition and antiquity. The dream of the parishners that the parish should progress more in spirituality and unity is realized through the activities of Rev.Fr. Alex M. Parappurathu who is a renowned retreat preacher who took charge of the parish on 30 May 2006.A total spiritual awakening was achieved by the parishners through the selfless efforts of Fr. Alex. Let us thank God for giving us a vicar who reaches every one in his spiritual and material necessity neglecting his own health. The parish has become a model in Christian life. Renovations are being made in the church, school, cemetery, church yard and even in amenities for fulfilling the primary needs. The construction of a Parish hall which is very necessary and the expansion of the school into the next stage and much more remain to be achieved. It is beyond doubt that the parish will achieve all progress through the present vicar with the blessings of Lord Jesus, and through the intercession of
St. Joseph, the Patron Saint, and Blessed Chavara Kuriakose Elias, who is the first Indian whose name is entered in the Book of the Blessed and the dearest son of Chennamkari.





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