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(Kanjirappally, India)

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 By Padannamakkel Joseph Mathew

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Chandapilla (Malayalam)

Thommi married from Srampikkal. They had three children.

1. Mathunni.



Chandivakkil and Children Roots.


Thommi's third son 'Ittiyavira Padannamakkel' married from Elanthur. Ittiyavira had the following children while living in Kanjirappally.

(a) Chacko Padannamakkel married Mariyam Naduthottiyil

-Founder of Vazhavely

Vazhavely family

(b)Eley Kaippadayil, Chirakkadave

(c)Avira Padannamakkel

married from Manjadiyil, Roots of Puthuparampil 'A' and Panackel branches

Puthuparampil branches

(d)Punnus Padannamakkel

Founder of Puthuparampu 'B' branch, married Aleyamma Paraykkal.

Puthuparmpil 'B'

16th Generation, Mathunni Padannamakkel married Brejit Kallulangara. They had the following children while living in Kanjirappally.

[17](A.) Mathunni Chacko (Acha) (Padannamakkel ‘A’ Branch)

[17])B. Mathunni ( Kunjuvarkey) He is father of the Padannamakkel ‘B’ branch.

[17]C. Mathunni Mathai (died in young age by an accident in Melary river) He married from Kallukulangara (Reference from Kallukulangara family history)His daughter married from Kochuparampil.

[17] B. Mathunni Kunju Varkey and Rosa Naduthottiyil

Mathunni Kunjuvarkey second son of Mathunni, married Rosa Naduthottiyil while living in Kanjirappally.They had the following children while living in Kanjirappally. [18] I.Mathunni Varkey (Pappy).II.Ouseph. III. Chandi Kunjandi (Edayadiyil). IV. Thomman. V. Eley .VI.Kunjakko. VII.Devasia. VIII. Mariyam.

I.[18] Generation,

I. Mathunni Varkey (Pappy Uppappan ,Malabar)married Mariyam( Mary), Kuzhippallil, Anikkadu.

Mathunni Varkey and Mariyam had the following children while living in Payyanoor, Malabar.

1. Varkey married Mary while living in Payyanoor..

2. Rosamma married Devasia, Kochu, Palakkutiyil, Kooranokki-Anakkalle.

3. Thresiamma married Kutti Vilakkumatattu.

4. Mariyamma married Kochu Uzhikkattu.

5. Annamma married Mathew Mallusseri, Konade.

6.. Ouseppachan, Palakkade married Aleyamma.

7. Thommi, Malabar married Mariyamma. [19] generation,

1.Varkey (Kuttikkochu)

married Mary. They had the following children while living in Payyannoor, Malabar. [20] generation:

1. Mathew married Aleykutty Pulikkathadathil (Mathew died in 1952).




5. Thresiamma.






[20] Mathew(died 1952) and Aleykutty- The following is their only son while living in Payyanoor, Malabar.

[21] George Mathew, Padannamakkel married Somi Ouseph, Aeithimattathil . They are settled in New York, USA. The following are their children while living in New York.

[22] a. Sijo (Mon)Padannamackal. b. Lijo (Mol) Padannamakkel.

(2) Rosamma the daughter of Pappy’s second child married to Devasia Kochu, Palakkudiyil , Anakkallue. She died in 1940. The following are her children.

(a.) Varkey.

(b). Mathai.

©. Mariayakutty. This family is settled in Payyanoor.

(3) Thresiamma the daughter of Pappy’s third child married to Kutty Aythamattam, Vilakkumatam. They are the parents of the following children. 1. Chinnamma, Pappachan, Kunju Mary, Pennamma, Rosamma, Sr. Alykutty, Philomina.

(4) Mariayamma the daughter of Pappy’s fourth child married to Varkey, Uzhikattu Anakkallu.They are the parents of the following children. a.. Kunjukutty. b. Pappachan. c. Mariyakutty. d.Avirachan. e. Kujunju. f. Teyyamma.(g) Thommachan. (h) Lillykutty

(5) Annamma the daughter of Pappy’s fifth child married to Mathew Mallusseri, Konade.They are the parents of the following children while living in Vellichiyani, Palapra.(a) Joseph Kuruvachan, (b)Mariyakutty ©Rosamma (d)Annamma Alis (e)Pappachi Mathew (f)Sophiya (g)Rithamma. (h)Philomina(Leelamma) (I) Lucykutty (j)Elisebath.

(6) Ouseppachan(Pappy's son) married Alyyamma Kaippanplackal daughter of Varkey(Kunju) and Mariyamma while living in Payyanoor. They are the parents of ten children. Ouseppachan died at his son P.J.Mathew's residence on 2005. Address:P.J.Mathew, Padannamackal, Palakkayam, Palakkad (Dist) 678591. Tel: 04924-256108. dove.gif (19422 bytes)
Photo:Late Mr.P.J.Mathew(Son of late Ouseppachan) and his widow Mrs Mathew

(7) Thommi(Pappy's son) married Mariyamma while living in Payyanoor.. They are the parents of the following children. a.Mary. b.Achamma.

Kunjuvarkey branch continues

II. Joseph Kocchaouseph the second son of Mathunni Kunjuvarkey

married Mariayam Earthayil while living in Kanjirappally. He was a good farmer. He died when he was young. .

The following are their children. a. Rosa Nedumpathalil, Kanjiramattam married to Cheriyan Kunju while living in Kanjiramattam. They are settled in Alakkotte, Malabar. b.Elyyamma married to Puthuparampu Kunjunju while living in Pathachariyil. c. Mariyamma married to Pappachan Thadathimakkal, Kanjiramattam. d.Thresiamma married to Thomman, Kuzhippallil-Kanjiramattam.e. Annamma married to Skaria, Monippallil. f. Kathrikutty married to Devesia Koompukkal. G.Claramma married to Varkey Muthumarathu.

Edayadiyil Family

Punnoose Devesia and his brothers with their families arrived in Poonjar from Nilackel. They were Paulose, Thomman, Ouseph, and his widow mother, his uncle’s wife, their four children. They had traveled from the family home at Nilackel, near Pampa river. Kunchandi Padannamakkel was his adopted son in law. Devasia Edayadiyil, grand son of Punnose Devesia, and son of Kunchandi Padannamakkel and Mariam has compiled the genealogy of the Edayadiyil, tracing back to 14th century. Descendants of these immigrants settled in Poonjar. ( near Poonjar Palace). Some of the next generation pioneered in other parts of Kerala and all over India. On this webpage you will find family group sheets of our Edayadiyil family in Poonjar, the story of the family in Poonjar, then biographical stories of the immigrant ancestors, followed by the present state of genealogical research, showing where these records are available.

III. Kuncandi Edayadiyil.

Edayadiyil History (Malayalam)

[17] B.Mathunni Kunjuvarkey's children continues:

Kunjandi the founder of Edayadiyil had the following children while living in Poonjar. (1.) Rosa (2.) Joseph (3.) Thresia (4.) Mariyam (5.) Varkey (6.) Aley (7.) Devesia (Author of Padannamakkel Kudumbacharithram and one of the founders of Kudumbayogam)( 8.) Chandi( 9.) Thomman (10.) Chacko.

1.Rosa Joseph the first born of Chandi Mariyam

born on May 26, 1910. She married to Joseph son of Cheriyathu, Thalachel. The following are their children while living in Kumaranellur..

(a)Thresia married to Devasya (Pappa), Kothamallur Kunnel and they are the parents of Sabu, Joseph, Shini, while living in Kothamallur.

(b)Mariyam (Mary) married to Kuriayachan, Punnanthadam-Kuravilangadu and they are the parents of Rinci Kurian and Binci Kurian.

© Sr.Rosa Leela is a nun in Thiruhrdaya Convent. She is a teacher.

(d) Cherian, Appachan son of Rosa and Joseph married Sophiya daughter of Mathai Mattathil. They are the parents of Shibu Cherian, Mathai Shinoi and also one daughter.

(e)Eley daughter of Rosa and Joseph married to Thomas Kalluvayalil, Thottuva. They have three sons and one daughter.

2.Joseph Kunjappan and Aleykutty

Joseph Kunjappan , 1915- second son of Chandi and Mariyam married Eleykutty daughter of Advocate Charanamkunnel. They had eight children while living in Poonjar. This family is settled at Chemperi, Malabar.

Joseph Kunjappan and Aleykutty children

(a) Sr. Jose Mariyam, Thiruhrudaya Convent. She was a teacher at Punnathura.

(b) Aley, Ammini died in 1947.

© Leela Kathreena married to Skaria Babu Mannamplakkal, Chirakadaveu. Teyis, Toms, Teena are their children.

(d) Annamma is a nun named as Sr. Fedilis. She is a nursing sister ,serving at Perumpunna.

(e) Thresiamma her sister also followed the footsteps of Annamma. She is Sr. Teras Mary a nun and nursing sister at Velladu.

(f) Moly Alphosa married to Varghese son of Joseph Pulikkurmpa, Kappukattil while living in Thaliparampu , Malabar. Vargese is an Engineer. Jose, Wilfred, George are their children.

(g) Philomina (Philo) married to Thomas Cheeramkuzhi while living at Karnataka. Now, they are settled at Chemperi.

(h) Eley (Lauli) married Tomi Thomas son of Thomas Mundakkal.

3. Thresia (Thresiamma) 1914 -

the third child of Chandi Mariyam married Devasia Kunjachan, Muthukattil- Thidanadu. They have six children while living in Malabar.

(a) Rev. Fr. Thomas M.D. Edayadi , was born in Poonjar, Kottayam Dist. On M.E. 1110. After his high school he emigrated to Chemperi, Malabar. After his priestly studies at the Alwaye Seminary, he had his higher studies and specialized in hospital management at Delhi. He joined Velladu hospital as chief administrator for six years. He was appointed as Chancellor of diocese of Lesotho, in Africa for a one year term. He returned to India in 1988 to become the Vicar of Purava to serve for Tellicheri Diocese.

(b) Joseph son of Thresia and Devesia married Mariyam (Achamma) daughter of Mathew, Kottaram, Palai. Trisamma, Thankamma, Salomi, Jansi, Betti, Babu, Tessi are their children while living in Malabar.

© Mariyam (Mary) daughter of Thresia and Devasia married to Thomachan Kottarathil. Kochurani, Agnas, Mariya, Jayin, Biyadris, George (Biju), Sebastian (Siju) are their children while living in Puranjan.

(d) Anna Chinnamma married Jose Kalarikkal while living in Perumpunna. Thresia (Deyse), Mathew (Detti), Rajina (Sensi) are their children.

(e) Devasia son of Mary and Devasia married to Mary daughter of Joseph Kandavanam while living in Puranjan. Rani, Sebastian (Roy) , Rajina (Reena) Elizebeth (Rija) are their children.

(f) Joseph (Jose) married to Alis Kadukunnel. Sebastian , Antony(Umesh), Thomas Tom are their children.

4. Mariyam (Mammy)

daughter of Chandi Mariyam married Cheriyan Joseph Kaimumdankalayil, Adichira- Mannanam. Cheriyan died in 1982.They had the following children while living in Elengoi, Vazhoor.

(a)Mariyam 9thankamma). She was a Nurse in Saudi Arabia. Her family is settled in Kanjirappally

(b) Shantha is a nurse, served in Iran. She married to Vargese son of Alappara, Anippallil Vargese. They are settled at Trivandrum.

© Thresia (Thresiamma) married to Robert, Kochikkade- Mannanam. Robi, Reeba, robin are their children.

(d) Cheriyanm Kunjunju son of Mariyam and Cheriyan married Andamma, Mannusseri- Upputara. Roona is their daughter. This family is settled at gulf country.

(e) Philomina (Philo) married to Joseph Vargese, Thekkekara-Thottakkade. Ambili and Abish are their children.

(f) Alex (Prasad) married to Deysi Puthanpurakkal. Abin and Ambili are their children.

5. Varkey (Kunjunju) 1920-1974.

The fifth son of Chandi Mariyam couples married Rosa Kunjupennu. They had six children while living in Trivandrum

(a) Mariyam (Sophyamma) married to P.T. Paul, Puthuparampil, Aruvithara. Thomas (Toni) and Rosa (Rina) are their children.

(b) Eley (Elsamma. She died in 1953.

© Alex Pappachan, 1948-married Rosamma, Gracy daughter of Kunju Karakkal. They had four children, two boys and two girls.

(d) Fr. Syriac S.D.B. (Kuriyachan, Kuriyakkose) 1954- He is a Rev. father and administrator at the Head quarters of his Monastery.

(e) Mariyam, 1959- 1982.

(f) Agnas (Aagi) 1969-

6. Eley (Eleykutty)

daughter of Chandi Mariyam married to Varkey, Kunjuvarkey Vallompurayidam, Palai. This couple have six children.

(a) Thomas (Baby) married Lisy, Paraya Nilam.

(b)George (Libi) is his son.

© Joseph (Jose)

(d) Mary (Marykutty)

(e) Aley.

(f) Anna (Silia)dove.gif (19422 bytes)

7. Devasia (Kutty) 1925-1996

son of Chandi Mariyam married to Chechamma Kadalikattil. He is the founding father of Padannamakkel family Association and the author of the history of Padannamakkel family.Modern technology and the Internet has made my "Quest to Investigate the Past" very expedient; However, much of my work is based on the work of Mr. Devasia who spent many years of his life researching the family history of the Padannamakkel families. I salute him today for his dedicated service to our family and his wonderful design the bibliography of family history. Today, his Saul is rest in peace in everlasting eternal.

Devasiakutty and Mariyam had the following children while living in Poonjar.

(a) Varkey, Tomi George, 1957-

(b) Eley Salomi, 1960-

© Mariyam, Betty 1966-

(d) Clara Rani, 1969-

(e) Francis Savior (Baby) 1970-

(f) Thresia (Tessy) 1973-

8. Chandi (Chandikunju)

son of Chandi Mariyam married Anna daughter of Chandi , Parakkade Poonjar. The following are their children while living in Poonjar..

(a) Chandi, Sunny Appachan, 1955- Married Rachel Kochumol, Manathara Mannanam.

(b) Devasia (Baby) 1958-

© Mariyam, Selina 1960- married to Thomas (Thommachan) Arayathinal. Sujin is their child.

(d) Dominic Savio (Savio) 1962-

9. Thomas (Thommachi)1930-

son of Chandi Mariyam, married Mariyakutty, Poriyathu while living in Poonjar. The following are their children.

(a) Chandi (Thankachan) 1956- married Rosamma Thottapallil. They are settled at Gulf countries.

(b) Joseph (Josekutty) 1958- married Joly Kumplathanathu, Paika.

(c) Mariam, Molykutty( Mercy Thomas) 1960- married Georgekutty son of Joseph Muttupurathu-Nedunkandam.

(d) Jameskutty, 1962-

(e)Thresia, Kochurani, 1963- married to Devesia Kuttai,, Vellappattu Elenjiyil- Palai.

(f) Dominic Savio (Savi) 1965-

(g) Thomas Sunni, 1967-He is an Engineer.

(h) Rosa Rinsi, 1972-

10. Chacko, Chackochan

Rev.Fr.James, Edaydiyil was born to Chandi and Mariyam in Poonjar,Palai Diocese, on Feb 20, 1932. After his high school education in SH High School, Madras and priestly studies at Salasioan order, Thirupathur, Kottagiri Seminary he was ordained priest at Poonjar on April 8, 1964. He continued his higher studies in Theology and Canon Law in Rome and returned to Ernakulam in 1973 and served as Rector, and Head Master, S. H. High School. He also served as Vicar in Safotulafai, Savally,Western Samoa. Pago, Amrican Samoa, Thiele. He was also Chanceller for mission work in Samoa.

IV. Thomman Children

Thomman son of Mathunni Kunjuvarkey married Eley Thattaradi, Koothrapally. They had the following children while living in Pathancheri.

1. Mathan married Mariyamma, daughter of Philip Pallatte.

2.Varkey (Vakkan) Varkey son of Thomman and Eley married Thresiamma daughter of Ouseph Pullolil.

3. Rosamma, Mammy daughter of Thomman and Eley married Mathew, Mathachan son of Ouseph Mangalathil.

4.Mariyamma, Pennamma daughter of Thomman and Eley married to Outhakutty, Picahlakkatte, Anikkadu. Outhakutty Pichalakkade was a famous Kathakali dramatist and dancer. He was popularly known as Bhagavatar Pichalakkade.

5. Eleykutty daughter of Thomman and Eley marred to Appachan son of Joseph Moozhunkal.

6.Thresiamma (Kunjamma) daughter of Thomman and Eley married to Pappachan, Chennade son of Kurian Kunnel.

V. Varkkey, Chacko (Kunjakkopappan) 1890-1978 and Children.

Varkey Chacko fifth son of Kunjuvarkey and Rosa married Mariyamma daughter of Pothan Madukkkuzhiyil (Kochupurackal). The following are their five children.

1.Rosamma married to Varghese daughter of Kochukunju, Thannuveli.

2.Thresiamma married to Varghese son of Joseph Poothakuzhiyil.

3.Eleykutty married to Joseph son of Thomas Pazhukunnel, Anikkade. Now they are settled at Kasarkode.

4.Mathew, Kuttyyachan married to Marykutty daughter of Sebastian Poothakuzhi, Inchiyani. The following are their children. (a)Mariyamma Jessamma married to Dominic son of Dominic Vadakkankathu.(b)James, ( Jameskutty) ( Engineer).© Alphones, Janis.

5.Mariyamma daughter of Varkey, Chacko married to John son of Joseph Puliyankunnel, Elankulam.

VI. Varkey Devasia, Kunjunju (Death 1962) and Mariyamma Children.

Varkey Devasia son of Kunjuvarkey and Rosa married Mariyamma, daughter of Paulo, Puthenpurakkal-Kurichiyil. He was a legal assistant at Ponkunnam court house. Devasia was also a legal expert to help his brothers, Pappy and Kunjakko while they were in a law suit with Kadamapuzha family vs Padannamakkel family. This legal battle caused a heavy impact for Padannamakkel family for their migration to far away the places in search of their good. The following are their children.

1. Varkey (Kuttiyachan) son of Varkey Devasia married Annamma the daughter of Thomman Asan, Kuzhippallil.

2. Paulo, Kunjappan, son of Varkey Devasia, Kunjunju married Annamma Panthanplakkal.

3. Ouseppachan, Joseph son of Varkey Devasia, Kunjunju married Alykutty daughter of Kuruvila, Kuttukallunkal.

4. Chacko, Chackochan married Mariyamma Achamma daughter of Devasia Kulathinkal.

5. Thomas , Thommachan, son of Varkey Devasia married Alykutty daughter of Devasia Rantuplakkal.

6. Mathew (Mathuchan) son of Varkey Devasia (Kunjunju) married Thresiamma daughter of Mathai, Thekkanal-Manimala.

7.Annamma daughter of Varkkey Devasia married to Joseph Joseph (Kunjeppan) son of Cheriyan Nedumpathalill.

8. Rosamma daughter of Varkey Devasia married to Thomas son of Mathai, Thekkal.

9.Mariyakutty daughter of Varkey Devasia married to Devasia Kunju son of Joseph Rantuplakkal, Palai.

10.Thresiamma daughter of Varkey Devasia married to Thomas son of Thomman Pazhoor.

VII. Eley Kunjeli daughter of Mathunni Kunjuvarkey and children.

Eley Kunjeli married to Ittiyavira (Moothakunju) Veraku Otyanal, Pallivatukkal. They had the following children while living in Chirakkadave, Vazhoor.

1. Rosamma, Kujupennu married to Ouseph Myladupara. The following are their children. (a) Kuttiyamma (b) Kuttiyachan © Annkutty (d) Ittirappy.

2. Ousephachan (death 1982) married to Annamma daughter f Varghese, Kalapurakkal. They have seven children. (a) Mary (b) Annamma © Ittirappy (d) George (e) Joy (f) Lisamma (g) Joliyamma.

3. Thresiamma married to Thommachan son of Mathan Purkkal. They have seven children while living in Kanamala. (a)Eleyamma, Pennamma (b) Annamma © Ittirappy (d) Pappachi, Mathan (e) Thresia Thankamma (f) Rosa (g) Thomas, Raju.

4. Pennamma married to late Varghese Alappade, Chirakkadave. They had three children. (a) Thommachan (b) Georgekutty. ©Joseph Kunju.

5. Thommachan.

6. Ittirachan married Pennamma Thoongupalathe, Pazhayidam. They have four children. (a) Ittira (Joyi) (b)Appachan ©Babu (d) Kunjumon.

7. Eleykutty married to Chandi son of Francis Kavalammakkel, Palai. They have the following children while living in Mookkampetty. (a) Eleykutty, Moly (b) Saji © Josekutty (d) Sini.

8. Ikkilachan married to Annamma, Pennamma daughter of Kunjammachan Konduparampil. They have three children while living in Chirakadavil. (a) Ittira Rajan (b) Jessy © Jeyini.

VIII. Mariyam (death 1981) the youngest daughter of Mathunni Kunjuvarkey.

Mariyamma married to Augusty Puliyamkunnel. Leelamma daughter of Mariyam married to P.K. Chacko, Paranjattu. They have the following children. (a)Dr. Robi, MD (b)Rubi © Roy. Mr. P.K. Chacko and his family are one of the richest and the owner of a very broad estate around his area.

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