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| Vazhavely | Puthuparampil | Panackal | Puthuparampil (B) | Edayadiyil

(Kanjirappally, India)

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Wednesday, March 19, 2025 By Padannamakkel Joseph Mathew

"Welcome to my Padannamakkel house"
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I have created this Padannamakkel homepage to help organize genealogy research and hopefully contact others researching on this line. The information contained on these pages is a combination on many family members work, all working towards the same goal of establishing our Family Tree. This compilation of data would not have been possible without the hard work and contributions of our family members.

The earliest ancestor we have traced lineage from is Thommi Periyaveettil, Nilakkal (Chayal) who settled in Kanjirappally in A.D.1320. All of the Padannamakkel families we know of today are descended from this man. The files below contain about the Padannamakkel family. Please use them to aid in your search for your ancestors, and please share your information with us.

St. Thomas, the Apostle brought the early [C]hurch in Kerala into existence. It is validated by West Asian writings in the Doctrine of the Apostle Thomas and the Acta Thomae, since the AD.2nd century. Both these documents were authored at or near Edessa ca 200-250 AD. There are other records accessible out of the works of historians beginning with - St. Ephrem, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregorios Nazianzen, in the 4th century; St. Jerome, ca 400 AD, and the historians Eusabius ca 338 as well as Theodore, of the 5th century.

It is believed that during the time when St. Thomas was doing missionary work that he established seven churches and among those church, Nilackal (Chayal) was contained. There is not any historical evidence about St.Thomas's missionary work at Nilackal but it is written in old metal plates, Marthomma charitham , Veeradiyan song and many historian's writings about certain vague assumptions that St. Thomas established a church at Nilakkal.

The history of Kanjirappally in a Nanam Monam language (old dialect of Tamil) reveals the early settlers of Kanjirappally. One of the forefathers Thommi Periya Veettil was a Trustee of Nilackal church. He, his family and friends moved from Nilackal (Chayal) to Kanjirappally because of the attacks from Pandi Nadu robbers given the name by many as wild animals. The reason for his early settlement to Pazhuthotam, Kanjirappally is not known and not clear in the history of Kanjirappally.

Demolition of Nilackel Churches

The Chera- Chola war of 100 years towards the end of 12th century, followed by plundering of houses, Temples and Churches by Para -Pattam and Vikram- Puli- Thevar culminating in the greatest ever flood known in the history of Kerala in 1341 AD were the reasons for the migration of people from Nilackal.

This source is from the book on Syrian Christian Tradition published by Mr. P.E. Easo in March 2000. . Destruction of Nilackal is referred to on pages 21,22,23,25. (|Nilackal History|)

This Periya Veetil Thommi family was engaged in business and agricultural works in their new dreamland. These new settlers attended the Church services at St. George Church Aruvithura around 13 miles away from Kanjirappally. His children, his grand children and their children expanded the Thommi family. They felt an obligation to their own church at Kanjirappally.

A fifth generation Thommi was the leader among the Christian settlers. He bought a house at Mangassery property, Kanjirappally and moved to his new residence to live there with his children. They attended a church to fulfill their spiritual needs away from Kanjirappally.

During this period a fraction of Hindus, known as Vellalar Chettiyar and Kanannur Chettiyar argued with each other and physically fought for the occupation of a temple at Kanjirappally. Both of the Hindu groups petitioned against each other to the King of Thekkumcore Raja (Rajasri Veera Kerala Perumal Raja)for his impartial decision on the settlement of Sreekovil Temple.

The King made a suggestion for a new temple to be erected on the Mangassery property near the fifth generation Thommi's residence for the settlement of this dispute. This irritated the fifth generation Thommi. Thommi and his friends decided to move from Kanjirappally far away for their own well being.

Unfortunately, Thommi was an important man and of much value for the King in the field of agriculture and business for the prosperity of Kanjirappally. The king (Rajasri Veera Kerala Perumal Raja) requested the fifth generation Thommi and his friends to rethink their decision for the sake of Kanjirappally's prosperity. He offered him land for the church and business for his people. The King(Rajasri Veera Kerala Perumal Raja) himself came to find a place for the church and erected a site for the construction of a church, which is popularly known as Akkarapally St. Mary's church. (|Akkarapally History|) The first mass of this church was held on Sept. 8, 1449 by the auspicious ceremony of Bishop Mar. Joseph.

Thus in A.D 1449 the St.Mary's Church (Akkarapally) of Kanjirapally was built which is facing chittar river (Manimala branch river). For centuries Christians around Kanjirapally attended the church services here. It is this church, Akkarapally, that was the fulcrum of a rapidly growing agricultural community and that today is the focus of an ever-growing cultural awareness in picturesque Kanjirappally and its surrounding area.

This fifth generation Thommi's older son became a priest. The second son Kunjakko married from Pattamukkil lived in Valiyaveettil house. The third son Thommi went to a pilgrimage and on the way to Mylappur he died. The history of Kanjirappally says the Periyaveettil Thommi's (Nilakkal, Chayal) the 14th century unbroken family roots comes from Periyaveettil Thommi (Nilakkal, Chayal) via fifth generation Thommi and his son Kunjakko Valiyaveettil to Chandapilla Padannamakkel, 1662-1730? (12th generation).

Chandapilla was the founder of Padannamakkel family. Chandapilla the very man of the Padannamakkel family married the daughter of Karakkal Chacko Panikkar, Thiruvalla and moved to a new Padannamakkel house. (Ref. History of Kanjirappally) This house was built in a classical style of Brahmins with much art and sculptural works. The reminiscence of this house is still there at Kanjirappally.

Today the Padannamakkel family is scattered throughout the world. Most of the members of the Padanamakkal family are common people. You won't find any famous men or women on these pages. You won't find any of these men named in the history records. You won't study them in School. What you will find here are simple Nasarani Christians, from all walks of life, who kept the treasure of great family values for our future generations and their children.

The interest in genealogy today is a good thing. We need to be bound together as families. Family ties give unity and strength. Knowing about the faith, loyalty, courage and patience that our forefathers had in maintaining their homes helps to inspire today's people. I hope this Website can make a link with all the members of the Padanamakkel family. This ancestor hunting is enjoyable, satisfying, and always full of surprises. RESEARCHING genealogy is like a puzzle that makes family history research one of the most popular hobbies in the world. To me, it's not a hobby; it's an obsession. It is my hope that the web pages at this site lead you to relatives you never knew you had. If you have any family history web page, which you feel, may link up with mine I would love to hear from you.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our Family History

This great book was written by late Mr.A. C. Devesia,Edayadiyil and late Mr.P.C.Mathew, Padannamakkel and also the Padannamakkel Association from research they started in 1965. Both the Authors late Mr.A. C. Devasia and late Mr.P.C.Mathew continued their effort to research our genealogy until their death. In March of 1986, they compiled a history of Padannamakkel, their ancestors and descendants along with the Padannamakkel family. Mr. Chacko P Chacko( Kochappachan) Padannamakkel (New Delhi) is a creditable craftsman for his dedicated hard work and the continued research for this family publication.

"The Book" includes family stories and descriptions of the political and historical events of the time. This book has thousands of entries and has been purchased and cataloged by the New York Public Library as well as many family members in India.

Modern technology and the Internet has made my "Quest to Investigate the Past" very expedient; However, much of my work is based on the work of these great people who spent many years of their life researching history of the Padannamakkel families.

Ancestors and Descendants of Chandapilla (1662-1730?)

smaranaj~nali (In Malayalam)

Chandapilla and his Ancestral Tree

[The generation of 12], Chandapilla Padannamakkel,1662-1730 ? (Founder) married the daughter of Chacko Panikkar, Karakkal, Thiruvalla. He had a son,

'Thommi Padannamakkel' while living in Kanjirappally.

[The generation of 13], 'Thommi Padannamakkel' (AD. 1692?)married a girl of the family of Vanchikattu. He had a son,

'Chacko Padannamakkel' while living in Kanjirappally.

[The generation of 14] , 'Chacko Padannamakkel'(AD.1728?) married a girl of Vallattu family of Pampadi. He had a son,

'Thommi (Junior)Padannamakkel ' and a daughter while living in Kanjirappally.

'Thommi,junior(AD.1764?)' son of Chacko Padannamakkel, married Srampickal Kooniyammumma.

Chacko had a daughter, however further details about her life are unknown in any known genealogical records. Chacko's daughter spent her childhood days in Kanjirappally where she married a man from the Vengadathe family from Manarkadu. She had a son named (a) Avira from this marriage which would in turn be the first of two, due to the unfortunate death of her husband. Following the death of her husband, Chacko’s daughter remarried a man who went by the name of Cherian from the village of Erappuzha, Chengannoor. She had a son named (b)Mamman Cherian from this second marriage. They lived in Kanjirapally along the Kulangara Muri River. The decedents of Chacko's daughter are now known as Pezhthuvayalil and Kulangaramuri families and currently reside in Kanjirappally.

'Thommi (Junior)Padannamakkel ' and Srampickal Ammamma Children.

married Brijitha Kallukulangara( Padannamakkel A,B,C and Edayadi family roots)

married Anna Eartheyil. They had a son, Channdi Vakkil (AD.1825?).Chandivakkil married Annamma Alingal Thaze while he was living in Kanjirappally.

Chandi Vakkil family

Thommi's third son 'Ittiyavira Padannamakkel' (AD.1807?)married from Elanthur. Ittiyavira had the following children while living in Kanjirappally.

married Mariyam Naduthottiyil-Founder of Vazhavely

Vazhavely family

married from Manjadiyil, Roots of Puthuparampil 'A' and Panackel branches

Puthuparampil branches

Founder of Puthuparampu 'B' branch, married Aleyamma Paraykkal.

Puthuparampil 'B'

Mathunni (AD.1800?)married Brijitta Kallukulangara. They had the following children while living in Kanjirappally.

married Aley Karakkattu. (Padannamakkel 'A' and C Branch)

married Rosa Naduthottiyil.(Padannamakkel 'B'Branch and Edayadiyil roots)

Edayadiyil,P.'B' roots

died by an accident while he swam with the river of Melary. Mathai had a known daughter (1875 -??) whom she was married twice, her first marriage took place with Eartheyil and her second with Kochuparampil.

PADANNAMAKKEL CHACKO MATHUNNI Acha (1831-1917) married ALEY KARAKKATTU, Kodungoor, Vazhoor. (A and C Branches)

Chacko Mathunni (Acha) was a successful businessman during his young days. He was a tall man, more than six feet tall and he was physically strong . He carried on his business for a number of years dealing like the tea, the tobacco, opium, the cardamom, and sold those in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra. He remained a quiet business man until his death .

Acha and Aley Karakkattu had the following CHILDREN while living in Kanjirappally. [The generation of 18],

married Thresia Arakkal Vaypur. (A Branch)

Padannamakkel.'C' Branch

(b)Vargese, Kochukunju, Padannamakkel married Eley Poothakuzhiyil.

(c.) Mariyamma, Padannamakkel married Kunjappan Illikkamuriyal.

(d.) Annamma married to Augusthi Katampukattil.

(e.) Kochu Chacko Kunjappan,Padannamackel married Annamma Marattil, Elankulam.

(f.) Mathai,Padannamakal married Annamma Illikkamuriyil.

(g.) Chandi Kunjandi,Padannamakkel married Kunjeli, Chukkanani, Ampazhattinal.

| Vargheese | Mariyamma | Annamma | Kochu Chacko |Mathai | Kunjandi

(A) CHACKO (VALLIYAKUNJU)1872-1957 married THRESIA ARAKKAL, Vaypur- the daughter of Pothan Arakkal. Chacko Valliyakunju died at his son P.C.Chacko's house in Sivapuram Estate, Malabar, on March 1957, aged 85. He was the widower of Thresia Arakkl daughter of Pothan Arakkel. Valiyakunju born on 1872 in Kanirappally and lived here all his life except for his last one year before his death. He was the son of Acha, Chacko Mathunni Padannamakkel and Aley Karakkattu. Burial was in the St. Joseph's Church in Peravoor, Malabar under the auspices of the Bishop Sebastian Valloppally, Tellicheri.

Valiyakunju owned and operated his business in bullock cart transportation. He started his own business shop where he repaired carts which was successful. He had dozens of famous bullocks and carts during his teams of this business. It was early, long before the motor transportation was introduced anywhere when the bullock cart was the major transportation method for the business in Kanjirappally. He was assisted in this business by his pretty wife, Thresia Arakkal. Thresia Arakkal's to mother house was from Pananthottam . According to one who knew her best she was a bright and smart young lady in her world the era of the bullock cart. She died in 1914 at her youth age.

They had the following children.

I. P.C.Chacko,1896-1969 married Mariyamma (Mammy) Mannattu-Bharananganam.

II. P.C.Joseph,1904-1998 married Thresiamma Ertheyil(Mangalathukarottu).

III. Eleyamma, married Varkey Inchikkalayil.

IV. P.C.Mathew,1912-1998married Annamma Valliyarayil, Chennankari, Kuttanadu ,1916-1994 .

V. Mariyamma married to Abraham Kandankery.

| P.C.Chacko | P.C.Joseph | Eleyamma | P.C.Mathew |Mariyamma

About me

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I am Joseph Padannamakkel the author of 'the Padannamakkel family web site'. I became interested in Genealogy after losing my mother, Annamma Kalackel and father P.C.Mathew, Padannamakkel.

We were four brothers and one sister. Chackochan (Jacob) was the eldest brother, and I was next in line. Although his birth was a blessing, he came into this world following a terrible tragedy--the death of our older sister, Gracy. Unfortunately, Chackochan also arrived during the most humanly trying of times, despair times. A plantation manager in Pallivasal and Kothamangalam, my poor father was finding it horrendously difficult merely to survive. Typhoid was mercilessly wiping out many people in and around his region. And it was the terrible typhoid that took Gracy at the tender age of three. My parents were devastated after Gracy's passing, and not surprisingly it wasn't long after Chackochan's birth that our father resigned his job due to health reasons and moved us to Kanjirappally.

I was born and raised within the boundaries of Kanjirappally. Around 1948 my parents P.C. Mathew and Annamma bought a house in Pulimakkel, Kanjirappally that is where I spent my formative years. I grew up and spent a happy childhood in lovely Kanjirappally for 15 years. I attended schools in Kanjirappally, at St. Dominic's School, Government High School, and in Vazhoor at SVRV (NSS)High School .

Following after graduating from SVRV High School, Vazhoor, I attended Pre-University at Devagiri College, Calicut, at Trivandrum, and Masters at Aligarh Muslim University. I spent two years at the prestigious Aligarh Muslim University where I began in the Master of Commerce. I received my M.Com degree in Sept. of 1968.

I began working in St. Aloysius College, Elthuruthu, Thrissur and many tutorial colleges in Ernakulam, and Palai.

In the December of 1973, I married Rosakutty, Vettathu, and daughter of Mr. George Vettathu, Moonnilavu, and Mary Kappil. Later our marriage, we migrated to New Rochelle, New York in 1973 and here and now, I am a language specialist in South Indian [B]ooks and cataloger in New York Public Library.

I have lived most of my life in New Rochelle; USA had the same address since 1974.

I have two children - daughter and son; both are grown.
(a) Sajel (Jiji) Joseph (daughter).
She is a graduate of Ursline High School, New Rochelle, New York. She later received her MBBS degree from Sri DevRaj Urs Medical College, Bangalore University, India.
(b)Jijoe Joseph (son)

I derive joy from spending time in the company of my family and friends, researching my family history, a never-ending quest I began my research a two years ago and have been motivated ever since.

I have already succeeded an authentic research beginning with my ancestors. On my father's side, I have found positively much documentation. I have only a short while ago initiated the search in contact with my mother's ancestors for that reason my information does not go back that far.

In February of 1994, my mother had died. I realized after her death that I knew next to nothing about her ancestors, and I did not want my children to face the same thing upon my death. I decided that I would update the information in the web site and preserve the information for my children.

My home page is dedicated to our family history. It is my inheritance for all of my family to derive joy from! Now when my children's children, nieces, nephews and future generations ask questions in regard to their ancestry, they will have more answers than I did.

There could possibly be errors in some files, but I have done my best to be as accurate as possible. I gladly take corrections from family members if any one has more information to submit to this very large family.

I welcome your comments, suggestions, and corrections, as well as your submissions for this site.


I am hereby dedicating this page to all those who escaped terror from Nilackal from an unknown disaster at the brink of 14th century.

*These people, practicing Christians, brought the statues of Umma and Mahesa, also known to Westerners as Our Sacred Mary and Jesus Christ from Nilackal with the hope of preserving their religion.

*These people emigrated from Nilackal to Pazhoorthodam contained in the boundaries of Kanjirapally.

*These people are known to have descended from Thommi, Periyaveettil- Nilackal, the very man, our Greatest Grandfather who preserved this great culture for us and gave us a reason to further develop this great culture and ethical standard.

*These people, those who emigrated Nilickal after this great disaster and preserved the roots of our great culture have disappeared to eternal heaven where they may live an eternal life of peace and harmony.

May God enlighten us to follow their footsteps, to preserve out great culture and religion, to stay true to our roots for our generation and generations to come.

Origin of St.Thomas Christians(Malayalam)

Kanjirapally and Pazhayapally,History(In Malayalam)

Padannamakkel Kudumbacharithram(In Malayalam)

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Rajeev (Roshan) son of P.C.Thomas (A well known serial actor)

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Varada (Emmy Mohan) daughter of Joy and grand daughter of P.C.Abraham (Tamil and Malayalam Actress-heroine).
Varada (Mathrubhumi)