You need RealplayerG2 to listen to these.
If you don't have it already, click below to download it for free.
These files play at different volumes so prepare to adjust your speakers.
Choose streaming to load instantly, choose download to save the file (this will take awhile).
Most of the sounds on this page are copyrighted, so DO NOT use them without written permission.
ANDI - Krysten Cummings
JANE - Sally Anne Marsh
EVE - Natasha Kristie
Andi and Jane singing "Sex on a Train"
{streaming} {download}
Andi singing "Can't Talk Now"
{streaming} {download}
Eve and Andi singing "Go For the Kill"
{streaming} {download}
Andi singing "Nature's in Conflict"
{streaming} {download}
Andi singing "I'm So Sorry"
{streaming} {download}
The Fix
TINA - Krysten Cummings
Tina singing "Lonely is a Two Way Street"
{streaming} {download}
Tina singing "Alleluia"
{streaming} {download}
Tina singing "Mistress of Deception"
{streaming} {download}
MIMI - Krysten Cummings
ROGER - Manley Pope
Mimi and Roger singing "Light My Candle" (6/12/99)
{streaming} {download}
Mimi singing "Out Tonight" (6/12/99)
{streaming} {download}
Mimi and Roger singing "Without You" (6/17/99)
{streaming} {download}