1. Nikita, bedroom, now
2. Nikita: Michael, should we attack? Michael: Not right now, my feet hurt
3. They are on a mission, deep in the woods, and Michael calls from afar: Anyone bring toilet paper?
4. Operations, there's some green stuff in your teeth
5. Maddy, I smell fish...you might wanna get that checked
6. Michael to Birkoff: Run a sim...what's the percentage of Operations
dying before tonight?
7. Nikita, can you pick my wedgie?
8. Ops: Michael, are you paying attention?
Michael: On this salary? I can't afford to pay attention. Have you
seen my new apartment?
9. To Michael on phone: You need to come in
Michael: Wait, Tina's about to confess that she killed her husband
who's also her father.
10. Something looks good in Section today...oh yeah, that's me.
Top Ten Things I'd like to hear Birkoff say:
1. Why don't you start living up to your name "Operations" and start operating the computer. I'm taking a lunch break.
2. According to the Sim, there's a 90% chance that the sim wont be complete until tomorrow.
3. Ops: Birkoff, I wanted the results to that sim on my desk two hours ago. Birkoff: If everyone would stop interupting me with their petty little problems, I could get something done.
4. Maybe if I start dressing in black and say nothing I'll get a little respect around here.
5. Leave me alone damn it, I've been trying to win this game four months ago!
6. Jesus Christ, do I have to do everything around here?
7. Birkoff: Operations, if you don't give me a vacation, I'll put a virus in your computer. Ops: I'll have it removed. Birkoff: How, you'd call me to remove it. Ops: Leave approved.
8. Nikita, just kiss Michael and get it over with. We're all tired of the anticipation.
9. Ops has a woman, Michael has a woman, where's my woman?
10. Ops: You can't keep sending people that threaten you on death missions. Birkoff: Why not? Works so far...